Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Why glitter powder is dangerous?

Kimmo Huosionmaa

There have been stories about glitter-make-up and the small plastic pieces, what will go to the oceans when that make-up will be washed away. When we are talking about the piece of art, what is used those little plastic pieces, we must say that this kind of things are dangerous for the humans, because if somebody drinks the bottle, what if filled with glitter-bites, can those pieces go to the human blood, and they might cause very serious situation. I don’t know can those bites actually sucked to human blood from bowels

But I must say that there is one group of the people, who might put glitter to their blood by injection. That group of the people is drug addicts. If their drugs are mixed with those plastic bites, they will go to blood system, and then they might block little blood vessels in the victim's body That might cause the necrosis in that person’s body, and the death is always followed by this. And also the blood vessels of the brains might be blocked, and therein not unnecessary cells in the brains.

If some cells die in the human body, that will cause horrified abscess and death, because necroses will just diffuse in the body. There are rumors that glitter-powder have been put in the amphetamine on purpose because the smugglers are stolen from cargo, and that’s why they have replaced the drug with that plastic. But in some cases that plastic powder has mixed in the drugs for purpose of killing or harm other people.

The maker of those things might be some avenger, who wants to take revenge for some gang fellows. Or maybe the maker of that action might be some psychopath, who wants to see the victims suffer. The glitter-powder is extreme murder equipment, what is easy to get. And that stuff is the very horrifying thing if it goes to wrong hands.

Many people hate gangs and drug-addicts who actually are victims of this unethical business. But we must always remember, that people make crimes to get the drugs, and some of those crimes are very violent. That is the reason, why somebody will hate narcotic users very much. And maybe some of them will mix the plastic in the narcotics. And it might make many bodies a sacrifice on the streets.

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