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Who actually was Vincent Van Gogh? And who ripped his ear?

Vincent Van Gogh
(Picture 1)

Kimmo Huosionmaa

Vincent Van Gogh (1853-1890) was one of the most well-known artists in the world, but this reputation and the respect of this man’s art have raised after his death. And in some stories is mentioned, that this man never sold any of his works during the artist's life. When we are looking for the life of Vincent Van Gogh, we must notice on the thing. Vincent is the very unusual name in the Netherlands, and that means Vincent has maybe some family members in Great Britain. But we can’t be sure about that thing, but as we might know, the name Vincent is a British name. In this text, I must make one question of that artist. If he didn’t sell any of his paintings during his life, who paid his costs?

 When we are looking about the younghood of that artist, we must notice, that he had the same name, what was given to elder brother who died a couple of years earlier than Vincent was born.  His childhood was very cold, and in every day he must walk by the gravestone, where were his names, and that must not feel good in this man’s heart. When we are looking for his four years younger brother Theo, we must realize, that Vincent lived always in the shadow of his dead brother. Was Theo actually his brother, or did Vincent just imagine that this man was his brother, because if Vincent was always live with his dead brother, might he want somebody, who he will show the feelings and tell about his emotions? In real life, Vincent might be without attention, and that’s why he needed somebody, who cares him.

And the better question is, why this person paid the bills of Vincent Van Gogh? And the thing, what makes this artist so interesting, is why the doctor of the mental hospital gave the flat to that patient? In official story Vincent van Gogh got financial support from his brother Theo Van Gogh, but why Theo gave him that money? When Vincent died in 1890, Theo died very soon after him, and in this case, somebody thinks that Theo committed suicide. So did Theo made business with faked art, what was made by Vincent? Or why did he died 6 months after his brother? When we are looking about the life of those brothers, we must notice, that Theo rented the big apartment in Paris for his brother, and here I must say that did the brothers sell the faked art and did Vincent do the artwork and Theo the shopping of those paintings?

In the stories that man had a brother, who paid all the bills what this artist made, but when we are looking about his life, we must see that this artist was in the mental institute, and in that time was very unusual, that family members kept contact of those persons. The one thing, what is very interesting part of Van Gogh’s life, is that his ear was ripped, but in the portrait of this man is no sign of the ripping, so that is a secret, what kind of injury that self-injuring made to that artist. Some letters were mentioned that this artist separated all ear from the head, but some rumors say, that this ripping was made by somebody else.
Starry Night

Probably the person, who ripped that ear was some other mental patient but officially that was made by Vincent himself. In some wildest rumors and theories, the ear of Van Gogh was ripped of the man who began to know as "Jack the Ripper". The man who made seven brutal murders in 1888 London's Whitechapel. But somebody claims that the personnel of that institute did break their orders to observe the patients and that was a reason for the cutting that artists ear. And that would explain the behavior of one of the institute's doctor. This doctor gave the department to Vincent, and probably the reason of that kindness was to cover the mistakes, what happened in that mental institute. The art of Vincent Van Gogh is very unusual, because of the techniques, what he used in the paintings.

The use of the instruments is very sharp because all parts of the artwork are similar to their surfaces, but the use of the brush is very rare because the stripes are made for a purpose. When we get back to the life of that artist, we must look at his portrait, and in that painting, the clothes what this man used were not cheap or bad, and that means this man had financial support. And when we are looking at the painting, what he made, we must be sure that he used the time for those works. When we are looking for the famous work ”Starry night”, we must be sure that this work is a portrait of some village at somewhere else than in Netherlands or Belgium. Actually, the painting is made in Saint-Rémy, but there is also the believes that this picture is representing the village somewhere in Germany because the church is different than the Saint-Rémy church.

It is the vision, what this man saw from mental hospitals window in 1889, but here I must ask one question. Why this man allowed to keep the painting equipment in that mental institute? What kind of conditions did he live in that hospital? Did he have own room, or why that equipment didn’t take off his hands? There is a photograph of the bed of Vincent Van Gogh, but there is one strange element of this story of the artist, who was closed in the mental institute. The symptoms of Vincent were hallucinations and the lost of contact with the reality. And that kind of person might be always dangerous. If the reason for the mental disorder was syphilis, would somebody give that to Vincent by injection?

And was the reason for that injection the painting what was named as the ”Starry Night”? Did that painting made from some drawings, and then somebody wanted to silent that artist, who made the painting. And was the story about him in some magazine reason to kill that man, because of the faked art? If Vincent would speak, all business would be uncovered, and then those men made dissection to kill him. And when Vincent was killed, Theo was useless, and then he has killed for silent this man.

The strange thing is the doctor Paul Gachet was given the department of the Vincent Van Gogh and started to give him the medical attention. And the question is, why did this man do that thing? Because if Vincent was some kind of dangerous person, he must be under the surveillance all the time. Was that flat a price of something, what this artist made in somewhere else. When Vincent died in 1890, the question is, why this man allowed to keep the pistol in his hands? If he were somehow dangerous, why this doctor didn’t take him to the mental institute?

Picture 1

Picture 2


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