Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Is the Agenda 21 modern version of the Orwell’s book “1984”?

Kimmo Huosionmaa

This is the writing about the pure controlling environment. I don’t know how true these thoughts are, but the bases in the Orwell’s book “1984”. There are rumors that “Agenda 21” might cause the ecological catastrophe, and in some theories is mentioned, that this United Nations plan is made to increase the speed of evolution, and when this action is done, only the personnel, who have the strongest genetic material will stay alive. There are rumors that  “Agenda 21” will involve the large-scale use of passivating and hypnotic drugs, what might cause very bad hallucinations. The purpose of those drugs is to make people more easily to control, and also some of those drugs are mentioned to make people angry, and then they will become violent. I don’t know if this the way, what real United Nations wants to do with the people.

But as we know, might some military forces act in the name of the international community. There are the rumors, that there are some other programs, what are made for serving  the particular countries national interests, and we don’t know how many secret addendums are listed to the “Agenda 21”, and probably those addendums are made between the superpowers of the Earth, and they might not inform another part of the UN for their plans. The problem with the chemical weapons is that they are totally out of control. Even if the United Nations will observe the chemical weapons, the international community can actually justify only the production of the nerve gases, but the bulk-chemicals are problematic, because chlorine and phosgene are very popular in medical industries, and the chlorine is the vital part of many disinfection chemicals and also pure chlorine will be used in the swimming pools.

Those gases are the oldest chemical weapons, whatever created, and they are still deadly. But the large-scale pollution is the thing, what can’t be controlled. If the chemical factory dumps pollution in some area, those chemicals will cause the transformation for the area as the chemical desert, what will cause the loss of the food production and of course chemicals will pollute the water. This kind of actions might be causing the starvation, and also it decreases the obsession with the central government, what gives the food aid to that area. But when we are talking about population, the central government can use the viruses like papers for sterilizing the unwanted people.

When we are talking about the situation, where the pollution and starvation are used for choosing the people, who have the strongest genomes, we must remember that in the extreme conditions will the strongest people survive, and also the perfect genomes can make the person more resistant for the chemical attack. In this theory will some government push some chemicals in the drinking water, and that will cause cancer for those people. And if all food and water come from the central government, will make the situation, where the government will mix the hypnotic medication in those vital elements for human life. That will make the people more easy to handle, and the rebellions will be disbanded by those medications. This might be future of the state if somebody will begin to use the water or food delivery system as the delivering the drugs for the people, to make them stay restless.



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