Monday, December 11, 2017

The use of social media in the educational environment.

Kimmo Huosionmaa

The use of social media for educational purposes is a thing what have caused lots of talks. Of course, there are interactive message boards, what bases in the same technology than Facebook, what is mentioned for communication between the teacher and students. In some of those environments is a possibility for making the tests and use it for the document storage.

But there are more effects, what social media might bring in the learning environment. There is a possibility to make the interactive lectures on the Internet, where everybody has choices to answer the questions of the lecturer. In this scenario, the students will use their game headsets for answering the questions, what the lecturer will make. And the lecturer can finally look for the records of the answers after the lecture, and this way sees, who knows the real fact about the thing, what has been in the key question in the lecture. So everybody in the course might be noticed in this system.

Also, virtual environments can grow the size of the group without limit of chairs. And because all material is on the net, can students make their jobs in the home. If there is needed strong identification like in examine, might the system require telephone identification or fingerprint, and that allows the matriculation examination in the net. The person who observes the room can be anybody, and also security cameras can be used for observing the test. The virtual educational environment can use same style technology, what is used in many web-based computer games.

This kind of graphics and architecture might connect to the writing levers and that allows the use of script writing in the tests. And those surfaces can identify the persons by multi sensor systems, what connects the microphones, internet camera, fingerprints and retina pictures together. The mouse level can also identify the fingerprint, and that allows the strong identity in the tests, what are given in the university. This denies the opportunity for making the deceit in those exams. This might be future of studies in the global environment, where students can live in another country, but they are students of some universities.

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