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Art is the key element in symbolic function, what is necessary for memory investigation.

Kimmo Huosionmaa

When we visit in some art exhibition, we might notice, what kind of similarities some picture have between our real life, and what is saved in the pictures. The pictures are like triggers, what activates our memory blocks in the brains. This might feel like the artist has trapped the part of our life in the picture unless we know, that we ever meet this person in our life.

Or maybe the artist was walking down the same road and took the picture of us, and after the years this person will make the portrait. In this photo-cavalcade is the wood bite, what looks like the fish or the asteroid from another star. This kind of things will bring the memories of our past in the mind, and we can remember the fishing trips from the past. And the hands are the symbol of the making something. Do you know why the bad memories are the things what we remember first?

The reason why people have memory is that its mission is to protect the mankind. And when we see some pictures, they will activate memory blocks from the mind of the human. This is called as the symbol function in psychology. The picture activates also the creation-process in some people mind, and it will cause very intensive need to create something new. That is the reason, why some artists just focusing their work so hard, that they will not hear or see anything else. And there are stories that the artist continued the work, even the house will fall around this person.

The symbolic function is the very interesting thing, and it is commonly used in the education, and memory investigations. In the last case, the investigator uses pictures for activating the memory of the person, who is under the investigation. During that process, the investigator observes the target and the physical signals, what this person sends. Normally the investigator uses electrical equipment, what documents the body temperature and the activity of the nervous system for uncovering the truth.

Metering of body temperature will meter by the infrared sensor and the MEG measurement, what are used for taking pictures of the person’s brain function and the flow of the blood to brain tissue. This thing tells if the person has a bad feeling or the target will be nervous. Those reactions will uncover if the person is humiliated in some place because if the victim sees the place, where the humiliation happens, will the body reacts to that picture because that picture will cause the reaction in the body.

Picture source
All images of this page have been taken in the Espoo Art exhibition. The copyrights of the art belong to the artists who have made them.


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