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Animal mutilation cases and their connection to genetic experiments.

Skeleton of "Snippy" the horse,
what is the best known case
of the animal mutilation
(Picture 1)

Kimmo Huosionmaa

The most horrifying case, what involving the supernatural things, is the mutilation of the animals. In here I mean the cases, what are mentioned as the “supernatural”. This kind of mutilation is different than some satanic or occult ritual butchering, what is normally something like the cutting off the animals head. In this kind of cable and another animal, mutilation is remarkable that the injuries what will happen to the animals are not in the very large area.

The reason of death is sometimes unknown, and in this kind of “supernatural cases” the ripes what are made to the body are made with the equipment like laser-knives or another thing, what doesn’t leave cutting prints in the bodies. The taken parts of the animal are not very big, and in some cases, I think that there might be some connection to genetic technology.

When we are talking about the skin cells, those bites what are taken might be used to produce the artificial skin. If this kind of bites of the skin might be put in the alimony bowl, they might use for growing the artificial skin in some laboratories. And when we are talking about genetics and biotechnology, we will face the thing, that only one cell might be allowed to produce artificial meat for the food.

This kind of food what is produced by biotechnical methods might sometimes solute the food problem of the Earth. The blood can also manufacture by biotechnology is very easy. The producer needs only the bone marrow, what will be live in the artificial environment, where the producer might make artificial blood for the person, who will need it.  So if we will get back to the mutilation cases, we must face that if somebody needs the special tissue, what is in the animal’s mouth, and where is that tissue needed? To produce artificial pepsin for some special purpose. This kind of thing might cause the revolution for antibiotics production.

In the wildest theories, those cells are taken also from the animal’s womb, what allows the scientists build the artificial womb. The reason of that could make clones about the animals like cattle or humans.  These are very wild things what came to my mind, but if we have very good imaginations, we could make the plant, where we can make organs for animals in the farms. If we will make enough work, we might put the mammal and the flora together, and then the plant can produce human spare parts. This is not my own idea. I copied it from the old SciFi movie “The Thing from another world”, what was from 1951.

In that film, there was alien, what was the combination of vegetable and animal. It grows the copies of mates in the “garden”. In this kind of scenarios will the scientists produce the womb what outer level of the cells that are taken from veins and the inner level is like the womb. The outer level of the cells might take the food from its space. This kind of technology can be made by even human clones. And I know it feels the horrifying thing. There are also ethical and moral problems with this technology, and that is the reason, why I certainly hope that this is only the imagination.

Picture 1


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