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Showing posts from December, 2017

What will iron atoms make for graphene material?

Graphene is able to use ultra hard contact lenses (Picture 1) Kimmo Huosionmaa When we are talking about graphene, we mean the 2 dimension carbon atom network, what allows to make very strong surfaces for another material. The graphene network is very strong, and it conducts electricity. But if the carbon network will connect the iron atoms, that action will allow magnetizing the surface. The magnetized iron graphene has the quality, that it can be pulled up and down with the magnets. That material can be used as the walls, what must be self-cleaning. In this scenario, the iron atoms, what are connected to graphene network will be magnetized, and then the magnets will push and pull the graphene network, and then the dirt will be separated from that surface.  The push- and pull effect will be done by changing the polarity of the magnets, and then they can shake the network, and that allows to drop the dirt off it. The graphene itself is the super material, but if we will

The wool and fibers are nature's own nanomaterial

The fibers under the microscope Picture 1 Kimmo Huosionmaa The reason why wool is so popular material in the clothes what should be warm and dry while the person wears it is that wool fibers are hollow. That’s why this material is so unique. But do you know why the wool is suitable for clothes? Or why that material is liable? The reason, why that fiber is able to become curved, is that those fibers are not symmetrical. Wool fibers are full of little dimples, what allows it curve. If the fiber can be stiffed, it could use as the tiny saw for some extremely small-scale objects. And also the outer surface of the wool fiber is also full of little flats what makes that fiber allow to curve. The shape of the fiber depends on the animal or creature, what produces the wool. And the spiders and silkworms make the straight fiber. What have the other affections, and the structure of the spider's fiber makes that material extremely strong. In this text, I'm writing about t

Writing about the artificial cells and the changing the climate of the distant planets

Picture 1 Kimmo Huosionmaa When we are thinking about artificial cells or organisms, we must limit the texts and speeches in some part of the artificial organisms. There is three main part of the artificial cells. One is about the genetically engineered biological organism, second is the robot, what looks like example the snake or human and the third part of those artificial organisms is the factory, what makes copies about itself. The third group of the artificial organisms can functionally imitate the natural organisms, but they will look like steel factories or something like that. Those factories can be equipped with 3D-printing systems, and laser cutters, what allows them to make many products. The 3D-printing systems will make that production more complying than using the fixed production equipment. In the world of the artificial intelligence, is possible to make the factory, what has the capacity to make copies of itself. In this scenario, the factory might have

Some politicians have even hire persons to throw themselves with rotten tomatoes for getting the popularity

De Gaulle's Citroen after attentate (Internet photo) Kimmo Huosionmaa There are the cases in the history, where political candidates have set up attentates against themselves. In some case, when the political candidate has been lost the popularity and the Gallup polls have shown decreasing interests of this person's popularity, the candidate has paid a couple of guys to burn the home or throw the rotten tomatoes to this candidate, that the speeches must not be given to the public audience. In those situations, the candidate can prosecute the disorders in the case, that the campaign has been going wrong.  But in some cases, those setups have been very dramatic and more serious than throwing some rotten tomatoes against the political candidate. In the 1960's when the French colonies became independent some French military personnel created the organization, what is known as the OAS (Organisation de Armeé Secreté). The independence wars of the French colonies were

Somebody still selling oil to North-Korea

Picture 1 Kimmo Huosionmaa In the satellite pictures is seen that Chinese and Russian tankers are selling oil to North-Korea, and this is the very bad thing for the international community. When some members of international community slips of the line, there will be problems with the effect of those sanctions against that land. The problem of the situation in the Korean peninsula is that it will take the international observes out of some other states human right conditions and another kind of things. When there will be the nuclear crisis in Korea,  the United Nations observations would turn away from another, less interesting places like Ukraine and Middle-East. The nuclear crises are very interesting and frightening situations because the nuclear weapons are so devastating, but the North-Korean military have more notorious weapons than nukes, and proof of those weapons have been found one North-Korean military personal flesh. In this case is the question of biological we

Thinking about the shape of the god and nanotechnology

Kimmo Huosionmaa The difference between atheism and religion is like line, what is drawn on the water. And in the talks between atheistic and religious persons, we sometimes meet the persons, who just want to believe that the way this person think is the only possible way to think. And in those conversations is always the question that another person is the intellectual who believes in the rationalism and the religion is something, what only uncivilized persons are keeping the light in their life. Of course, everybody wants to be the intellectual and wise person, and in this, we sometimes make the mistakes to think that there is always some scientific answer to every question in the world, but same way we forget that atheism is also the religion. In normal life, the definition of the religion is that is believing some powerful and higher level creature, but in some way, we must say that the atheist would ask the religious person have this person ever met the god. But in t

Why the populistic (new) movements are so good in Gallup polls

Picture 1 Kimmo Huosionmaa There is always talking about populism, and all new political movements have got the stamp where they are mentioned be populistic. The picture what the media gives about them is always little bit naive and idealistic group of the people, who doesn't know anything about realities of the politics. The relationship between political movements and media is actually more complicated than we might even understand. Even in the world of social media, must the candidate use the main media for given the name and knowledge of the existence of the candidate, and those posters will hopefully make the people look for information of that candidate's homepages and social media pages. The main media is also the very important tool for given information of the things, what might interest about the people, and the candidates will get ideas for their texts and speeches from those articles, what are published in the newspapers and the official homepages of th

Writing about mass-production of graphene (Graphite what have only one layer of carbon atoms)

Layer of the graphene Picture 1 Kimmo Huosionmaa Production of the one atomic layer graphite or graphene is very difficult in the real world because the graphite must be cut that way, the only one layer of the carbon atoms will separate from the structure. In theory, the production of that material is very easy. The surface is just painted black with the pencil, and then the outer layer of the atoms will cut off, but the reason why this is very difficult is that the structure of that material is so small. The cutting knife must be put between the atom layers, and then the one layer of those atoms are separated from the bite of the graphite. There is one change to cut off one layer of carbon atoms from the surface, what is covered by graphite. The thing what might be promising is to use very thin laser ray to cut the outer layer of the carbon off the structure, and if that thing will be working, it will be changed to make very big graphene layers. And if we could make the bi

How the nanotechnology and graphite can change the way to make the steel?

Graphene structure Kimmo Huosionmaa The world of nanotechnology is the thing, what is called as the “nanotubes". Those fullerene tubes work like normal pylon or tubes, but they are much smaller structures. Damascus steel is very hard because it has the nano carbon tubes inside it. When the nanotubes are the longitudinal way for the blade of the sword, those tubes will harden that structure. In this text, I must mention that only longitudinal nanotubes give the strength to the steel, and that’s the reason, why those tubes must be longitudinal size thru the strike or pressure. By the modern technology those nanotubes can put in the customized bites of the steel that way, the pressure targets straight angle to the longitude of the carbon tube, but if we want to make the hardest steel, by using the carbon tubes, will the best way be putting those carbon tubes in standing position against the pressure. When the pressure comes from the large area, what is predicted, mus

Was the "Baltic Sea UFO" the BMW's flying disk or the "Flügerad" from the year 1944

Picture 1 Kimmo Huosionmaa Was the “UFO of the Baltic sea" actually the BMW’s flying disk, is the question, what might interested some persons. When the couple of years ago some investigators found the disk-shaped object on the bottom of the Baltic Sea, the media was very interested in that thing, but in that time they forgot that in the end of the World War II the German aircraft engineers made many radical aircraft concepts, and some of those airplanes was made only one or two pieces. And one of those concepts was the BMW’s flying disk. This disk was made by the BMW-corporation for emergency production, and the shape of the disk was chosen for decreasing the need for aluminum.  This saucer-shaped aircraft had two piston engines, but in the later models were planned to install the BMW 003 jet engine. This aircraft is not very well known. And when the WWII was ended, many of those experimental aircraft was destroyed or sank into the sea. Picture 2 So maybe tha

What the "Todesrune" means for authoritarian systems?

Kimmo Huosionmaa "Todesrune" is the symbol of opposite morale than Nazis and Waffen-SS had, and it meant the death of an authoritarian and totalitarian system. When we are talking about the “Lebensrune" and “Todesrune" we must notice that Waffen-SS official way to think was different than normal persons have, and this is why the death of Third Reich means to live for that personnel, who were persecuted by the Nazis. The official way of thinking in that organization was that weak persons must die, and also the henchmen had the responsibility to give their lives if their superiority ordered to make the suicide. In this notorious organization had only one law. The henchmen must do exactly, what the superiority ordered. Without making any questions about the orders what they got. And that was the rule even for the highest rank officials, whose orders were to carry the cyanide tablets in their pocket or hollow teeth in their mouth because the suicide made them

Goetheanums are very strange buildings, what have innovated even the moon stations of NASA

The First Goetheaunum (Picture 1) Kimmo Huosionmaa When we are thinking about the Goetheanum and the shape of that building, we must see the connection with the shape of Synagogue. When Rudolf Steiner builds or planned that the first Goetheanum  building this strange building might give ideas for NASA moon station and underwater bases. In many artworks, the first Goetheanum would be impressed the artists when they have painted those moon bases in their artwork. There are many similarities between Synagogue and the shape of the synagogue and mosques are feed the imagination of many people. Many thinkers and theorists sees the mosques and minarets like some moon station and rockets. And it feeds the theories of the ancient humanoids. Like all kind of strange buildings, there are many stories and rumors what are told about this building. That seems that the first Goethenaum was inspired by Synagogue, what caused the problems with Nazis, who claimed that Steiner was some kind

Steiner and theosophical methodology

The first Goetheanum Picture 1 Kimmo Huosionmaa Rudolf Steiner was the great thinker, in many ways, and when we are talking about the relationship with the Steiner's pedagogy and another world, we might see that there are some harmful parts of his theories. One is his relationship with medication, and I think that this man was wrong if he meant that some real sickness is medicates with some therapy. In this case, this thinker is wrong, if he meant that ordinary medicals can be replaced with some natural thing. His idea that cancer is some kind of parasite, was probably given the ideas of the surgeries, that the tumor can be killed by closing it blood vessels by some wire is awesome, but Steiner was not the doctor of medicine. And don't take this text or some text from Wikipedia as the scientific truth. His methodology will be emphasized as the studies, not in some medical care. Those persons like Rudolf Steiner are very complicated, and we probably ever understand the

Thoughts about freedom of thinking

Picture 1 Kimmo Huosionmaa In the freedom of thinking is one way, what we might think as very free. This way of thinking is the atheism, and of course, many people say proudly that they are atheists. And one of the greatest atheists is the world is, of course, Joseph Stalin. This man had only one thing in his mind when somebody in the country what was lead by Stalin was talking about the freedom of thinking. The freedom of thinking was allowed when the way of thinking was same as the Joseph Stalin, and the thinker was like the parrot, who repeated same things as the Joseph Stalin said, and this is why some atheists are very ponderous. They think that the only right way to think about the things is same way then this person has. But there is one thing what makes those persons like Stalin very weird. They can't stand that somebody has different opinions than this particular person has, and this kind of person uses violence for silent other opinions. They are unable to

Even the best formula driver is nothing without good equipment and the team, and this same thing can be conducted to any other thing in the world.

Picture 1 Kimmo Huosionmaa Text on the heading of this text is meant describing the problem of the science or anything, where the person wants to be on the top.  Every master in the world needs good equipment, but also the team is very important. Only the best orchestras make the master's symphonies feel good. If the musicians can't do their job and handle the instruments, the result is not what people expect. And of course, the capelle master must know what are the instruments, what are meant for this particular symphony. The scientist is facing the same kind of the problems that some rally or formula driver or musician. Making good science needs good equipment and of course good team, what gives everything in that investigation. Also, they must realize that every part of the science is used a different kind of instruments. And the astronomers don't even need the particle accelerators when they are looking for exoplanets. But in this world, where everything is

About the fuel and energy supply of the artificial animals and nano-bugs

Picture 1 Kimmo Huosionmaa The support of the robots is simpler than people normally think, they need only fuel or electricity to make the robot functionary, and the best way is if the robot's refueling would be so easy thing that filling the tank of the car. New generation robots are artificial organisms, and they can even look like horses, bugs, and lizards. Those robots can be covered by the artificial skin, what makes them look like animals, and those artificial animals are not necessary even noisy. They might use fuel cells to produce the energy for their systems, and those things, what is used in the spacecraft will make no noise, while they will work. And the fuel cells need only the hydrocarbons to make the energy. So in the scenarios, those artificial animals can drink the gasoline or alcohol from the bail like real animals do. The secrecy of the operations of intelligence and covert-operative systems is extremely important, and that is the reason, why that sup

Nano-Robots the new workhorse of the other technologies, and in the future, they can give people change to live forever.

Picture 1 Kimmo Huosionmaa Nano-sized robots are the most fascinated workhorse for another technology. Those tiny little machines can move the single molecule-sized objects in the particular place, and that's why they are able to use to build the artificial DNA. In the imaginations we can produce the tiny robots, what can swim inside human cells, and rebuild the DNA inside them. Those tiny nano-robots can offer the ultimate medical offers, and even all the human immune system can replace with them. In those scenarios, the person, whose immune system must shut down, will fill with those robots, what replaces the normal immune cells. That kind of situation might be when some person will get leukemia or AIDS, and the immune cells must be removed from the body. The nano-robots can also work inside the human, and restore the damages in the case of the accident. In the dream-like scenarios, those robots can deliver in the air, and then they will split into the victim's bod

How are the ancient gods made?

Picture 1 Kimmo Huosionmaa When we are talking about the gods, this world doesn’t always mean that the god is nothing else than the person, who have some skills, what makes this person necessary for the community. In some cases, those skills, what the god had might seem like some supernatural things, but in the real world, the background of those things is almost every time some usually very simple technology. If some person controlled the irrigation system, he must be the person, who got very much respect from other people. This thing is notable, when the god of ice is mentioned in some texts. This person might have skills to make the ice. In the realistic way that person had skills to build the temperature pump, and that thing might make the very good impression for some people, who saw the nasty stick and the wind, what caused the cold and white stuff formation in the surface of the artificial hill or house. In this text, the words “artificial hill”, means the muddy hump

The black rose and the breeding of the human race

Kimmo Huosionmaa There is told many stories about the ”Anunnaki”, one of the gods of the Mesopotamia. Somebody has seen this worlds similarity with the worlds of Inuit languages, and they have made the conclusion, that Anunnaki and the Sumerians had some connections with the Inuits or Eskimos.  The evidence is shown Plato’s story of the ”Ultima Thule”, what might mean the sea of the Barents. In some theories, the royal families had their family trees because they wanted to increase the over human or the ”Arian race”. In some theories, Anunnaki was some man or woman in the Mesopotamian court, and that person was very intelligent. Here I’m thinking what kind of person, that ancient god might be. Many things what will mention in this text, are against our western moral, and I hope that nobody will ever test this thing in the own life. But why Anunnaki was different, and some people will give the explanation of that person was actually the humanoid. I’m little skeptical of this

The way of extermination might be unseen but makes the person unable to live independently.

Nano-Submarine (Picture 1) Kimmo Huosionmaa The nanotechnological possibility to exterminate some particular person is the very serious thing in the national security. The nanotechnical machine, what can be used in this kind of operation might be some liver poison, what will be modified nano technically. In this modification the poison molecule will be connected to the enzyme or the antigen, what can change the blood cells to carry that poison to the particular neurons in human brains. Another way is to use something, what the mankind ever thinks dangerous. By the most modern chemical methods is possible to make synthetic antigens, what makes possible to transfer molecules or cells in the particular cells or points in the human body. Those molecules can destroy only the particular cells in the human, and in this scenario, that cell-group will be the neurons, what are found in the amygdala. In this scenario, the thing, what will transfer to the target’s brain is the cell,

The Effect of the pyramids

Giza Pyramid and the lighning (Picture 1) Kimmo Huosionmaa Why might the pyramids make the person wealthy? The reason is the shape of the structure, what causes the phenomenon, where the air will be conducted to the top of the pyramid by touching the surface of the wall. The effect will keep the surface of the wall clean. And because the flow of the air is pulling the water from the ground, will the humid air be be more comfortable to breathe, and it feels comfortable because the air is cleaner than outside of the structure. This might help to cause the situation, where tissues will renew more effective than the normal house, and the good air inside the pyramid structure might help people live healthier. The pyramid structure will suck all pollution in the top of it, and in this way, there is less dust mold and bacteria in the air. If we are talking about the great pyramids of Giza, we must say that because the structure is in the tallest place in that area, it will pull t

Pentagon is starting to use artificial intelligence to hunt the terrorists

Picture from movie "Wargames" (Source Internet) Kimmo Huosionmaa The artificial intelligence is very capable of for hunting the terrorists in the cities. This kind of systems can network a different kind of sensors like surveillance cameras, drone pictures, and the social media pictures together. In those systems are used the technology, what is created to uncover the dangerous people in the railway stations. If some people talk to the mobile telephone, the system can send the drone to see that place, and sometimes the person will stand alone in some hill, and the drone can get the good image from that person's face. The voice records can use to compile the captured voice with some telephone calls what are captured from the telemarketers and another kind of telephone discussions. Those systems bases the image recognition system, what will notice if some person might match with the picture of the terrorist. The warm jackets or vest in the shiny summer day