Sunday, December 31, 2017

What will iron atoms make for graphene material?

Graphene is able to use ultra hard contact lenses
(Picture 1)

Kimmo Huosionmaa

When we are talking about graphene, we mean the 2 dimension carbon atom network, what allows to make very strong surfaces for another material. The graphene network is very strong, and it conducts electricity. But if the carbon network will connect the iron atoms, that action will allow magnetizing the surface. The magnetized iron graphene has the quality, that it can be pulled up and down with the magnets.

That material can be used as the walls, what must be self-cleaning. In this scenario, the iron atoms, what are connected to graphene network will be magnetized, and then the magnets will push and pull the graphene network, and then the dirt will be separated from that surface.  The push- and pull effect will be done by changing the polarity of the magnets, and then they can shake the network, and that allows to drop the dirt off it.

The graphene itself is the super material, but if we will connect there an intelligent component, we can make it even more efficient, what it has been. In this scenario, the bulletproof jackets and vests are equipped with the intelligent component and between the graphene layers is the layers of the iron graphene those intelligent protective clothes can pull the graphene layers to the bullet before it hits the target.

The intelligent system works with miniature radars and other sensors, and those sensors notice the shape of knives or bullets, what is closing the person, and activates the active system just before the projectile hits the target. Of course, those intelligent systems can activate the electric protection system, what gives the same caliber electric shocks than electric batons, or even nano-sized microwave transmitters, what will deny other people to touch that protective gear.

his technology based on the thin electric insulators, what can be protected the electric components from high voltage electricity. Also, the magnetrons can be produced in very small size, and in this scenario is used the atom-sized electric wires and other super miniaturized technology. The computing system might base the smart mobile telephones, what can be used as central processing units. The mobile telephones operating system might be changed, and then that equipment can be used as the computer, but the ideal thing is that normal mobile telephone can be equipped with the applet, what allows it to communicate with microchips, what are hired in the clothes via WLAN or Bluetooth. The imagination is the limit in nanotechnology.


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The wool and fibers are nature's own nanomaterial

The fibers under the microscope
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Kimmo Huosionmaa

The reason why wool is so popular material in the clothes what should be warm and dry while the person wears it is that wool fibers are hollow. That’s why this material is so unique. But do you know why the wool is suitable for clothes? Or why that material is liable? The reason, why that fiber is able to become curved, is that those fibers are not symmetrical. Wool fibers are full of little dimples, what allows it curve. If the fiber can be stiffed, it could use as the tiny saw for some extremely small-scale objects.

And also the outer surface of the wool fiber is also full of little flats what makes that fiber allow to curve. The shape of the fiber depends on the animal or creature, what produces the wool. And the spiders and silkworms make the straight fiber. What have the other affections, and the structure of the spider's fiber makes that material extremely strong. In this text, I'm writing about the nanotechnology, and I don't mention all sources, where fibers come from.

Spider silk
Picture 2

The normal symmetrical tubes won’t curve, and in some tests have been tested what would happen if the wool fibers would push the symmetrical shape, and that would make the material stiffed, and in this scenario, the stiffed wool fibers used the base material for making the fullerene tubes. In this scenario, the carbon would steam on the wool fiber, in the reaction chamber what would be filled with methane gas. This is the thing what I wrote soon earlier. But stiffed fibers can have very much use in the buildings but those small size tubes can be revolutionized the things like surgery.

Small diameter nanotubes can take in the tumors, and they can suck the cancer cells out of the body, with the sharpness whatever been seen. Also, the single cells can be sucked empty, and those little tubes can also use to change the DNA in the nucleus of the cells. Those tiny hollow tubes might have many more usages in the world of science and technology.

They can be used in so many things, like making ultra-light materials and the instruments, what have extremely sharpness. That kind of miniaturized hoovers can be suitable for electronic component manufacturing systems, where they can be used to remove small particles from the surface of electronic components and another kind of stuff, what must be extremely clean.

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Writing about the artificial cells and the changing the climate of the distant planets

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Kimmo Huosionmaa

When we are thinking about artificial cells or organisms, we must limit the texts and speeches in some part of the artificial organisms. There is three main part of the artificial cells. One is about the genetically engineered biological organism, second is the robot, what looks like example the snake or human and the third part of those artificial organisms is the factory, what makes copies about itself.

The third group of the artificial organisms can functionally imitate the natural organisms, but they will look like steel factories or something like that. Those factories can be equipped with 3D-printing systems, and laser cutters, what allows them to make many products. The 3D-printing systems will make that production more complying than using the fixed production equipment.

In the world of the artificial intelligence, is possible to make the factory, what has the capacity to make copies of itself. In this scenario, the factory might have robot equipment like robot caterpillars and other tools, what it can use for making another factory. In this text is mentioned theoretical system, what acts as the cell, but its size is much bigger than the normal cell. This kind of robot factories can be used in some theoretical operations, where some other planet like Venus would be modified similarly than Earth.

In that operation is needed very much bacteria and seaweeds, what will destroy the sulfur acid from that planet atmosphere, and then it must reduce the carbon from the carbon monoxide, what will reduce the oxygen in the atmosphere of that planet. In that operation is needed very much bacteria, and in this scenario, humans will send the automatic factory on that planet. In this fictional scenario, that factory has artificial intelligence, what allows it to make copies of itself. The artificial intelligence will allow the support vehicle to find the necessary chemical elements from the planet hemisphere, by using the laser spectrometer.

And then the automatic control system will make laboratories in those factories, what can produce the artificial bacteria and other necessary organisms in the atmosphere of Venus. In those operations where an entire atmosphere of the planet will change, is needed very many organisms, or the process will be very slow. And that is the reason, why that target planet must send the large-scale production units, what can deliver the very much bacteria on that planet atmosphere. I didn't create the idea of making other planets like earth.

But if we sometimes will travel to the stars, we might face the situation, where human will want to make another Earth in some other solar system. In that scenario, the cold planet will transfer to Earth, and in that operation, the atmosphere of some cold planet must fill with greenhouse gas. Then the atmosphere will start to warm, and if the reason for that operation would be making the colony in some distant solar system, the travel to that target would take thousands of years.

And in that operation, there might be sending the robot spaceship first to the target system, what could be some cold planet in Gliese 581 system. And then the robot spacecraft would start to change the climate on that planet for the suitable for human organisms. The robot spacecraft could send example 500 years before the colonialists would send to that distant system. And then the robots and the artificial intelligence will start to change the climate of the planet.


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Saturday, December 30, 2017

Some politicians have even hire persons to throw themselves with rotten tomatoes for getting the popularity

De Gaulle's Citroen after attentate
(Internet photo)

Kimmo Huosionmaa

There are the cases in the history, where political candidates have set up attentates against themselves. In some case, when the political candidate has been lost the popularity and the Gallup polls have shown decreasing interests of this person's popularity, the candidate has paid a couple of guys to burn the home or throw the rotten tomatoes to this candidate, that the speeches must not be given to the public audience.

In those situations, the candidate can prosecute the disorders in the case, that the campaign has been going wrong.  But in some cases, those setups have been very dramatic and more serious than throwing some rotten tomatoes against the political candidate. In the 1960's when the French colonies became independent some French military personnel created the organization, what is known as the OAS (Organisation de Armeé Secreté). The independence wars of the French colonies were extremely bloody, and then the wars were ended, when Algiers and Vietnam took the independence.

That organization had one purpose, get those colonies back to control of the French government, and the same time that organization took the goal of its mission to eliminate the President of France Jaques de Gaulle. The last purpose is what something suspicious because De Gaulle's military background was against the independence of the colonies of France. And somebody claimed that De Gaulle was actually the head of the OAS. Then some persons made attentate against the president in 1962, and they used very strong firepower.

In that strike, the president De Gaulle didn't get injuries. The case was waked up the question, how could those men shoot multiple shots with the automatic weapons, that there were no injuries for the targets, but they killed his motorcycle bodyguards.  In that case, somebody thought, that De Gaulle was hired those gunmen, to shoot the political parting to his head. In 1963 the man named Lee Harvey Oswald was arrest by the murder of the President of the United States John Fritzgerald Kennedy.

In that case, what was the source of the millions of the pages of conspiracy theories is one theory, what sometimes came to my mind. That theory is about the Kennedy hired Oswald to shoot the car or some persons in the car, what he using by driving thru the Dallas. The reason was to avoid the TV-discussion in his second election campaign. The person who was shot was the Lee Harvey Oswald, who has spent a couple of years in the Soviet Union and was convicted as an unstable person. If that man was shot during the operation, nobody ever saw any suspicious of Kennedy's campaign, but then Oswald misunderstood the mission and shot the president in an accident.

Friday, December 29, 2017

Somebody still selling oil to North-Korea

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Kimmo Huosionmaa

In the satellite pictures is seen that Chinese and Russian tankers are selling oil to North-Korea, and this is the very bad thing for the international community. When some members of international community slips of the line, there will be problems with the effect of those sanctions against that land. The problem of the situation in the Korean peninsula is that it will take the international observes out of some other states human right conditions and another kind of things.

When there will be the nuclear crisis in Korea,  the United Nations observations would turn away from another, less interesting places like Ukraine and Middle-East. The nuclear crises are very interesting and frightening situations because the nuclear weapons are so devastating, but the North-Korean military have more notorious weapons than nukes, and proof of those weapons have been found one North-Korean military personal flesh. In this case is the question of biological weapons.

Those organisms that are found are anthrax-bacteria, but I don't know have somebody modified the genomes of those bacteria? In some scenarios, there is possible to connect the mushroom genomes in the bacteria, what makes those organisms act like mushrooms. In this scenario manipulated bacteria creates the form of hypha and that organism will stay at the chains, what can make them more devastating than any natural anthrax bacteria can be. But if some state will want to make biological weapons it will also need nuclear explosives.

Because if there is the leak in the laboratory, where those organisms are kept, must that place sterilize immediately. Best way to make that sterilization is to use nuclear weapons for destroying the laboratory and organisms what are inside it. The problem of biological weapons is that only one piece bacteria is enough for making those weapons. And even if the weapons would be destroyed, there might found some test tube in some icebox, and the cultivating of the new population of the bacteria is very easy.

That's why the North-Korea have changed more complicated. This state has got more powerful weapons with nukes, and it will give the power for Kim Jong Un and his government to counteract the international sanctions. And even his nukes can't destroy the military command systems of the United States, could those weapons give that leader more power in his leadership, because he will use the nukes as the power of domestic politics, what can force the people of the North-Korea to stay in the form.

Picture 1 and other text

Thinking about the shape of the god and nanotechnology

Kimmo Huosionmaa

The difference between atheism and religion is like line, what is drawn on the water. And in the talks between atheistic and religious persons, we sometimes meet the persons, who just want to believe that the way this person think is the only possible way to think.

And in those conversations is always the question that another person is the intellectual who believes in the rationalism and the religion is something, what only uncivilized persons are keeping the light in their life. Of course, everybody wants to be the intellectual and wise person, and in this, we sometimes make the mistakes to think that there is always some scientific answer to every question in the world, but same way we forget that atheism is also the religion.

In normal life, the definition of the religion is that is believing some powerful and higher level creature, but in some way, we must say that the atheist would ask the religious person have this person ever met the god. But in the opposite way, we might say to the atheist, that who have told this person, that there is no upper-level creature. And we might continue this conversation forever.

But as we might understand, the main question of the religion and atheism is that does the person believe in something, and that makes that thing so strange to normal people. When we are looking for the god, we have made searches from the own community to the Universum, and some scientists have made the model, where the god is some creature, what has got higher intelligent and technical level than human race. And the scientists are looking for that creature from the Universum, with the high powerful telescopes, in the program, what is called as the SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence).

But when we are thinking about the religion, we must see that Europeans was contrasted with the gods at the Pacific Islands. And the technology, what Europeans had was not anything, what would make them the gods. The technical level of Europeans was not so superior or dominating, that they were been as the gods. There is one very interesting theory about the gods. That is from the American Indians, who believed the white hair gods. And that was one reason, why those Indian civilizations were lost in the battles against Spanish and Portuguese conquistadors.

This was the very common tale of the Indians and that was given the idea to Erich Von Dänniken to make theories of ancient astronauts. In his theory, some aliens were landed on the Earth and the people thought that they were gods. In some theories, the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah was caused by the nano-machine attack.

That would be the good explanation for the things, what happened in the Holy Bible, but we ever found the single alien spaceships. But the man whose name was Stanislaw Lem created the idea of nanomachine attack by that story, and with the nanotechnology is possible to create the sandstorm, what travels in the speed of sound, and blows entire army away, when the enemy faces this sandstorm.

The particles might be like crystals, where are holes thru them. In those holes might be miniaturized magnets, what sucks the ionized gas thru them. Then those magnets accelerate the gas and conduct it thru those miniature tunnels, and the man-made sandstorm would be possible. The ionization of the gas might be done by radio waves, and then the nanomachines would start to fly.

But in theories, the lines of the Nazca were some kind of ancient airfields. And of course, there are some pictures what seem like astronauts on the walls of South American pyramids. Some people have mentioned, that if the humanoid wants to land here on the Earth, must this alien have the protective gear, what protects this creature about the bugs, bacteria, and viruses, what will be found on the earth. Those theories seem little too radical, and many people believe, that Erich Von Dänniken has got too much sunshine when he wrote his books. Those books involve many good pictures, and they are very good material to read if the person wants to travel in South America. Even if Von Dänniken was wrong, his ideas have given innovation for some outstanding technical advantages.

But in some other theorists have made theories that the gods have been the persons, who were controlled the water system, what allows the irrigation for the Sumerian culture, and those Sumerian gods were some people, who lived in the forests and collected the protection money like some mafia, from the people, who made the irrigation. So the gods might be people, who were not mentioned by the name, and probably it was mean the hidden power in some old cultures.

Thursday, December 28, 2017

Why the populistic (new) movements are so good in Gallup polls

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Kimmo Huosionmaa

There is always talking about populism, and all new political movements have got the stamp where they are mentioned be populistic. The picture what the media gives about them is always little bit naive and idealistic group of the people, who doesn't know anything about realities of the politics. The relationship between political movements and media is actually more complicated than we might even understand. Even in the world of social media, must the candidate use the main media for given the name and knowledge of the existence of the candidate, and those posters will hopefully make the people look for information of that candidate's homepages and social media pages.

The main media is also the very important tool for given information of the things, what might interest about the people, and the candidates will get ideas for their texts and speeches from those articles, what are published in the newspapers and the official homepages of the media houses. The political candidate is always the person, who creates the texts and other agenda of the ideas how this particular person might want to use political power if that person gets the place in the parliament or is elected as the president.

The question of the political environment is about making and creating the agenda, what gives the people to mark the number of the candidate to the election slips. And only the slips what are properly filled and put in the election box gives votes for the candidates. Why the populistic movements are so high in the Gallups is the question what might interest many people in the world. The reason for their popularity is the reason that they are seen as the colorful and fresh choice in the political field.

This means that this movement is a choice for old political power, and of course, the good success in the Gallup polls is the very good advertisement for candidates, who wants the financial support for their campaigns. The good success of the Gallup polls convicts that some person is the serious choice in the elections and only serious candidates can get the financial support for their campaign, and this is why the Gallup questions are made.

In the real world, the reason why the new candidates have good support in the Gallup polls is that their supporters are more active than so-called "old school" candidates". And many of those candidates are very young, and that's the reason why their back organizations are full of active idealists, who have the backgrounds as the activists or even radicals. And that is the reason, why they have very good spirit in their work. But there is one big thing in those movements, and that is the relationship with the media.

In the modern world, the social media is the very important role in the campaigns of the candidates. And also virtual publicity spaces will give freedom for writings, and that's why there are no limits for making texts in the social media. But there must be something, what pulls the people to read the candidates opinions. And then the candidates must give the opinions, what makes people like their ideas, how to handle the very complicated questions.

When we are talking about experience, what the candidate might have for working at the top level of the political system, I must ask one question: What is the experience, what the person might have about as an example of presidential work, before this person will be elected at this office. The problem of the political movement's relationship with media is complicated. The old political movements have knotted long and hard relationship for media, and that was given very much to both of them.

The media have chosen the material, what it publishes, and this is the reason, why the good relationship with media people was the very important thing for candidates, because if the candidate got the poster in the pages, what have interesting news, many people see it. The most important thing is to put the poster in the place, where people's eye will see it automatically, and use of the red or yellow color in the skirt is also very good idea because human eye will turn automatically to those colors. This is made for the human nervous system because the mouth of the dangerous beasts is always red or yellow. And that is the reason, why some colors are more effective in the advertisements than some other colors.

Writing about mass-production of graphene (Graphite what have only one layer of carbon atoms)

Layer of the graphene
Picture 1

Kimmo Huosionmaa

Production of the one atomic layer graphite or graphene is very difficult in the real world because the graphite must be cut that way, the only one layer of the carbon atoms will separate from the structure. In theory, the production of that material is very easy. The surface is just painted black with the pencil, and then the outer layer of the atoms will cut off, but the reason why this is very difficult is that the structure of that material is so small. The cutting knife must be put between the atom layers, and then the one layer of those atoms are separated from the bite of the graphite. There is one change to cut off one layer of carbon atoms from the surface, what is covered by graphite.

The thing what might be promising is to use very thin laser ray to cut the outer layer of the carbon off the structure, and if that thing will be working, it will be changed to make very big graphene layers. And if we could make the big layers of the material, what is so hard, that two layers of atoms will stop the bullets, will that make the revolution for buildings and security stuff. The graphene material is very light, and it can be used to cover the windows or balconies with the extremely hard material.

But the problem is that the laser ray must be very thin. But is the laser will use like the planer, would the normal size laser work in this kind of problem. The laser will move forward and backward for planing the outer layer of the graphite. And same time the thickness of the graphite layer is metered with scanning tunnel microscope to prove that there is only one layer of this extremely hard material left. Another way is to use the ionized carbon molecules, what will pull to the surface with the electric field. This looks little bit painting of cars, but in this scenario, the material what will dush to the surface is carbon molecules or extreme small size carbon dust. And after that, the laser might use to make one layer graphite or graphene.

The problem of making the nanotubes is more easy to solve. If the fullerene tubes might not be very small, the carbon might able to steam in the very high temperature and pressure in the surface of the wool fiber. In this reaction the wool fiber will put in the high-pressure chamber, where is methane in the space where is all oxygen removed.

If the oxygen is removed, the wool fiber doesn’t burn. Then the pressure and temperature will rise high enough, that carbon will reduce in the surface of the wool fiber, what can be cooled by pumping the water thru it. But maybe the temperature doesn’t rise too hard that this wool fiber will be melted. When there is no oxygen in the chapel, the carbon won’t start to burn. And maybe that technology allows the future to make very thin but hard carbon fibers, with large-scale mass production.


How the nanotechnology and graphite can change the way to make the steel?

Graphene structure

Kimmo Huosionmaa

The world of nanotechnology is the thing, what is called as the “nanotubes". Those fullerene tubes work like normal pylon or tubes, but they are much smaller structures. Damascus steel is very hard because it has the nano carbon tubes inside it. When the nanotubes are the longitudinal way for the blade of the sword, those tubes will harden that structure.

In this text, I must mention that only longitudinal nanotubes give the strength to the steel, and that’s the reason, why those tubes must be longitudinal size thru the strike or pressure. By the modern technology those nanotubes can put in the customized bites of the steel that way, the pressure targets straight angle to the longitude of the carbon tube, but if we want to make the hardest steel, by using the carbon tubes, will the best way be putting those carbon tubes in standing position against the pressure.

When the pressure comes from the large area, what is predicted, must the nanotubes position like pylons against the pressure. But another way is to put nanotubes like squares inside the material if the position where strikes or the pressure comes would be unpredictable. The net what is made by fullerene tubes will make the structure extremely hard. This kind of network will work very good in the cases, where the thin structure will strike against the material.

Another way is to use two layers of the single layer graphite the graphene structure to overlay the metal with the one of the hardest structure in the world. In this case, the metal will be made tougher by using the nanotechnological structure, what is so tough that two atomic size layers of that carbon net will stop the bullet. This material can be used to make the tools and screws tougher.

And this network of carbon atoms can be used on the surface of any structure and the depleted uranium bullets can be replaced with the bullets what are overlaid with the graphene network. That will make the bullets extremely tough, and they can penetrate armors very easily. The problem with this material is that production of graphene is so difficult. And that's why it won't be covering all structures in the world, and the bulletproof business suit, what is made of graphene costs 20 000 dollars.

Was the "Baltic Sea UFO" the BMW's flying disk or the "Flügerad" from the year 1944

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Kimmo Huosionmaa

Was the “UFO of the Baltic sea" actually the BMW’s flying disk, is the question, what might interested some persons. When the couple of years ago some investigators found the disk-shaped object on the bottom of the Baltic Sea, the media was very interested in that thing, but in that time they forgot that in the end of the World War II the German aircraft engineers made many radical aircraft concepts, and some of those airplanes was made only one or two pieces.

And one of those concepts was the BMW’s flying disk. This disk was made by the BMW-corporation for emergency production, and the shape of the disk was chosen for decreasing the need for aluminum.  This saucer-shaped aircraft had two piston engines, but in the later models were planned to install the BMW 003 jet engine. This aircraft is not very well known. And when the WWII was ended, many of those experimental aircraft was destroyed or sank into the sea.
Picture 2

So maybe that UFO was the BMW’s “Flying saucer" or "Flügerad", what was sink in the sea by the German military at the end of the war. One version of the "Flügerad" was used capillary tubes to rotate the inner propel system by pulling the wind thru it, and then the disk shape craft would be rise from the ground.

The order of those operations was given by the German high command for denying their most secret weapons to go to hands of the allied. Also, the scientists who worked in those projects were ordered to execute, because that was meant to hide those technical advantages like infrared scopes, missiles, and other military technology out of the hands of Allied forces.


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Wednesday, December 27, 2017

What the "Todesrune" means for authoritarian systems?

Kimmo Huosionmaa

"Todesrune" is the symbol of opposite morale than Nazis and Waffen-SS had, and it meant the death of an authoritarian and totalitarian system. When we are talking about the “Lebensrune" and “Todesrune" we must notice that Waffen-SS official way to think was different than normal persons have, and this is why the death of Third Reich means to live for that personnel, who were persecuted by the Nazis. The official way of thinking in that organization was that weak persons must die, and also the henchmen had the responsibility to give their lives if their superiority ordered to make the suicide. In this notorious organization had only one law.

The henchmen must do exactly, what the superiority ordered. Without making any questions about the orders what they got. And that was the rule even for the highest rank officials, whose orders were to carry the cyanide tablets in their pocket or hollow teeth in their mouth because the suicide made them choose to avoid the imprisonment. And this “helped to keep military secrets” like holocaust and the concentration camps hidden from the public. The way of life in that organization was death and violence. That’s the way the normal persons must think opposite way than some SS-man thinks. This is the reason why SS symbol “Todesrune" is actually the offer of life to normal people. The way of thinking in the one of the most brutal political army in the history was very egocentric.

 In that military organization everything what the leaders or the commanders said was right. And that gave those men right for the mass murders. In this way of thinking the death of the SS mean life for another person's. We must say that this notorious organization was the top of the totalitarianism and militarism. The form of those organizations is that all totalitarian states will force all the people in the same model. Individualism is the worst what could be done in the totalitarian system.

In those systems, the only purpose of the human is to serve the superiority and the person can’t serve authorities, this means that the person is useless. In those systems the superiority afraid the “Fractal effect" what is actually known as the “butterfly effect". In all very well organized and organized systems the disturb will be seen very far, and in one theory is mentioned the situation, where the butterfly strikes it wings, will that cause the whirl what will be strong and then it will transfer to the hurricane. In the systems like military forces, all disturbing might be very well seen, and that will grow to all the regiment size rebellion. And that's the reason, why all military forces will give extreme hard punishments to the persons what it seems to disturb the service. And that is the reason why “Todesrune” is live for others.

Goetheanums are very strange buildings, what have innovated even the moon stations of NASA

The First Goetheaunum
(Picture 1)

Kimmo Huosionmaa

When we are thinking about the Goetheanum and the shape of that building, we must see the connection with the shape of Synagogue. When Rudolf Steiner builds or planned that the first Goetheanum  building this strange building might give ideas for NASA moon station and underwater bases. In many artworks, the first Goetheanum would be impressed the artists when they have painted those moon bases in their artwork. There are many similarities between Synagogue and the shape of the synagogue and mosques are feed the imagination of many people.

Many thinkers and theorists sees the mosques and minarets like some moon station and rockets. And it feeds the theories of the ancient humanoids. Like all kind of strange buildings, there are many stories and rumors what are told about this building. That seems that the first Goethenaum was inspired by Synagogue, what caused the problems with Nazis, who claimed that Steiner was some kind of Jew, and that meant that all his work were abandoned by those brown skirt men, who wanted to destroy the Jews from the earth. Nazis persecuted everybody, who had different opinions than they have.

And their methods to force people into the same mode were very violent. That's why Goetheanums were the little bit abandoned in 1930's, and in Nazi Germany, only the fool said that he was the supporter of the Steiner's ideas of the individualism. Of course, the personality of Rudolf Steiner was given food to those stories.

The initial snow houses, what is known as the Igloo. After the first Goetheanum , Steiner designed the the second Goetheanum  building. In this theory, the  second Goetheanum  was meant for hiding or cover the purpose of the first Goetheanum . This later building is bigger and it is more conventional than the first Goetheanum. In some theories, Steiner took the model of those projects from the Buddhism. In this theory, the inner circle of the society of Steiner met together in the first Goetheanum. And the other people were met in the bigger Goetheanum. In those theories, there was some hidden society, what used those buildings in their purposes.

The Second and larger Goethenium
(Picture 2)

In this theory, the Thule-society gave the financial support for those buildings, and they wanted to use them for their own purposes, and I think that Steiner himself didn't have money to complete those plans. And in some theory, the name "Goethenanum" was meant also some symposium, what was kept with Steiner and the Thule society. But was that true, is the thing what nobody can't proof. In this scenario, Steiner organized two meetings between him and Thule society, where they talked about the use of the "Waldorf" methodology in the military training, and motivation for engineers and scientists work for military projects.

The similarities of the worlds Goetheanum and the rubidium and in some people mind have been the idea, that will somehow modifies the mind of the people. Those theorists think that there are radio-waves or radio system in that building what induct the electricity in the human nervous system. And in some very weird theories is claimed that Steiner got the drawings or plans for that building from some other persons.This is, of course, the rumor, but in the series, “X-Files" mentioned that some kind of Alien might give Steiner the instructions, how this building must be done.

Today we know that radio waves can induct the electricity in the human nervous system, and if Steiner or somebody else noticed that, they might test the EEG-transmission by radio, but I’m not sure is that the realistic theory. Today we could transmit the radio-signals straight to brain core. But I don’t know did Steiner knew that kind of technology was possible. And did the United States Air Force took the ideas of that building for “Montauk”-project.

But if we let our imagination fly free, we might think in this fictional scenario that Steiner would transmit the thoughts or information in the brains to the people mind by radio, who are staying in the Goetheanum.  And the last theory is, of course, so-called parascientific conspiracy theory. There is no evidence that Steiner took contacts with aliens, but because of his little bit weird personality,  those theories are still living in the mind of the people.

Steiner and theosophical methodology

The first Goetheanum
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Kimmo Huosionmaa

Rudolf Steiner was the great thinker, in many ways, and when we are talking about the relationship with the Steiner's pedagogy and another world, we might see that there are some harmful parts of his theories. One is his relationship with medication, and I think that this man was wrong if he meant that some real sickness is medicates with some therapy. In this case, this thinker is wrong, if he meant that ordinary medicals can be replaced with some natural thing. His idea that cancer is some kind of parasite, was probably given the ideas of the surgeries, that the tumor can be killed by closing it blood vessels by some wire is awesome, but Steiner was not the doctor of medicine. And don't take this text or some text from Wikipedia as the scientific truth. His methodology will be emphasized as the studies, not in some medical care. Those persons like Rudolf Steiner are very complicated, and we probably ever understand their ideas, but as we might see the methodology, what this man used was not very scientific.

He looked at the things from horoscopes and something like that. When we are talking about the religion and theosophical way of thinking, we always think that this thin is some kind of religion, and this is how somebody handles it in the writings. Steiner himself was mentioned, that Theosophy is not religion. And in sometimes I thought that this Theosophy is meant for the equipment, what this man used when he handled the things like religion. This man was the doctor of philosophy, and those persons are quite difficult.

Their way to speak and think is very abstract, and when we are talking about the religion, we are facing the thing, that religion is also one of the forms of the philosophy. And when we are talking what kind of attitude some people have with the religion, we are facing the phenomenon, that religion is one way to force the people in the same mode, and the religion is also the good way to say "Shut up" for another people.

The idea of the Steiner-pedagogy is that when the person will get the esoteric information enough, will this information get the implosion like happened in the fusion test, wherein the same point will pump very much energy, and then the energy will work like that piece will start to generate the independent energy. And the same thing is in the key role of Steiner-pedagogy. In this pedagogy, the person will predispose the knowledge, until this person starts to produce own ideas and information. When lots of information will put in the person's head, will it work like in some fusion test: start to make and publish own ideas.

The road to the individualism goes thru the groups, and until the person has been in some collective, can this person realize what means the freedom to be alone. And only the person, who has been in the authoritarian and totalitarian country can respect the freedom to be different than the other people around this person are. The question of to be different is the question of the right to be individual. And only the individualists dared to make new ideas and other things.

They want to be different, and also they always want to be over the top. There are limits for the individualist, and real individualist dares to use their own imaginations for making products and bringing their thinking public. They are the professionals in one thing, what is called as the thinking. Thinking is not the very easy way to earn the brad to the table, and some people don't dare to bring up their own ideas. In this chapter, I must say, that everybody can copy another people writings, but only real thinker dares to write own thoughts and ideas as other people can read them.

The idea of day books is sometimes that they are used as the blackmailing material. But now my dear readers I must ask, why those people keep their day books secret? Why don't they publish their writings to another person, and keep that day book public, because then everybody can see how maniac that person is. When some person will keep their day books open, there will be no change to censor it, and then other people will get all texts what this writer have done.

They can't select only one sentence from some day book, and this is the way to show to other people what is full image of that writer. And in here we must say that the persons who will attack against other people are normally used the one or two sentences of the texts that are in the 100 pages day book. Then they will show that the person, who owns the day book, would be some kind of different than they are, by using two sentences as the argument.

When we are talking about Rudolf Steiner and his way to look the world, we must say, that the person is never an expert in everything in the world. There is no so-called common genius and in 19th. century, there was very little hope if the person gets cancer. In the studies method, Steiner might be the genius, but in the medical things, this PhD. was only the ordinary person, even if he hunted ghosts in them and talked the astral creatures. When Steiner talked about those creatures, I think that this person meant the memories or something like that.


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Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Thoughts about freedom of thinking

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Kimmo Huosionmaa

In the freedom of thinking is one way, what we might think as very free. This way of thinking is the atheism, and of course, many people say proudly that they are atheists. And one of the greatest atheists is the world is, of course, Joseph Stalin. This man had only one thing in his mind when somebody in the country what was lead by Stalin was talking about the freedom of thinking.

The freedom of thinking was allowed when the way of thinking was same as the Joseph Stalin, and the thinker was like the parrot, who repeated same things as the Joseph Stalin said, and this is why some atheists are very ponderous. They think that the only right way to think about the things is same way then this person has. But there is one thing what makes those persons like Stalin very weird.

They can't stand that somebody has different opinions than this particular person has, and this kind of person uses violence for silent other opinions. They are unable to understand that there are another people in the universe and those another person has right to say that they have the different way to think about the things than this  "the boss" have. This way of thinking was very common in the Roman emperor's palace and emperor Augustus raised himself as the god. When he executed the person's who were not pleased him, this man became very powerful but same way he was very hated.

And after that, the Romans became very hated because the emperor was the Rome, and that way of thinking was caused the destruction of the Roman empire. Because the Emperor was so powerful authority in the Rome, nobody says that if there will be some enemies behind the wall. And if the emperor didn't listen, nothing was done. The emperor might though that the Attila was somewhere in the Middle East, and he woke up until Attila was behind the walls of the city of Rome.  The emperor thought that his legions could destroy the troops of Attila because that was always done before.

And nothing is so sure than unsure. If emperor didn't get information, what he needs,  that would cause the terrible situation. But nobody dares to tell to the emperor, that his legions were lost the battle. If this information was not satisfied the emperor, he might cut the informer's head. In the real life, the system of information or intelligence is not mentioned for please the leaders of the state. Its mission is to get the real information, what is needed when those men make their decisions.

And in this case, the system of the information might give the data, what feels very uncomfortable for the leaders of the state. I think that the emperor of the Rome would need that information, that his legions strength was too weak or their tactics were wrong, that he could defend the Rome. And when the city of Rome was conquered, the magic of Rome was gone. The city was gone, and the power of Rome was ended. The Rome was in the same position as the Soviet Union.

The military power of that nation was so frightened, that nobody ever dares to say anything against it. And the fear what was feed by populist and left-wing movements was build on the statue the rumors of the brainwashed military and the most powerful nuclear weapons, and that guaranteed the position of those movements because they claimed that they were the real friends of the Soviet Union. And of course, the persons who had different opinions than they had were dangerous. If somebody says anything against the great Soviet land, that would cause immediately the military attack against that country.  And that's why everybody must be quiet when the leader of the Soviet Union came to visit in some land. He was able to hear only the worlds what were served the leaders of the nation. And if somebody says anything else, would that person arrested by the police.


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Even the best formula driver is nothing without good equipment and the team, and this same thing can be conducted to any other thing in the world.

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Kimmo Huosionmaa

Text on the heading of this text is meant describing the problem of the science or anything, where the person wants to be on the top.  Every master in the world needs good equipment, but also the team is very important. Only the best orchestras make the master's symphonies feel good. If the musicians can't do their job and handle the instruments, the result is not what people expect. And of course, the capelle master must know what are the instruments, what are meant for this particular symphony. The scientist is facing the same kind of the problems that some rally or formula driver or musician.

Making good science needs good equipment and of course good team, what gives everything in that investigation. Also, they must realize that every part of the science is used a different kind of instruments. And the astronomers don't even need the particle accelerators when they are looking for exoplanets. But in this world, where everything is possible, the astronomers can probably create the wormhole, what can use as the cosmic light cable for bringing the photons from that distant object to the Earth, and with that thing, the physics and astronomers can make the cosmic "camera obscure", what they can use as making the observations of distant stars.

In this fictional scenario, the "Einstein-Rosen bridge", what size is smaller than the nucleus of the atoms works like light fiber and brings the light from the other side of that thing. The problem with wormholes is that the physics must be sure, that another side of the wormhole is at the right place in the universe. The energy what is needed is anonymous, and that's why those wormhole things like traveling thru them are only the level of the theory.

And the top equipment guarantees that the evidence of the new findings of that information will be recorded, that these new findings will be recorded as the scientific community wants. Of course, that reaction or result of the test must be renewed in same conditions than the original test is made, without dependence who made that test. In the world of science, the problem of being on the top means that the scientist must use the top equipment.

That will be very problematic because there is only one "Hadron" accelerator in the world. Those super particle accelerators are so problematic, because every time when the power of that instrument rises, the scientists will find new particles of the universe. And being the top of the physics, must the scientist use the highest energy levels that the system can create.

Those superconductors are the most impressive instruments of science, and that will make the illusion that the science is very expensive. In the real world have been made another investigation, what is very interesting. In that investigation the scientists tested, is the bitumen liquid or solid component.

Scientists put the bite of bitumen in the funnel, and then they wait if the bitumen will fall from the hole of the funnel, and the result was very interesting and it shakes all the world. The bitumen is the liquid.  Do you know why I wrote this? The essence of the bitumen is very important if it is used in some places, where it can fall in some holes.  But in the real world also the work, what is done with the "Hadron" would change the way how we think about the universe.

That high power accelerator will give us the new information of the time. And of course, the information, what that anonymous machine will bring to the engineers will help them to understand the ways to stop the time. In the tests, the high mass artificial nuclear particles have been driven thru the accelerator, and they existed longer time than usual. Then the speed of those particles rose to the speed of light, they were not burst.

And that was given the idea for the extremely powerful nuclear reactor, what bases the slowing time-effect. In this idea, the high mass isotopes, what is existing only in the million part of the second will accelerate near the speed of light. And in that reactor will the high power nuclear reaction possible, because the time in that accelerator was slowing. Those reactors would be extremely powerful and lightweight. In some fictional books or stories, the particle accelerator will be used as the time machine, where the time will be slow by accelerating the module in the speed of the light in that circle.

That would be possible to do, and if some person will make the metallic, cigar or ball shape capsule, and shoot it in the track of the "Hadron" particle accelerator can this person travel to the future. That might have devastating possibilities if those persons will be able to come back from the future. That would give us the opportunity to look at the future.

And another way is to increase the mass of the capsule by pumping the electricity into it. In some scenarios in the future might people build the ring like Stonehenge, and then they might pump the electric power to the craft, what will change as the singularity, and falls out of our universe. In the real world those "time machines" will need the extremely powerful electricity, and that is the reason why that thing might ever test in the real life.

There is a story of the worlds most powerful nuclear explosion so-called "Tsar Bomba", that in the middle of the bomb was equipped the ball shape craft, and if the bomb will detonate perfectly symmetrical in the center of that explosive, would that thing become the "time machine", that means that it will be fallen out of our universe, because the powerful nuclear explosion would make the tiny black hole in the middle of the bomb. I think that the cosmonaut would die in that kind of operation. But this might be only the theory, and there is no physical evidence that there were send the Soviet cosmonaut to the future.

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About the fuel and energy supply of the artificial animals and nano-bugs

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Kimmo Huosionmaa

The support of the robots is simpler than people normally think, they need only fuel or electricity to make the robot functionary, and the best way is if the robot's refueling would be so easy thing that filling the tank of the car. New generation robots are artificial organisms, and they can even look like horses, bugs, and lizards. Those robots can be covered by the artificial skin, what makes them look like animals, and those artificial animals are not necessary even noisy.

They might use fuel cells to produce the energy for their systems, and those things, what is used in the spacecraft will make no noise, while they will work. And the fuel cells need only the hydrocarbons to make the energy. So in the scenarios, those artificial animals can drink the gasoline or alcohol from the bail like real animals do. The secrecy of the operations of intelligence and covert-operative systems is extremely important, and that is the reason, why that support system must work as the undercover.

One of the possibility to make those support system look like flowers and the tiny robots can fill their fuel tanks with those artificial flowers, what can deliver from the airplanes. The computing capacity of those artificial bugs is, of course, limited, but they can work together if those individual components have same IP-address. If there is an artificial intelligence based computing system, this swarm of the nano-bugs can be used also as in independent the extermination operations.

Another way is to give them the assistance to computing by the massive supercomputers, and in this scenario, those nano-robots operated under the control of the remote computer centers, what will be connected to those swarms with satellites. But the problem is that communication channel can be jammed by high power radio transmitters. Those nano-bugs can deliver the microbes that are used in the oil accidents to the petroleum storage.

And also they can deliver microbes like Crimean Congo-virus to the selected targets bodies, or they can use chemical agents like artificially produced spiders like Black Widow poison or ricin. Those chemical agents are very lethal and they might be undetected by chemical sensors. The investigators will probably notice the use of the chemicals, but they can be believed, that those injuries have been caused the bites of the natural spiders. The metal core nano bugs could be driven in the turbines of airplanes, and they can cause serious damages to that equipment.


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Nano-Robots the new workhorse of the other technologies, and in the future, they can give people change to live forever.

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Kimmo Huosionmaa

Nano-sized robots are the most fascinated workhorse for another technology. Those tiny little machines can move the single molecule-sized objects in the particular place, and that's why they are able to use to build the artificial DNA. In the imaginations we can produce the tiny robots, what can swim inside human cells, and rebuild the DNA inside them. Those tiny nano-robots can offer the ultimate medical offers, and even all the human immune system can replace with them. In those scenarios, the person, whose immune system must shut down, will fill with those robots, what replaces the normal immune cells.

That kind of situation might be when some person will get leukemia or AIDS, and the immune cells must be removed from the body. The nano-robots can also work inside the human, and restore the damages in the case of the accident. In the dream-like scenarios, those robots can deliver in the air, and then they will split into the victim's body and start to tamp the inner blood leaks and then those robots can take the artificial tissue to the blood veins.

But those nano-robots have more effect if they are used with the genetically engineered tissue. The tissue of bats wing has the most effect capacity reincarnation. And if those genes will transfer to the human body, will that make the human tissue same capacity for reincarnation than bat's wings have. And that kind of capacity will be interested in the insurance companies, what sells insurances to some explorers.

If we had the right technology, we could manufacture the artificial virus or bite of the DNA, what gives the bat's wing capacity for extreme reincarnation. That DNA can be produced with the nano-robots, what will put those molecules or base pairs in the right places.  Those DNA bites can be transferred to the human body, and then the nano-robots will put them in the right place in the nucleus of the cells. That technology can give the people capacity to live forever. In this scenario, the human DNA will be stored in some laboratories and then it can be made the copies, what will use to produce artificial viruses, what can be injected into the human body. This can be the Fountain of Youth version 2.0.

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How are the ancient gods made?

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Kimmo Huosionmaa

When we are talking about the gods, this world doesn’t always mean that the god is nothing else than the person, who have some skills, what makes this person necessary for the community. In some cases, those skills, what the god had might seem like some supernatural things, but in the real world, the background of those things is almost every time some usually very simple technology. If some person controlled the irrigation system, he must be the person, who got very much respect from other people.

This thing is notable, when the god of ice is mentioned in some texts. This person might have skills to make the ice. In the realistic way that person had skills to build the temperature pump, and that thing might make the very good impression for some people, who saw the nasty stick and the wind, what caused the cold and white stuff formation in the surface of the artificial hill or house. In this text, the words “artificial hill”, means the muddy hump, what is used to store the ice.

Even if they didn’t know the temperature pump, the person who bought the ice from the mountains was very important part of society. The ice must be packed under the mud, and then bought from upriver of Eufrat to the front of the people. And if those ice bites, what is covered with the mud were used as the material of the dams, those dams will break, and then all irrigations would be left below the water. But when we are thinking about the ancient landlords, whose positions changed as the pharaohs and kings, we must realize that if some person controlled the dam in some Mesopotamian river, and this person orders to destroy that structure, could people die in the flooding.

And if those people wouldn't allow the freeing the water release to the agriculture, the people would die of hunger. I don’t know did those people know about the polluted water, but if they knew the methodology, what happens if the flesh was left too long in the closed pot with the mud, would that create botulinum in that food. And it would be caused the death. The electrical vortexes are very impressive, and of course, the Mesopotamian were noticed, that the lightning strikes almost every time to the tallest place on the place.

And maybe some of them accidentally left two copper or golden plates in the temple on the wooden statue, where were good isolator between them, and if the lightning strikes to that structure, it will store the electricity. If those people knew how to produce electricity with the batteries, where is copper and iron in some acid, they might test how to make hydrogen and oxygen with the electrolysis. In this theory have known the galvanic battery, that ancient scientist might notice the strange feeling when they touched those things with tongue, with the way that tongue touched both electrodes at the same time. And if they knew the electrolysis process, they might make nice explosions in the air.

The ancient people didn’t have the knowledge of the electrons, but they knew electricity as the phenomenon. The Greek philosophers thought that when we will cut the material enough, we will face the situation, where the material was cut in so small particles, that it will get the point known as the Greek word “atomos”. When the material gets this condition, it cannot break anymore. When we are talking about the flying with the balloons, the ancient Chinese knew how to fly with the paper balloons, where was the small burning piece of cloth below it.

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Monday, December 25, 2017

The black rose and the breeding of the human race

Kimmo Huosionmaa

There is told many stories about the ”Anunnaki”, one of the gods of the Mesopotamia. Somebody has seen this worlds similarity with the worlds of Inuit languages, and they have made the conclusion, that Anunnaki and the Sumerians had some connections with the Inuits or Eskimos.  The evidence is shown Plato’s story of the ”Ultima Thule”, what might mean the sea of the Barents. In some theories, the royal families had their family trees because they wanted to increase the over human or the ”Arian race”.

In some theories, Anunnaki was some man or woman in the Mesopotamian court, and that person was very intelligent. Here I’m thinking what kind of person, that ancient god might be. Many things what will mention in this text, are against our western moral, and I hope that nobody will ever test this thing in the own life.

But why Anunnaki was different, and some people will give the explanation of that person was actually the humanoid. I’m little skeptical of this theory, but if we think that Anunnaki was some real person, we might think that person was the result of some kind of genetical experiment. In this scenario, this person was the result of ”pure line” selectively breed method to create the ”superhuman”. This method is used in some breed is used in the cattle farms to create superorganisms. In this method, the cattle will make puppies with their close cousins and that will cause the genetic problems and the growing risk to get some hereditary symptoms.

And sooner or later those members of the ”pure lines” will become degenerated. But when those pure lines will be crossed, the result will be the genetically strong individual, what might think as the ”superorganism”. And the same thing, what is used in the breeding the cattle, can be used as making the superhumans. When we are talking about the selective breeding, we can use the example of this kind of process the black rose, where some qualities of the individual are highlighted.

The black rose will be made by using in the crossing only the blue roses, and the result will be the black rose. This methodology will be working with the humans, and if in the crossing process will use only the most intelligent persons on the Earth, will the result be something like Albert Einstein. In some theories, the houses of the king were meant for the ”pure lines” where the children will pander only with other royal houses in Europe, and that would make those persons very high intelligence. In some theories, Incas made marriages with their sisters because they used their children as the breeding their families intelligence.

If some people make children with their sisters, will the result be the handicapped person, but if that handicapped person will make children with the child from another line, would that create the genetically strong person. If some person has the very high level of the intelligence and other physical strength will be above all the other people, would that person be like some ”alien” in this person’s  own community? And in this part of the text, I must ask one of the most important questions about the Anunnaki.

Does the term ”Arian race” mean the persons, who are the result of this kind of selective breed? And if we are making another question, we must ask ”is this process made in purpose”? And in here I must say that the science might have no morale. When somebody does this kind of experiment,  this person must realize, that the public opinion might be very strong about this kind of playing with human genomes. If somebody was caught for this kind of actions, will the result the mental institute or jail. And this kind of person will lose the license for make investigations for rest of the life.

The way of extermination might be unseen but makes the person unable to live independently.

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Kimmo Huosionmaa

The nanotechnological possibility to exterminate some particular person is the very serious thing in the national security. The nanotechnical machine, what can be used in this kind of operation might be some liver poison, what will be modified nano technically. In this modification the poison molecule will be connected to the enzyme or the antigen, what can change the blood cells to carry that poison to the particular neurons in human brains.

Another way is to use something, what the mankind ever thinks dangerous. By the most modern chemical methods is possible to make synthetic antigens, what makes possible to transfer molecules or cells in the particular cells or points in the human body. Those molecules can destroy only the particular cells in the human, and in this scenario, that cell-group will be the neurons, what are found in the amygdala.

In this scenario, the thing, what will transfer to the target’s brain is the cell, what creates the peptide in the mouth. This cells can be equipped with the antigens, or very small tiny submarines, what will transfer them to the target person’s amygdala, where those cells will destroy that brain tissue, what makes the person dangerous. In the real world this kind of methodology can be more effective than some rifle shots, and of course, those nano-technical submarines can transfer the cancer cells to the objects neuro-system.

The cancer cells can be modified by using the target person’s own cells. The most simple way is to give radiation to the cells that are taken from that person and then grow those mutant cells in the laboratory. Then those modified cells can be transferred to the targeted person, and if the user of that weapon wants to be nasty, will that person equip those cells with the nano-technical submarines, what will take those cells straight to the ”grand canyon”, the blood supply system of the brains, and there the tumor makes the target unable to work in couple of months.

One version is to modify the own cells of the person to cause cancer, or maybe the genetic modification will change that tissue very fast growing. In this scenario, those genetically modified cells can be transferred with nano-technical submarines in the brain blood vessels, and then they might cause the brain infarct. Or those midget submarines can do some things by themselves. In this scenario in the human body will slip the midget submarine, what looks like the egg. This submarine will be targeted to the brain blood vessel and close it. Then the person will seem to get the brain infarct, what makes target unable to work.

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The Effect of the pyramids

Giza Pyramid and the lighning
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Kimmo Huosionmaa

Why might the pyramids make the person wealthy? The reason is the shape of the structure, what causes the phenomenon, where the air will be conducted to the top of the pyramid by touching the surface of the wall. The effect will keep the surface of the wall clean. And because the flow of the air is pulling the water from the ground, will the humid air be be more comfortable to breathe, and it feels comfortable because the air is cleaner than outside of the structure. This might help to cause the situation, where tissues will renew more effective than the normal house, and the good air inside the pyramid structure might help people live healthier.

The pyramid structure will suck all pollution in the top of it, and in this way, there is less dust mold and bacteria in the air. If we are talking about the great pyramids of Giza, we must say that because the structure is in the tallest place in that area, it will pull the lightning to it, and in this way, the part of the structure will be sterilized by that lightning, what always hit the tallest buildings. And if there will be rain, the side of the pyramid will charge the electricity, and it will kill animals from the wall.

And that’s why there will be fewer mice and other harmful animals in the pyramids. The reason why Egyptians believed the power of this structure, might cause by the lightning, what will strike that massive structure all the time, when thunderstruck begins. And the ions what rose above the Pyramid caused the condensation of the humidity, and that was the reason, why ancient Egyptians thought,  that structure is some way holy. But this is only the theory, and we can’t be sure why those awesome structures were built.


Sunday, December 24, 2017

Pentagon is starting to use artificial intelligence to hunt the terrorists

Picture from movie "Wargames"
(Source Internet)

Kimmo Huosionmaa

The artificial intelligence is very capable of for hunting the terrorists in the cities. This kind of systems can network a different kind of sensors like surveillance cameras, drone pictures, and the social media pictures together. In those systems are used the technology, what is created to uncover the dangerous people in the railway stations. If some people talk to the mobile telephone, the system can send the drone to see that place, and sometimes the person will stand alone in some hill, and the drone can get the good image from that person's face. The voice records can use to compile the captured voice with some telephone calls what are captured from the telemarketers and another kind of telephone discussions.

Those systems bases the image recognition system, what will notice if some person might match with the picture of the terrorist. The warm jackets or vest in the shiny summer day will wake up the system operators, the unattended packages with nervous and angry behavior will alert the security persons. Also if some persons will start acting abnormal way will give the signal of the possible terrorist. One of the best things to get to the list of the terrorists is to buy the AK-47 assault rifle and make a couple of selfies with it.

And of course, the AK-47 can easily connect to the radical political movements with tattoos or T-skirts, where are the signs of some terrorist organizations, and if there are some posters of the terrorist organizations on the wall, will the police come to visit in that persons home. Also, telling lies about some things like asks of the trip to the Middle East will bring the person to the list of terrorists. If the person claims ever visiting the Middle East, but there was the evidence of airplane tickets to Tunis, that will make security personnel suspicious with this thing.

One of the signs is that the person, who uses lots of credit card, will suddenly make big shopping by using the cash or starts to use a different kind of clothes, what the suspect have used before. Also, changes in the shopping behavior and sudden need for particular medicines will mean that the person is planning something, what is the very bad thing for another people. In this category of terrorists are also other mass murdered people, who are motivation is not political or religious.

Also, the writings what support terrorism or another criminal activity will bring the person on the list of the potential terrorists. The threating other people and implying of violent actions against other people will sometimes put the person on the list of terrorist. Terrorism is a crime, where will become five or more victims. And many terror organizations will get their financial support by selling drugs. And also some organizations sell the strikes like political murders to Mafia, to get the first aid equipment.

The artificial intelligence can recognize people's faces bt infra-red cameras, and if some well-known terrorist will see in the scope of Predator, the target will be eliminated immediately. Those computer programs can recognize also weapons, and the person with assault rifles will authorize the strike against the target.

The UCAV can be equipped with "auto-fire"-mode, what allows it to open fire against any hostile target, and this is the thing, what frightens some people. If the "Killer drone" will see the target, and it is in the database, where is the "hit list", the target will be eliminated, and those drones don't care who they will shoot, what makes them very dangerous. If somebody will put some personal enemy's picture to that system,  that misuse of the system will cause the horrible situation, when combat drone executes the innocent person.

New systems allow researchers to follow cellular communication wirelessly.

"To improve biosensing techniques that can aid in diagnosis and treatment, MIT researchers developed tiny, wireless antennas that use l...