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Why some superior cities and civilizations have been abandoned?

Angkor Wat
(Picture 1)

Kimmo Huosionmaa

The question about the lost cities and civilizations is, why the cities like Angkor Wat and many more cities, what was very superior to other cities left to destroy in the jungle. Why those marvelous cities were left behind when their people left the city. and went to live in the jungle? What was the reason for that? One of the wildest theory about those lost cities is so awesome, that I must write that to you. That is the very philosophical theory, and that has been given inspiration for many Science fiction series.

Some people think that there would be the reason for the evacuation for those cities were UFO-attack, and the people who came from another solar system made those cities, and after that became the rebellion, and those people must destroy all their technical instruments because those systems could use by tracking those aliens. This is the very good theory, but as we might understand, it is only theory. The support for that theory has been given strange ornaments in the pyramids of Yucatan peninsula and all over the South America. In some people, opinion is that those ornaments are portraying the space-suited astronauts.

Mayan Disk
(Picture 2)

And there were found many unusual artifacts like toys, what seems like aircraft and ornaments what are looking like rockets. This theory is not made by me, and it is not quite new. Erich Von Daniken wrote the book about those ornaments, and I read that because it was full of beautiful pictures of those pyramids and other nice places. But when we are talking about those theories what depends lost cities, we must say that there are more practical theories, why those cities left alone in the jungle.

One of the most interesting theory is that those cities were controlled by tyrants, who were protected by another king. And when the people of Angkor Wat were raised against that person, would the citizens afraid the revenge of Chinese or Arabs, who were protected the leader of the city, and that was the reason why people flee to the jungle. And probably those cities were empty in the South America because European conquistadors came to the land. And if the Indians were smart, they might lie, that their cities had been empty for hundreds of the years, although they had just left that place.
Yucatan ornament
(Picture 3)

Or probably the reason for the emptiness of those cities was actually the epidemics like a plague. That epidemic killed many people in the Europe, and when we are investigating the history of that disease, we might see that the plague came first to the Constantinople by the ships, and the reason why this story is so frightening, is that those sailors would not able to control their ship, if that epidemic began just earlier. So the plague was somewhere before, and the horrifying thing about that epidemic was the plague came to all cities in the Europe.

So somebody believes this particular epidemic had been promulgated in purpose. The reason why I believe that was the Constantinople was surrounded by Ottomans, and the roads to the city were closed, and that’s why the epidemic was hard to break out the Constantinople. And the systematic way how the epidemic promulgated in the Europe, will be some kind of proof, that plague was sent to cities on purpose.

The systems what might use in this operation would not be complicated. The rats what were poisoned with plague bacteria only needed to bring to the cities in the corral, or if those people who were responsible for that operation would know that this deadly syndrome will be infectious by the fleas what sucked the blood of the infected black rat. And if those fleas would be released in the square from the spice bags,  the result would be effective and deadly, but the reason, why somebody does that is the mystery. There is no proof that the epidemic was released on purpose, but the systematic infection rate will make me think that plague epidemics were put into action by purpose.


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