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The essay about investigation, research, morale and the work in the world of science.

Johannes Vermeer
"The Astronomer"

Kimmo Huosionmaa

The person who has good self-esteem doesn't need them to roar to other people or act like they are some kind of boss for other people. But the most important thing about self-esteem is that the person dares to be uncertain. That means that the person dares to ask for help and advice for own work. But the real thing of the self-esteem is that people dare to be unique. If the person doesn’t make individualistic work, the result might not be a masterpiece. The manifestation of good self-esteem is that the person will not let anybody keep the mind in the prison. 

The only full release of the mind is a key to the masterpiece. The masterpieces are born only in the mind what is full freed for the innovation process. When I wrote, that the person should dare to ask for help, I must say that the help would not actually come from another person. 

The thing that gives help to the master would also come from the books or from the Internet. So here I’m writing about the use of sources. Only the checked and instructed information is valuable for the work, what is made of investigations and investigative methods. When we are asking the help from another person, there is a risk that this person gives us the false information. The situation is same as the tourist trip, where tourist has hurry to the toilet or that person should go to some specific place. Experienced tourist ever asks the toilet. 

This person goes to the bar, orders something and goes to the toilet. Same way the experienced traveler ever ask where is someplace. Those persons ask about city map and finds that place with own eyes. If our traveler wouldn’t do that would the result of the asking be that our tourist will go in the taxi, what drives around the city to the place, what would be 50-meters away from their hotel? This kind of situations is usually avoided by taking the tourist map from the hotel lounge. The Same thing might happen in the academic work. If the upcoming doctor will not know something, might that person become a victim of false information? 

The situation where upcoming scientist doesn’t know something will agitate some persons to make “practical jokes" for that person who makes the thesis. And one of the best thing, what makes the all table laughing is to give the upcoming doctor the false information. But when we are talking about releasing the mind, we must realize that realizing the mind means, that nothing can ever disturb or bandage the mind, what is working with some ideas. Somebody sometimes says that the law or morale are the things, what would give limits for that work. 

And here we come to the limits of technology. If the law text says something or the thing what the work depends doesn’t mean that the thing would be prohibited. And when we are talking about medicine known as the penicillin. Do you like mold? The penicillin is made of mud mushroom, and when we are talking about that mold, that doesn’t seem very attractive. 

But this mushroom makes poison, what can use as antibiotics. The difference between Penicillium and the predecessors was that the penicillium can be taken by mouth. The penicillium was real wonder medical, but people forgot, that very nice and easy to use antibiotics, and this antibiotic have been saved millions of lives on earth. Many people forget, that this antibiotic was made under the control of the Edgewood Arsenal, and it was mentioned for use against anthrax and other biological weapons.  If we think very clearly, that penicillium-antibiotics made possible to use those biological agents against the enemies, but own troops would be in safe. 

The investigations around this medicine were the most brilliant example, what the scientific work could be. And one of the most brilliant invention in the human history was made. But as we know every bright story have the dark side. And what brighter the story is the darker side it can make, as we have noticed in the history. This is the way of science and philosophy. The science and morale doesn’t ever go together. And the scientists must realize, that the person who chooses scientific career must understand what is good and what is bad. When atom bombs are made, the world was in the war, and those scientists thought that weapon was the way of good, and somebody believes that nuclear weapons kept the world almost in the peace for 50 years, except couple of million people died by the wars in the Vietnam and Africa, but the full-scale war between the USA and the Soviet Union were abandon. 

Or do you think that the atom bomb has a moral but some persons say that the atom bombs have killed fewer people than conventional bombs? So that is the reason, why atom bombs are more ethical than conventional bombs. And this is what means the word “moral”. There is no absolute morale in the world and the scientists and philosophers always say that there are things that are more moralistic and ethical than other. Those are the facts of the scientific work. They are not always nice or ethical. But those things exist and that is enough for the world. 


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