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The biological weapon is an ideal equipment for unseen genocide.

Kimmo Huosionmaa

Above the text is a picture of military personnel with NBC (Nuclear Biological and Chemical)- protective suits and gas masks during the Gulf War. There are mentions about biological warfare even in the Holy Bible. In the part of the big book is a part what is named as "Revelation". The old translation of that book, are worlds where "The Black Rider" gets right to kill with the sword and plague. That means that biological warfare is known at the time when the Holy Bible has been written.

Those time the biological warfare was, that people, who died in the plague were thrown to the cities, or their blood was put in the food, and that must cost many people life. The problem with biological warfare is that weapons can't always be separated from organisms, what is living in nature land. There are many more organisms what are even more lethal than Ebola, and one example of those organisms is cholera bacteria. That organism causes death to all people in hours, and because it is a bacteria, the control of the epidemics is easier than viruses.

The use of biological weapons can be like those organisms produce chemical agents like botulinum, what can deliver as a spray to the area, where enemies are. Or that very poisonous material can be used as assassination plots. Botulinum poison is producing, when one very common bacteria will pollute a flesh, and that material will go into an anaerobic condition. If botulinum will put in grenades, the target might suppose to die with toxic, what comes from the putrefied flesh. And if botulinum will mix with phosphate, it will change that as a VX-nerve gas. Traditional biological weapons are made with selectively breeding those organisms on nutrition bed, where it will be radiated with Infra-red lamps, what kills genetically weak organisms and make that population stronger.

Those organisms can also make resistant to antibiotics by giving them some medicals, what kills only a part of the population, and if somebody who wants to make so-called "super bacteria" wants, that person might make those bacteria very lethal.  That is a reason, why people must eat all antibiotics, what they get from doctors, And if they eat too little antibiotics, those medicals kill only the weak parts of the bacterial population.

And strong units of the bacteria will stay alive. The problem with super bacteria is that those organisms are very resistant to chemical components, but they cant defend themselves against natural organisms, what is the very good thing about people. That weakness against other bacteria makes those super-bacteria epidemics very local. Local infections may be used to control the prisoners in some states. And when we are talking about decreasing some people trustworthy, might secret police staff give them rabies-virus, what made them mad.

Rabies is a real-life horror-organism, what is suitable for the biological weapon. In some tales, some kings or military leaders have injected the spittle of the animal, what have infected by rabies to the men, who are judged to death. In some horror tales, Adolf Hitler or his highly educated SS-leaders like hanged war criminal SS-Obergruppenführer (maybe served most of the war as Brigadenführer)  Dr.  Karl Gebhardt had a plan to release the rabies-virus to Berlins water support system in 1945 when the Soviet Union was at the gates of that city. In some horror stories is mentioned, that some nation might use genetic manipulation to that virus, what was meant to release against enemy troops.

The genetic manipulation might bring capacity to make more lethal organisms what the mankind ever has seen before. One of the most horrific scenarios is that some reptilian genetics, what controls example cobras poison production will transform into some bacteria. Or Black Widow-spiders poison cell genetics can be transfer to some mosquitos, what makes those bugs very lethal. And even if the western nations create that kind of weapons will somebody else do that.

Somebody thinks that China or some other countries overseas military bases purpose is to collect deadly organisms from Africa, what can be used to produce a vaccine against those organisms. But those organisms can be grown in the cell nutrition, and that will help to build enough organism, that can be used as a biological weapon. Those organisms can be delivered by the spray, what can be delivered in an airplane, what is equipped by the same system, what is used in agriculture to deliver chemicals.


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