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Hybrid children want's to see...

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Kimmo Huosionmaa 

When we think the world, where we are living today, we must say that there is one big hope for societies around the world. the hope will be that the people would be industrious like ants. That’s why there is a rumors or theories, that some people in the history have tried to crossbreed the human and ants. Genetic experiments are manifests about human attempt to play god. The picture of above is from the ancient Egypt, and it is claimed to express the human and some animal hybrids. In this very rare theory, those smaller characters in the picture are the mixture of humans and some insects.

These ornaments are sometimes made by some other reasons, and in some cases, those artifacts have been seeming like the fake. Those fakes have been made by example Waffen SS for the instructions for genetic experiments. When those “Angels of Death” like Dr. Josef Mengele made their work, they made very sharp notes, but when the war was ended, they must hide those notes from the public eye, and maybe those notes were camouflaged as an artifact of the Ancient Egypt. Even if those tests have done with human, I'm almost sure, that animal experiments have done this thing. 

Those notes would send their owner to the prison forever, but as we know it’s very easy to hide behind the back of the notorious Nazi criminals, and those men were good mask for extra-ordinary tests, what have done under high control of the national security officials in the Soviet Union and probably in the United States. Some of those tests were made under the supervision by those Nazi-criminals, and they were very frightened. In some rumors in the human fetus or young person's spinal cord were injected with bugs neural cells. I don’t know the results of those tests, but as we have read, those neural cells are more sophisticated than human or mammals neural cells. 

If those experiments are true, those test would make possible to create the very intelligent creature, but when we are looking this kind of science in the moral respect, we must say that those actions would be the most immoral thing, what I can expect. Another thing what modern scientists can make is to fasten the human and the ant’s DNA. That operation will not so difficult in theory. 

In some tests were the starting point the hypotheses, that increasing the number of neural cells will increase the level of the intelligence. The tests were in the body of the dogs were injected more neural cells were made in research institutes. The only thing what the experimentalist must do is to fasten those DNA:s together and then inject them inside the cells. I don’t know are those human tests real, but there were made tests, wherein the body of ants will transfer more neurons. The results of those tests were very positive, and the ants what are injected by other species neurons were more social and intelligent. 


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