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Did Adolf Hitler escape from Berlin? (Did Hitler change place with Charles Chaplin?)

Photograph what is claimed to portrait
Adolf Hitler in Colombia with SS-officer
"Philipp Citroen"
Source Iltalehti and CIA

Kimmo Huosionmaa

There is one very terrible theory about the rumor of Adolf Hitler's escape in 1945. That story bases that Adolf Hitler and Charles Chaplin were very likelihood together. And that very unfamous theory Adolf Hitler or his Gestapo Agents killed Charles Chaplin, and that famous actor was replaced by the most hated tyrant named Adolf Hitler. Both papers what are in this text are from the papers what Trump government released in 2017, and they were published in Finnish media.

Officially Adolf Hitler died in Berlin 1945, and he committed suicide with his wife Eva Braun. But there are two or actually three theories about the things, what happened in that city at end of World War Two. The first theory, what came official truth about this man's fate, was that he shot himself and his wife to cyanide capsule in the "Führersbunker".

There is another version of that story. That version was that after marriage Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun began to argue, and after that Eva Braun lost her mind, and shot Hitler and herself after family violence scene. So this case could also be a normal domestic violence case, where Eva Braun, who was forced to marry that man, lost her control and then shots Hitler, and because of fear, what will happen to her took cyanide. Two other theories are more radical, and the idea of those theories is that somebody murdered Adolf Hitler and his wife.

Another paper of that case 

That theory basis a legend that some members of Hitler's personal staff killed him because they wanted to slip off the hands of Soviet intelligence, or they wanted to avoid prosecutions about Holocaust. In that theory, somebody who was in leading role in those mass murders was able to hide his identity after the Second World War. Somebody believes that Martin Bormann shot that man because he wanted to slip off the bunker from the service tunnel. And Hitler was given orders, that everybody who will flee from his position will be shot immediately.

So Bormann must shot Hitler if he wanted to slip off that bunker. In another story, Hitler was shot by own man, who didn't recognize him, when he attempted to run to Berlin subway. And after that Eva Braun took deadly poison, and somebody thinks that shooter was a Soviet spy or mafias killer, who orders were to make Hitler keep silent all of his connections to the Soviet Union and western industrial leaders.

Third of main theories is that Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun were able to slip off the Berlin. First of this idea is that Adolf Hitler was killed in that city, and Eva Braun could slip from Gestapo and later the Soviet Authorities. And most exotic stories was, that Adolf Hitler able to sleep from allies. That story is very interesting, and it was mentioned in CIA:s secret papers, what was released by Trump government. Those papers claimed that Hitler lived in Columbia undercover with the secret name.

The name was Adolf Shuttlemayer, and it was released by SS-Officer Philipp Citroen, who sent the photo for proofing that claims. But if we are looking at that picture very close, we must say that there is nothing than the wall behind those men. So that photo could take everywhere, and somebody believes, that picture is taken in Führersbunker during World War Two.

So what makes that evidence so hard to believe, is that Philipp Citroen is a faked name. But when we are talking about nasty stories of this very unusual man, is one story what I must tell you. Everybody knows that Adolf Hitler looked like Charles Chaplin. This particular story is that Nazi officials killed Charles Chaplin and replaced by Adolf Hitler. This is one of the nastiest tales, what have ever told about this man.


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