Friday, November 17, 2017

The killer satellites

B-52 and Pegasus rocket

Kimmo Huosionmaa

This is not a writing about “Zuma” mission, what began today in Cape Canaveral. That mission payload is top secret, and I think that it might be related to the space weapons like killer satellites. I don’t have known what that “Zuma” payload really is. But I think that might be some kind of killing ordnance, what would change the strategic situation at the orbiter.

What would real-life satellite killer look like? That is the real question what many people want to ask. The kill vehicle is normally quite small because in normal situation it doesn’t need very much mass when it kills the satellite. That weapon is known as an MKV (Miniature Kill Vehicle). It was created for anti-satellite missions, and in some mission profiles, they will shoot against the target satellite trajectory. Then they can get most powerful impact energy when it strikes another satellite with modified aircraft launched rockets. Those weapons are miniaturized and more simple than people think. One period some engineers created the very simple way to build small size and cheap killer satellite. That satellite was actually a modified rocket cassette, what is used in many helicopters and airplanes.

That rocket cassette was equipped with rocket stage, what had maneuver motors and also camera system, what makes possible to track the targets. The small size makes the tracking of that vehicle very difficult. And of course, the enemy killer satellites are unable to track that satellite. 

And the small size and mass make possible to make many maneuvers in the orbital trajectory. The weapon is actually a space-borne bazooka, what terminates the target with kinetic energy. And the small size makes possible to send those vehicles to space with same rockets as other satellites, or the operators might also use Pegasus-rockets to launch those miniature kill vehicles to the low earth orbiter. 

The problem of the killer satellites is that there are no contracts what can control those vehicles. Actually, all satellites are killer satellites if they will drive to impact other satellites. That’s why those vehicles are the great threat to GPS-satellites and communication satellites and that kind of kill vehicles might also be a threat to the photo reconnaissance satellites, what can use with real-time reconnaissance missions, which objective is to make 3D mission support in tactical and strategic level mapping and target recognition for friendly forces. 

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