Thursday, November 30, 2017

Why is high altitude rocket dangerous?

Titan II missile
(USAF photo)

Kimmo Huosionmaa

The one of the most chilling news in the world has been that the North Korea has been shot ballistic missile ten times higher than ISS is orbiting the Earth. That will give the North Korean military the capacity to attack against the ISS (International Space Station) with those missiles. Most of the ASAT weapons in the world are modified ICBM missiles, what can destroy their targets with kinetic energy or nuclear warheads. The weapons principle is very simple. That weapon will drive in the collision course to the target, and then the kinetic energy will slam the satellite into the orbital trajectory.

Problem with the ASAT weapons is the searching the right target from the orbital trajectory. The satellite is quite a small target, and that’s why the guidance of the missile to the right target is difficult. If those missiles are equipped with the special warhead, what seems like shotgun ammunition. In those warheads is a metal ball, what gives the weapon same kind of effect than shotguns have.

Normally ASAT weapons will not use thermonuclear warheads, because the EMP-pulse and the plasma, will make damages to many more satellites. The tests of the ASAT weapons are problematic, because they increased the number of the space junkie, what will cause danger for other satellite because the debris of those test will stay at the orbital trajectory even for years.

The Schwarm of those metal balls will destroy that satellite immediately. But the problem is how to find the right target? Usually, ASAT weapon will track to the target by optical telescopes and radars, what is used to track the trajectory of the satellite, and also make possible for visual identification of the target. And of course, the GPS-satellites might track by their signals.

And if the state has the rocket, what will overtake the altitude of those satellites, will they able to destroy those vital elements of those systems. Also, ASAT is the danger for low orbital intelligence and photo recon satellites what provides information for strategic targets to the headquarters.

Those ASAT systems can be the ship, submarines mobile devices, or aircraft mounted, but also fixed silos are used. There is also made tests to destroy the satellites with high power lasers, or radio-.and microwaves. The radio waves are used by the equipment where two extremely powerful radars will cross their signals in the same position, and if that equipment is synchronized in same frequency, will the arc flame destroy the target immediately. But in those cases, must the target identified very careful. Because when the direct energy weapon hits the target, the strike can’t be denied. And that’s why the missile concepts are more popular than directed energy weapons.

The China's new anti-ship weapon will put America's aircraft carriers in the danger.


Kimmo Huosionmaa

The China build a new kind of anti-ship missile like DF-26, what have an extremely long range and the mobile launchers.  Those anti-ship missiles targets are United States aircraft carrier units, what they will hit with the speed of Mach 12. Those weapons are terrifying because the extremely high speed and the truck-mounted launchers can make that weapon extremely deadly. 

Those very fast flying missiles are very problematic for the defense of those battlegroups. Even if those missiles will locate before the hit, the aircraft have the problem to fly about 1000 nautical miles to the target, and if the missiles have been launched, the attack will be useless. I’m almost sure that those missiles can be targeted by remote control via internet, and the missile crew must only to drive their truck to the launching point and leave the truck after the missiles are fired. 

The locating the target would happen with satellites or patrolling airplanes, and after the aircraft carrier is located, the launching parameters can be sent by the Internet in the second, and then the missile will rise up from its launcher. The problem with that missile is that it will need no nuclear warhead to destroy their targets, and actually, those missiles destroy their targets with kinetic energy. And that makes the defense very difficult. Those kinetic warheads diameter can be very small size, and that will make those missiles very dangerous. 

Of course, the United States might convert some of their ballistic Minuteman III missiles for that kind of strike. The kinetic energy missile needs very sharp guidance system, that they can strike precise to their target.  And the guidance system of that missile can be IIR (Imaging Infra Red) what is very sharp. That kind of guidance system bases the camera, what makes a picture of the target. Another picture what is taken of the target is stored in those missiles computers, and then the computer will check that those pictures are fully one on the other. That’s how the missile will strike straight to the target. 


Do you want to be famous?

Kimmo Huosionmaa

When we are talking about famous people, we will normally think that people are born as famous. That is not true. Or of course, there are a very famous people, who are very popular and famous, because they are born in the famous families. But when we are talking about social media or something like that, we can say that many people are more famous as they believe, and if somebody wants to say that social media has no effect, I must say those people are wrong.

If some blogger or whatever they are doesn't mean anything, why those people who so hate those people must interview the persons like the commander in chief of the military forces. When are we talking about persons who mean nothing, why we see sometimes very aggressive writing against those people? When people are living in the modern world they must understand that we all have opinions, and when I'm writing something, I must not accept those writings by my daddy.

But when we are talking about some journalistic "pranks", we will see in some comments or in some kind of published news the little things, what makes us believe that those journalists use some "dirty tricks" when they are making their stories. In those stories was seen, that those people have got some passwords in their hands, what is used in some employment services. And do you know that is a crime? And the memberships of the sex clubs and another kind of that societies are normally confidential if those societies say that they are confidential.

And also salmonella and AIDS- tests are confidential if some club member has been given those papers to the media, and that test is actually free. When we are talking about taking care and sense of responsibility about the people, we must say, that many people make love in the real life.  That is what the normal people do together. Also, the information of the incompetent person is confidential. So in the real world, the delivering that kind of information will sometimes cause the prosecution process. If somebody misunderstands that their neighbor is the person, who is incompetent, that would cause the very big refund, when that makes trouble for that person's businesses.

But when we are writing something, it doesn't mean that somebody must always cry, when those people are writing their texts. There is a little thing, what the media makers usually didn't see before social media. That was the texts where reporters and other journalists were criticized. They were the persons, who wrote what they wanted, and if some things were not accessible for those people, the things just changed for satisfying. And many journalists used the term "many people" in their stories, what represented only single person's opinion of those things. That's why we must say, that social media has been changing the role of media forever.

About the articulation and terminology of the feedback

Kimmo Huosionmaa

When we are talking about the possibility of cutting the working relationship, I must say that if some person wants to kick me off, must that person first give me the job. Second what the people do their work is the thing, what must handle in that working community where the breaking of the rules will happen. Third, my working hours are my own business, and if somebody has something to say about them, they are free to call my boss if they want. And I have constitutional right to write what I want if I don't be racist or agitate to make the crimes.

There is always the people, whose mission is to follow how the other people spend their working time and this is the very sad thing. When we are talking about the things that other people think be some kind of nice thing, I must say that if the people don't dare to write on the Internet about those things, what they actually think themselves, will the Internet become the boring place. In the real world is no need to shame, that people have their own thinking and opinions about all the things. But when we are talking about the writings, we probably mean the texts what we make ourselves.

The writing doesn't mean making the sketchbook by some lifestyle magazines. When are we writing our own thoughts to the net, why we can't publish them right after writing? When we think that we will face the bullying in the net, we must say that those people, who bully another person, will normally touch the one world. Those harassers will never see all the text, what is written.

They will take only one specific world, what makes the writer seem like stupid. In some newspapers have been the writings about the social media, and there were high profile cases, where the employees have given kicks to the worker because of the writings in the social media, and that is the very sad thing. The reason for those writings was actually to show people, that they should be quiet for the things what they face in the work life. But in the real world, there is no need to be quiet.

Those harassers ever quit their actions. I ever heard that those firms ever give jobs to those persons, who are harassed in the work and the boss ever says nothing for that. There are workers who have worked all their working life in the fixed-period working relationships, and they ever even offered the full-time job in any company. So why those people should be quiet? Does some employer give their normal work if they are quiet? In some working offices is the policy, that the workers should not use the social media because it makes their opportunity to be selected for jobs more difficult.

But if that person goes to the hundredth interview, what ends in the laughing, I will think would I be quiet about that thing. Or if those firms personnel don't even talk to me or they will act like I'm the furniture, I will as what they care about my writings? If I'm some kind of unnecessary trouble, I will ask is that the job what I want? Why must people be quiet about the things, what is ever convicted by even the own boss?  Is it nice to read that person's opinion of those workmates, whoever says "hi", when you go in the workplace?

When some bosses want to deny the social media, they will afraid, that their families or the friends hear what they really are. And when somebody tells the media, that this person got a job, because he or she doesn't use social media, should we ask. how many times would the leader of the company offer you the job, if you will shut down your social media?

When we are writing about the texts, we can say, that we are thinking with our own brains. I don't copy any guitar magazine photos or some other star's texts on my wall, so the things what I write are my own. This is the thing what I want to tell you, my dear friends. The world is not the nice place, and maybe somebody doesn't like what I write, but this the way how I see those things.

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

The most individual drive system of the submarines ever been designed was ever get the physical shape

Picture 1

Kimmo Huosionmaa

The very dramatic way to create the radical power- and driving systems for ships and submarines will sometimes make very interesting ideas for replacing the propeller of the vessel. I sometimes read about one very rare idea for making the noiseless and fast submarine. The idea of that vessel was to boil the water at the nose of the egg-shaped submarine.

The inventor was meant that the boiler will make the bubble in the front of the submarine, what will slide forward. Because the vessel is sucked by the vacuum of the bubble, what is created with the resistors, what boils the water in extreme heat. In another version of this study project, the bubble was made with high power electrolysis.

And the power of that system was meant to make with “Walter turbine" what used the hydrogen peroxide and water as creating the steam, what rotates the turbine. I don’t know was that system ever more than the piece of paper, and did the creators of that idea mentioned to make the real vessel at all. But those things are the interesting way of thinking about the hydrodynamics.

All of the interesting projects of the technology are not ever driven farther than the picture on the paper. Those inventions were so individual or radical, that they ever could be done in the time when they were born. But those ideas are living in the memories and technical books, as the demonstration of the individual way of thinking


The renaissance and revolution in thinking

Kimmo Huosionmaa

The Renaissance is the ability to change and modernize the way of the thinking and talking. Here is one thing what people normally avoid. They keep diaries, what nobody else should see. But why those people don't publish their diaries on the Internet. Almost every person in the world has some good ideas, and sometimes I wonder why they can’t publish their thoughts? It’s not prohibited to say the opinion about things.

And the opinions can be different than president or grandmother's opinion about some things.  When we are talking about the renaissance in the modern way of thinking, we are talking about the revolutionary way of thinking. In the thinking, the term “revolution” might not mean that the person must be denied all things what that person might learn before.

The religion is not always bad for the thinker because it will give them more aspects than the fully materialistic way to think. When we are talking about materialism, we are talking about pure science, and pure science is not always the good way to think. When people are free to think, the thinker must dare to think the things that are not ethically or even legal things. Revolution of the thinking is sometimes hard for the thinker, and when we are talking about thinking, we must realize that all the thinking must not be scientifically proved.

 If we need to proof everything, what we will say and write we ever can’t talk or write anything. That’s why professional thinkers are usually called the philosophers. When we are talking about the philosophers, they might sometimes be very tough. We normally think that religion is normally some kind of very sensitive or peaceful thing, what has the strong tradition. But the religion might be very tough and violent against the other religions.

Many people don't ever imagine, that religion is a part of the philosophy. In the religions is often spoken of some holy men, who met the god. But nobody mentioned that this particular person is met the god by themselves. Or they ever brought any evidence about this meeting with the god. There is always some other person, who met this holy person. And other just send messages, what this mysterious holy man tells to them.

Why some people are against the religion, is that they can’t touch the god. They say that they are atheists. But they always forget, that atheism is also one of the religions, and the atheism is the very good way to make limits for thinking. Atheists say that “they don’t believe in god because there is no evidence of the existence of that person”. But if we all think that way, we ever can't think anything.

When we are talking about the God, we don’t usually think that the thing will mean the person who is technically superior to other persons. This doesn’t mean that the technology was very complicated. That meant that those persons had knowledge what other people would not have. That God might have the receipt of the gunpowder, and that person uses that receipt for controlling the people. Renaissance means modernization.

The capacity for taking modern things in the life will make the person strong. If some person has been said something about ten years ago, doesn’t mean that this person was wrong at that time. But when the things are changing, the things what that person said ten years ago have been changed wrong.

Here I mean the things like the Internet-based A level examination have been said in the dawn on the Internet. In that time the net was not trustworthy enough, but in this day we must say, that the equipment and the net are increased so much, that we can change our mind in good conscience.

Writing about suicides before execution or imprisonment.

Cyanide capsule of Himmler
(Picture 1)

Kimmo Huosionmaa

Today we saw it happen. One man who was in the court about the war crimes drink the poison and became a martyr. His name was Slobodan Praljak.  This is the thing, what those people who were responsible for the security of that court, should be prepared. The case is some kind of what happened in the Nurnberg trial. Some of the people who were sentenced to death were got the suicide ampules in the cells and they committed suicide in their cells. Those people were Hermann Goering and Heinrich Himmler. The last one was not judged in Nurnberg because he killed himself before court same kind of capsule, what Goering used before the execution.

When we are talking about those suicides, then we must concern that the poison was in the hollow tooth, and then those men could avoid the hangman. But there were, of course, the rumors that those men got the "zombie poison" or tetrodotoxin, and some of their friends in the allied lines helped them to escape from the hangman. But there is another theory, about those suicides. This theory was that Himmler and Goering could not stand the raise to the hang rope, and some men wanted to be sure, that Goering and Himmler will ever speak nobody about their secrets. Or did Goering try to get sympathy from the court of Nurnberg by attempting the suicide by weakened poison capsule, but somebody changed the suicide pill.

The same question as in Goering's case will be asked in this Croatian general case will always be asked the question, "did that man know, that he took real poison"? Or did somebody change the capsule? If somebody actually changed those capsules or dose, would that man try to get sympathy from the court? If that is true, would that suicide committed for the reason, for getting sympathy from the court, what convicted that man for 20 years imprisonment. Or why this man was able to take that poison in the courtroom? This is the question what will ask many times after this case.


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Why might the arctic artifact be dangerous?

T-Rex sceleton
(Picture 1)

Kimmo Huosionmaa

The arctic co-operation is the thing, what is very interested in many people around the world. In the anthropological view of the arctic co-operation is that under the polar ice cap might be lakes and animals, what have been hidden from the times of the dinosaurs. There is the water and environment, what have been separated from other influences even for millions of years.

The cooperation is needed because those artifacts might be in the control of many scientific stations. And that’s why the multinational cooperation about those things is needed, because if the human will go in the closed ecosystems will we destroy it, or this ecosystem might destroy those scientists or even make danger for all our race.

In fascinating theories is in the polar ice cap at Antarktis might be cave systems, what has been isolated even for millions of years, and who knows, if those caves are some higher life forms like small bugs or reptiles,  what is able to live without sunlight. Those ecosystems might exist, and then we sometimes will found that kind of cave under the ice, will that form help us to understand our evolution better.

Even if we couldn’t find those higher species, might there be grass or some polyps, what is been isolated from the Jurassic era or even longer time? There is a little danger with those closed ecosystems. If there will be some kind of bacteria or viruses, we might be in danger of the epidemics. But who knows if some dinosaurs like Velociraptors had been locked in that kind of cave when it was closed, and if the paleontologists will be lucky, they might find very well stored remains of those reptilians. PCR-system is very easy to get from the crime labs, and that system makes possible to get enough DNA for cloning experiments, what makes possible to bring the dinosaurs back to life.

From those remains can be isolated the cells and DNA of that reptilian, and if the human scientist wants, they might use PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) for making copies of that DNA, and then the scientists might inject it to the eggs of the chicken. And in the wildest theories and rumors, the scientists have done this action for the DNA of the T-Rex.

The DNA of the T-Rex could be isolated from the bones of that dinosaur, and then the scientists might use PCR-technique, what is used in the crime labs for making copies of that DNA. And if those people will be unthinkable they might inject that DNA into the some eggs, and that will be very dangerous. We don’t is there any enemies for that lizard in nature, and if we are serious, nobody wants those beasts in the real life.

But if some scientists have made clones of T-Rex for scientific purposes, they should not ever let them grow, because that might cause the return of the most horrific land beast, whatever lived back to live on  Earth. That’s why those clones must be destroyed in the cellular form if they exist. This is one way to make the genetic experiments with the most dangerous beast, what never lived on the earth.


Nanotechnology can support the fabric and be very effective against the terrorism.

Picture 1

Kimmo Huosionmaa

The nanotechnology allows us to make the new kind of microchips. Those special microchips are made with small copper or carbon bites what lies on the peptides, what will be touched on the special sheet like the velcro tape. This kind of microchip might be operating in the special chemical environment, where special chemicals make those peptides touch to the surface. And if that chemical will leak or it will be replaced, will the form what is printed on the microchip drop off. This kind of nanotechnology will be protected the microchip be stealing the industrial secrets. Nanotechnology also allows us to mark the product by the unseen printings, what is visible only by the microscope.

Those microscopical printings might help to track the persons, who copy textile trademarks and uses slave labor. The printing is so tiny, that it can be made in the all wires in the textile, and it will be unseen if the person doesn’t have the good light microscope. The miniaturizing microchips have been made possible to make extremely small size RFID-chips, what doesn’t need electricity. Those chips use radio waves what is targeted to them, and after that, they will send the coded signal to the reading device.

That makes those chips more effective, because the coded signal is not able to see my other devices, and that will make those systems STEALTH for the people, who handle those materials. The reading device can installed to the UAV-helicopters, what can do their duty without any warning or the sign, that those RFID-chips are ever read. Those helicopters can be operated over the net, and the operators can be thousands of kilometers away from the operational zone, what will protect their anonymity for other security personnel. And that little equipment can be put in the narcotics cargo.

The UAV:s can detect those RFID-chips and after that those little helicopters will stay on the drug container, or they can drop the small size GPS-system on those vehicles. In the military technology, will that kind of drone very useful to locate the underground ammunition. If those vehicles are equipped with the chemical sniffers, they can look for the ammunition and mines, what are placed underground. After they will find those chemicals they might point the place for GPS-guided bombs, what can destroy the ammo shack.

If those drones are equipped with  Geiger-counters, the drones might look for underground missile bases, what can be bombarded with conventional or nuclear bunker buster weapons. Those UAV:s are the same, what is sold in the supermarket, but they operate with different kind of systems. And they could be effective in that kind of operations, where will be destroyed underground military installations like hidden missile silos or dug ammunition dumps.


Picture 1.

The high-tech allows stealing even the most modern automobiles.

Shelby cobra
(Picture 1)

The problem of the high-tech hackers is that that equipment can be bought from anywhere. There are no special permissions needed for buying the computer or WLAN equipment. The hacking of the automobiles and other remote-controlled vehicles is basically the same thing as the wardriving. The data transmission from the electronic key will route to go via hackers laptop computer, and the hacker can use that signal to open the cars and even use their motor.

The equipment what is needed is simply the WLAN card of the computer. Also, the car thieves might use ECM-transmission to avoid the electronic signal pass to the car, and then the doors will be open. ECM-transmission is the simply radio signal what will disturb the signal of the electronic key, and then the computer doesn’t know that the doors will not be closed, and the alarm system will not be activated. The thieves need only the radio transmitter, that operates at the same frequency than those car keys.

Then they must be sharp and then activate that system when somebody comes out the car, what is interested in the thieves. When the hackers want to operate undercover, they might use normal WLAN-boosters, what can get to the right points with remote-controlled helicopters, and if those booster-stations are properly set up and use batteries, can the hackers operate from the very long distances.

And that will help them to avoid the law. By using UAV-helicopters can the hidden hackers also activate their ECM-radio at the right time. After that,  they can get in the open car and transfer it to the back of the truck, and flee away, with the stolen car in the container. After that, the car might sell in the dark markets for some toy of some gang members or people, who uses them illegal car races or even the escape vehicles for some criminal activities like robberies.

Wtach this movies




Picture 1.

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

The North Korean nuke is not probably very technical, but it might work as very good deterrent

(Source: CNN)

Kimmo Huosionmaa

When we are talking about the technology, what is used in the missiles of the North Korea, we must say that the diagrams of those systems are available in all libraries in the west and many Internet-pages. The missile of the North Korea seems like some kind of copy of the Titan missile from the 1950’s. The rocket of the longest range missiles of that country might be liquid fuel systems, but the smaller might use the solid fuel.

The problem with solid fuel rockets is that they need very special chemical industry, and that’s why liquid fuel rocket is more easy to produce. The liquid fuel rockets normally can use any kind of hydrocarbon and oxygenated for the fuel, and that’s why German scientists choose the liquid fuel for V-2 rocket fuel. The solid fuel is more effective in missile technology because that fuel can store inside the missile, and it gives missile shorter reaction time.

There is also the liquid fuel combinations what has the capacity to store inside the rocket, but the problem of those fuels is that they are very corrosive. The nitric acid and hydrazine are the very popular combination of the fuel, what is used in missiles, but the problem is that those components are very poisonous and corrosive.

The main rule is that if the rocket has more than one motor, it will be liquid fuel system. The structure of liquid fuel rocket is more complicated than solid fuel systems, and the problem is that is that. if there is oxygen in the fuel tank, it will cause the explosion.

And the pressure in the motor firing chamber will rise very high, and that is the reason, why liquid fuel rockets must equip with the powerful pump system, what pulls the fuel with a higher pressure that there is in the firing chamber. If the pressure would be less than in the firing chamber will the fire sucked in the tank, and the result might be the explosion. And that was the problem also with many other rockets.

The rocket is not the only part of nuclear weapons. Also, the guidance system is very important part of this very complicated weapon systems. North Korea might use the inertial guidance, where the gyroscope will guide the missile to the target. And that system needs two points for the sharp guidance. The beginning point of the trajectory must determine sharp because that makes the missile the capacity to strike with high accuracy. If the launch point determination is not sharp, that decreases the missiles capacity to strike against hardened targets like missile silos and command bunkers, but if the state uses that weapon for terror r strikes against the civilian targets, it will not need great accuracy.

I don’t know how the North Korea will detonate their nuclear warhead. They probably use the impact, barometric or the time detonators to explode the nuclear warheads. And the problem with that equipment is that I don’t know what kind of security equipment those warheads have.

 But the other problem is, that if some terrorists will get that warhead in their hands, they might build the pollution bomb with that plutonium. They must only explode dynamite in the crushed bite of plutonium, and that will deliver the radioactive material around the area. Or they might able to explode the implosion device if the security is not enough. The problem with those people is, that they will not care about themselves.

Huge North Korean tunnels and underground installations are the problems for the national security of South Korea

(Source CNN)

Kimmo Huosionmaa

When the North Korea launches their missiles, there is always the risk of the war That’s why those nation leaders trust their tunnels what are more complex and harder than Vietnamese tunnels. Those tunnels are made for the long-term residency if the country will be occupied. They are equipped with vegetable farms and another kind of support, what gives those people the capacity for the long-term resistance and sudden attacks against the enemy troops.

The tunnels of the North Korea are the very complicated threat for the national security of South Korea because the North Korea might be made this kind of structures in the side of South Korea, and those tunnels can be used as the barracks or other military installations. The tunnels of the North Korea are actually very well known for the western intelligence. Even the deep tunnels are quite easy to locate with the VLF (Very Low Frequency) radars, what radio waves will penetrate deep inside the landscape.

Those systems are helpful also when the archeological structures are searching from the orbital trajectory. But the problem of the searching with that equipment in this particular case is that the tunnels are so complex, that anti-bunker nuclear warheads will not destroy entire complex. Those tunnels are probably in many levels, and that makes the strike very complicated thing. If the nuclear strike will be done against those tunnels, that will decrease the nuclear arsenal very much. And another problem is that the highest leaders of that nation will be on the special train, what will move all the time.

There are rumors about that train is special designed machine what is made to stand for the pressure waves what strikes against it, in the case of the detonation. And the train would be also designed as the submarine, what stands the water, what might lead into the tunnel if there will be detonated the nuclear weapon. Those communist leaders are well known for their 007 stuff, and their personal protection weapons are the legendary example, what the power makes to the human.

Those are the rumors about that train, but almost everybody is sure that, in this train is hidden nuclear weapon, for the case that the leader of the North Korea will be surrounded by the hostile troops. And the train is armed with chemical weapons, what can be released by the leader's remote control. The system works that the leader of that country will take the atropine injection from the special box, what is in his pocket, and then the nerve agent will be released in the train or outside it. And even if this would be only the rumor, there are not many men in the North Korea, who will test if they are true.

Strange images of "Vimanas Stone" might be caused by the wormhole.

Hieroglyphs of Vimanas
Picture 1

Kimmo Huosionmaa

Above is the picture of the ancient fly machines, what is taken in Vimanas India. This hieroglyphic stone has seen the evidence about ancient astronauts. Those pictures on the surface of that stone look like helicopters, tanks, and airplanes When we have seen this incredible stone, we must understand that those machines are made in 20 the. century, and if we are looking them very carefully, somebody might see, that the helicopter figure is looking like Westland Lynx helicopter, what is used by British Army.

When we are talking about that figure, we might think that those figures are inspired the creators of the Westland Lynx, but the born of that ornament is the mystery. And when we are talking about mysteries, they fascinate the people. I sometimes have thought, that those very unusual ornaments might have even more interesting background than some ancient astronauts. I also have the theory how the picture of the stone have born.

This kind of theory depends on the Einstein-Rosen bridge or the singularity or the “wormhole”. The theory is that in a long time ago, some priests or the holy men of the India was looking the sky. And somehow the circumstances changed like there was opened the wormhole or micro-singularity in the atmosphere. And if we think that phenomenon very sharp, we must say that there is a possibility, that the wormhole bought the light from the future.

Westland Lynx
Picture 2

And this kind of microsized black hole is probably the reason, why some person saw those machines very long time ago. If this theory would be true, that kind of micro-sized black holes might give the opportunity to see the future. So if we sometimes in the future are able to make that kind of particles in the laboratory, they might give the chance to see what is going to happen in the future.

The making of singularity is very easy. The only single point will just conduct the laser or maser-rays, what grows the piece’s mass like it will be dropped to the fourth dimension. The singularity is actually the pure energy, and when we are talking about very small size electromagnetic black holes they might sometimes create spontaneously by the lightning, what can be collected by the lightning conductors or metal sticks during the thunderstorm. And that power of the electricity might able to create the wormhole. Or probably those holy men saw the result of some time travel tests what are made in the S-4. If those time travel tests are real, the singularity might open in the front of some Indian holy men, and they were marked what they saw to the memory of that stone.


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Monday, November 27, 2017

Hidden symbol of the picture

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Kimmo Huosionmaa

When we are making analyzes of the pictures, that doesn't mean that the picture should be some kind of ancient artifact. Also, new pictures might have hidden symbols inside.  Do you see the connection of the triangle in the middle of the wheel (1) and the rocket motor (2)? In my opinion, the triangle in the middle of the wheel has the symbol of the rocket motor connected to it. When we are talking about connections of those pictures, we can’t say that this picture has something do with ancient astronauts or something like that. I don’t know when this picture is made, and that could be quite new.

Picture 2
But in the picture itself is very nice detail under the triangle. In the wheel is many symbols like the pentagram, what means that this equipment can be used for bad things. The pentagram has also another means in this kind of pictures. It means secrecy or hidden information, what is covered in this kind of pictures.

The picture itself might be from 1990’s and here I’m writing about the picture, not any kind of artifact from the past. Making texts about the pictures is the little bit different than making some kind of carbon 14 determinations. The age of the picture is the little bit different than the picture itself.

But as we know there is something symbolics hiding inside that picture. In the triangle is a symbol, what is commonly known as the “eye of Osiris", and that might be the symbol of the artificial intelligence. The doctoral hat above the triangle means high training and high level of intelligence. And the symbol of the high education is bowtie, what is also the symbol of scholarship. This is the nice little picture for cryptographic lesson or writing, how do you want to say.

Thinking about cryptology and the people's position in the royal chessboard.

Cipher Wheel
(Picture 1)

Kimmo Huosionmaa

When we are talking about the cryptology, we must understand, that this science is made for service of the state. Many people think, that cryptologists are some kind of unnecessary people, who were just like some kind of Walsingham, who actually seemed unnecessary part of the state. Those people like parades and they are so sensitive, that I can’t ever think that they actually believe their ideas.

Many people think that the position of Walsingham was somehow weak, he was actually the messenger, and under the control of the man whose name was Rawlings. The military rank what Walsingham had was actually the general major, and he was in the same position, what Agricola had in Finland. So here I must mention that Walsingham was not the only cryptologist on the earth. Also, Pacius and many other people had were spent time, by looking for hidden messages from the royal letters.

In the royal chessboard are many buttons, like courier who were the lower rank officer than the towers, who are normally in the rank, what is straight below the king. The mission of the queen is also very important. She is a king's wife, and even if she doesn’t know anything about military work, the generals will give those operational commands to the troops. Sometimes the term “queen” means actually a Marschall. If that person had the authorization for command this person might be very powerful. But he was easy to arrest because the king always knew where that person was.  And the horseman is normally younger officer, who works straight under king’s personal supervision. That button just goes out and gives the royal letter to the generals.

 When we are talking about the ranks of those officers and compiling them with modern military ranks, the rank of the tower would be general lieutenant and the messenger would be general major. The tower is very far away from the King because distance gives support for using the power to those men, who are very powerful. But the mission of the messenger is very important. The reason why this man would be so-called “light officer", means that he would be easy to transfer another direction. But the mission of messenger is to make copies the royal letters and send them back to the majesty.

That makes sure, that nobody makes any changes in those letters. The messenger doesn’t ever get any information about the original letter, and his mission is to copy texts what he sees and send those text back to the king. This man ever knows why the message was sent, but the lower rank protects him against majesty’s anger. He would not meet royal person alone, and if somebody makes mistakes, will the guilty person find in the line of the towers, and this person was not meet the royal executioner for making the majesty ridiculous. But the difference between the light officer and heavy officer is clear. The heavy officer had a castle, and that makes his movements so slow, that he was not the danger for the king.

Writing about using the academic titles

Kimmo Huosionmaa

The problem with academical lecturer is that they sometimes use too many academic worlds, what nobody actually does understand. Then somebody always says, that the lecturer is hiding behind those terms, what is not very often used in the normal communication between people. The title of superior is the very good thing when some people will want to say “shut up” to another people.

When somebody says, that he or she is the leader of hundreds of workers, would that good weapon in many competitions. The unsharp introduction method sometimes makes the lecture very impressive and also telling a couple of jokes will make that lecture very nice to hear. This is of course just an opposite way if we compile this method with doctoral thesis defense.  But it will make that lecture like some show, what is given to the people in some bar. It will make that lecture feel like some karaoke show, there are lots of talks, but a little number of important things, what supports the society or business life.

If some people mentioned that thing, will that cause the thoughts in the audience's head, that those people are powerful because they can offer the job for those people? And the academical title will give support to that person. If somebody uses academical titles, many people think that those people are so smart and well educated, that they even can’t make mistakes. The academical title is always the good argument when somebody wants to crush another person’s opinions.

But in the normal life is sometimes usual, that some people will hide behind their titles. Finland is the Republic of the titles is sometimes very well on the surface of the normal social life. In the television is very often introduced the person who is in the leading position of the business and social life. The academical title is the very nice thing when this person wants to introduce the political opinions of other people. And of course, the well-known friends boosts trust to that person. Religion is one part of political life, and that’s why religion is a good thing to support the person’s own opinions.

They normally tell the people their own position in some companies. But when the document carries on, there is one thing missing. The thing what, I sometimes miss in the document is, what kind of training those people have. They will very often say that they had studied in the University. But they never tell the people what kind of professionals they are. And this is the very strange thing. If I think those document programs very sharp, we must say that those people are also the very good advertisement for their schools. So why those people would not tell cameras who they really are? In the world of the business is sometimes seen the very sad thing, where bosses say that they have very many henchmen. But they ever say, what will give that position to them.

Theory of The Phaistos disk

Photograph 1.

Kimmo Huosionmaa

When I'm writing about the Phaistos disk, I must say that this text is only the guess about the purpose of the Phaistos disk, and it might be not so dramatic as many people think. The reason for that artifact is probably hiding the messages between the kings or priests.  The simplest explanation for this plate is not crypto-plate. It might be the orders, how the priests must act when they performed the rituals in the front of the people.

The priest couldn't ask anybody help when he performed his rituals, and that was the reason because they needed orders, what to do, and this was the reason, why those disks are made. The orders to the priests were covered as the art. And that was the reason, why that nice looking artifact is found from in the ruins of temples.

The purpose of this spectacular artifact from the past is probably the code disk, what has been used for coding the messages. The use of the code disks is very easy. There are normally two plates, what makes two rings of the letters. When the coder wanted to make the coded message, he turned those plates to the position, what he wanted, and after that, the replacing marks can be written with special system, what can open by the person who knows the position of those disks.

(Photograph 2)
Those disks were used for hiding secret messages before mechanical Enigma-machines and computers. That is the most common guess, what the Phaistos disk could be. As you probably see, the code disk does not always contain the normal letters, and that is why the cryptologists will earn their salaries. Those code disks are sometimes coding for special markings like hieroglyphics.

When we are talking about this ancient Egyptian writing, the hieroglyphs what is used in the cryptology are not necessary same than the hieroglyphs inside the Pyramids are, and they might make only for hiding some secret messages between two persons. But the use of this Phaistos disk is probably the little bit different than normal code plates. The surface of the code plate might be made the papyrus or something else material, what was easy to destroy.

This disk is probably the mold, what is used for making other plates, or the surface of that plate was used for rubbing some carbon against the papyrus, what made the copy of the surface for some practical use, like in the letters between the kings. The normal persons should not ever be seen what the kings spoke together.  That was the reason, why those plates used for hiding the messages. Those plates were normally stored inside the temples, where the "magic" covered those communications or cryptological equipment from the superstitious people. And of course, those code plates were used special makings to cover the secrets of the kings who lived over 2000 years ago.




Hybrid children want's to see...

Picture 1

Kimmo Huosionmaa 

When we think the world, where we are living today, we must say that there is one big hope for societies around the world. the hope will be that the people would be industrious like ants. That’s why there is a rumors or theories, that some people in the history have tried to crossbreed the human and ants. Genetic experiments are manifests about human attempt to play god. The picture of above is from the ancient Egypt, and it is claimed to express the human and some animal hybrids. In this very rare theory, those smaller characters in the picture are the mixture of humans and some insects.

These ornaments are sometimes made by some other reasons, and in some cases, those artifacts have been seeming like the fake. Those fakes have been made by example Waffen SS for the instructions for genetic experiments. When those “Angels of Death” like Dr. Josef Mengele made their work, they made very sharp notes, but when the war was ended, they must hide those notes from the public eye, and maybe those notes were camouflaged as an artifact of the Ancient Egypt. Even if those tests have done with human, I'm almost sure, that animal experiments have done this thing. 

Those notes would send their owner to the prison forever, but as we know it’s very easy to hide behind the back of the notorious Nazi criminals, and those men were good mask for extra-ordinary tests, what have done under high control of the national security officials in the Soviet Union and probably in the United States. Some of those tests were made under the supervision by those Nazi-criminals, and they were very frightened. In some rumors in the human fetus or young person's spinal cord were injected with bugs neural cells. I don’t know the results of those tests, but as we have read, those neural cells are more sophisticated than human or mammals neural cells. 

If those experiments are true, those test would make possible to create the very intelligent creature, but when we are looking this kind of science in the moral respect, we must say that those actions would be the most immoral thing, what I can expect. Another thing what modern scientists can make is to fasten the human and the ant’s DNA. That operation will not so difficult in theory. 

In some tests were the starting point the hypotheses, that increasing the number of neural cells will increase the level of the intelligence. The tests were in the body of the dogs were injected more neural cells were made in research institutes. The only thing what the experimentalist must do is to fasten those DNA:s together and then inject them inside the cells. I don’t know are those human tests real, but there were made tests, wherein the body of ants will transfer more neurons. The results of those tests were very positive, and the ants what are injected by other species neurons were more social and intelligent. 

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Why some superior cities and civilizations have been abandoned?

Angkor Wat
(Picture 1)

Kimmo Huosionmaa

The question about the lost cities and civilizations is, why the cities like Angkor Wat and many more cities, what was very superior to other cities left to destroy in the jungle. Why those marvelous cities were left behind when their people left the city. and went to live in the jungle? What was the reason for that? One of the wildest theory about those lost cities is so awesome, that I must write that to you. That is the very philosophical theory, and that has been given inspiration for many Science fiction series.

Some people think that there would be the reason for the evacuation for those cities were UFO-attack, and the people who came from another solar system made those cities, and after that became the rebellion, and those people must destroy all their technical instruments because those systems could use by tracking those aliens. This is the very good theory, but as we might understand, it is only theory. The support for that theory has been given strange ornaments in the pyramids of Yucatan peninsula and all over the South America. In some people, opinion is that those ornaments are portraying the space-suited astronauts.

Mayan Disk
(Picture 2)

And there were found many unusual artifacts like toys, what seems like aircraft and ornaments what are looking like rockets. This theory is not made by me, and it is not quite new. Erich Von Daniken wrote the book about those ornaments, and I read that because it was full of beautiful pictures of those pyramids and other nice places. But when we are talking about those theories what depends lost cities, we must say that there are more practical theories, why those cities left alone in the jungle.

One of the most interesting theory is that those cities were controlled by tyrants, who were protected by another king. And when the people of Angkor Wat were raised against that person, would the citizens afraid the revenge of Chinese or Arabs, who were protected the leader of the city, and that was the reason why people flee to the jungle. And probably those cities were empty in the South America because European conquistadors came to the land. And if the Indians were smart, they might lie, that their cities had been empty for hundreds of the years, although they had just left that place.
Yucatan ornament
(Picture 3)

Or probably the reason for the emptiness of those cities was actually the epidemics like a plague. That epidemic killed many people in the Europe, and when we are investigating the history of that disease, we might see that the plague came first to the Constantinople by the ships, and the reason why this story is so frightening, is that those sailors would not able to control their ship, if that epidemic began just earlier. So the plague was somewhere before, and the horrifying thing about that epidemic was the plague came to all cities in the Europe.

So somebody believes this particular epidemic had been promulgated in purpose. The reason why I believe that was the Constantinople was surrounded by Ottomans, and the roads to the city were closed, and that’s why the epidemic was hard to break out the Constantinople. And the systematic way how the epidemic promulgated in the Europe, will be some kind of proof, that plague was sent to cities on purpose.

The systems what might use in this operation would not be complicated. The rats what were poisoned with plague bacteria only needed to bring to the cities in the corral, or if those people who were responsible for that operation would know that this deadly syndrome will be infectious by the fleas what sucked the blood of the infected black rat. And if those fleas would be released in the square from the spice bags,  the result would be effective and deadly, but the reason, why somebody does that is the mystery. There is no proof that the epidemic was released on purpose, but the systematic infection rate will make me think that plague epidemics were put into action by purpose.

Why would somebody track some persons all the time?

Avrocar flying saucer from 1950's
(Picture 1)

Kimmo Huosionmaa

If I were some kind of Luke Skywalker, I will ask myself why I wouldn’t know any normal person in the Universe? Does someone track me by some electronic component, because they always can put the best imperial pilot against me? The fictional character of fictional “Jedi Cult” is one very good example the paranoid situation, where somebody might know any time where some person would be. Those fictional  “Jedi-knights” in the Star Wars movie could recognize if another Jedi is hanging somewhere near this fighter. In some situations, some human feels that they will be followed during the day, and somebody will be observing the ḿ all the time.

This syndrome is called the “Jedi-” or  “Skywalker-syndrome”. The reason why I’m writing this text is that I saw one trailer on the YouTube, where “UFO:s”, will haunt one family. In the movie would be all particles, what can make the really good horror movie. Why I’m using the fictional films as for example, what this kind of technically caused phenomenon might look like.

But when we are talking about this kind of cases, where somebody might call the family, and say that he will follow them, we must say that in theory there would be the reason for feel uncomfortable or scary in those situations. If the person calls to the house, and observation is targeted to the house, might the reason for the calls be very simple? Somebody might want to scare the owners of the house away, and that would be the reason for those phone calls or letters. That particular person might also poison the drinking water by putting amphetamine or heroin pills to the drinking water.

That is simpler than you might guess. In the drinking water tube will just need to put the bag, where will be put those drugs, and after that the control of those persons bodies will be little difficult, and if the person has the “Wind cannon” will the birds fall from the skies. The “wind cannon” is actually a tube, where is the very high inflammable hydrocarbon or some other explosive. When this tube is turned right position, the pressure wave will drop the birds from the skies, and for the UFO is needed the dia projector, fog and the picture of the UFO, what is made in the slide-form.
Avrocar diagram

Or if that person wants to put little money into his action, he or she might buy the “document cannon”, what can be connected to the computer. And then the joker must only wait for the fog, what allows to make very good conditions for this kind of trick. This kind of “jokes” can be done with the equipment can be bought from the supermarket. But is somebody will follow some person all the time and actually shows that someway, must the target think that somewhere in this victim’s body or clothes. In some cases might be possible, that mobile telephones GPS-system have been hacked. In this kind of cases might the follower find the person by using the telephones location information.

Or they might implant that person surgically with GPS-system. That might allow those persons to follow their target by day or the night, but the question is, why somebody does that. Is that person some kind of extraordinary intelligent genetic manipulated, or why those implants would put in the target person’s body.

The mobile telephone is very good equipment for the following device. If the target uses the heart rate monitor, the follower will be sure that the target person has this equipment in the pocket all the time. And if we will turn those UFO-channel on, we might think that those birds will drop from the sky with the pressure of VTOL-airplane motors. If that vertical takeoff and landing system might be-be saucer shape, and uses the radially symmetrical installed jet-motors, and one motor what gives the vertical thrust, might drop the birds from the skies. And if we are talking about electronic alarm devices, they might be malfunctioned with high power EMP-pulse. That would explain, why the alarm-systems would not working, in the hypothetical case on intruding the house by the aliens or special forces troops.

Why are some people disappointed with their fatherland? (Armfelt case)

Gustav Mauritz Armfelt

Kimmo Huosionmaa

In the history of Finland is one name, what might be interested in people. That name is Gustav Mauritz Armfelt (1757-1819) member of the committee of the cases of Finland and another kind of those things. He was the man who defended the city of Goteborg when Denmark invader to Sweden. The brother of the king wanted that man to be away from Sweden, and send him to Naples. There were many people, who were jealous of that man about his success in the defense of Göteberg in 1788, and because he was ordered the guarder of the prince of Sweden. Armfelt was the main negotiator couple of years later in 1790 peace talks with Russians and that made him the good target for the prosecutions and denigrated by the people, who wanted to make impress to the king.

After that, the man was charged with high treason, and judgment was death. After that Armfelt was fled to Denmark,  and his lover was also convicted to death, but the punishment was changed for public whipping and two years in imprisonment. The reason for that was that Armfelt was imprisoned by the Russian troops after he was wounded.  Or that was, of course, claimed because this man was the main negotiator in the peace discussions.

The reason why Armfelt had so many enemies, was that he was guarded of the underage son of the King of Sweden Gustav III. And in that position, this man got very powerful enemies. And the power in the Sweden was in the hands of Gustav Adolf Reuterholm (1756-1813) . The brother of the king had also very much support, and of course, he wanted also become the guarded of the Prince of Sweden. There were many people, who would want to see the crown of the country in the anyone else than Reuterholm’s hands.

Gustav Adolf Reuterholm

After that, the regent of Sweden Gustav Reuterholm was sent a letter to the Denmark, that all honorable medals of that man must be returned to Sweden, but Danish opinion was, that those charges were fabricated by political enemies of Armfelt. After that Armfelt was very disappointed to the Sweden, and after that, he went to Russian service. The history of that man you can read from Wikipedia if you want. But as you see, there is one historical thing, what you might want to know. The name Armfelt means the edge of the hand or the edge of the weapon.

That name meant something big for Sweden, and that thing was, that Sweden was grown too big for one man’s control The Sweden was tyranny or autocratic state, and if the size of that state's land mass were too big, the control of the king was lost. At that time was no airplanes or airborne troops, what could transfer very fast to some point of the country. And when the land area was grown, the transfer of the troops was taken a long period. So that means that the king could not move his troops to the rebellious areas. The second problem of Swedish government was that there were very much people, who didn’t even speak Swedish, and the king's opinion was, that the royal officials should not even learn Finnish.

But the problem of that language was, that if the royal officials didn’t understand the worlds, the people who hated the king could speak or write everything that they want if they used Finnish. And of course, the area of Finland was the place, where battles were done, if there was become a conflict between Sweden and Finland. That was really painful for the people, who live in Finland. And if nobody teaches Swedish to the people, they ever could handle their own business with Swedish officials.

That’s why Armfelt was so tired of the King of Sweden. The judgment what was given to him was later noticed to be too heavy, and that was the reason, why Armfelt moved to the Russian. If he could not flee, his neck was cut and after that, if the judgment were noticed wrong, that thing was mean anything for Armfelt, who was sitting on the edge of the cloud.

Another thing what was tired Armfelt was that Reuterholm and other higher rank members of the Government just wanted to believe the enemies of the Armfelt, and that was not feeling good for his mind. Because this man was from Finland, he was not the member of the inner circle of the power and the royal guards. And that’s why he was the perfect victim for blaming if something went wrong. And because Sweden had no success in the 1790 war the man who was blamed was of course Armfelt.

Saturday, November 25, 2017

The story of the crucifixion and the Roman methodology of the punishment.

Uspenski orthodox cathedral Helsinki

Kimmo Huosionmaa

The crucifixion is probably the most hated and brutal way to execute the human been, and because this method was chosen for execution of Jesus Christ we hate that method very much. And we are of course hating Pilatus, the man who gave that judgment after 2000 years. But when we are looking for the method, what was chosen to kill Jesus, we must think that the death penalties are mentioned for the warning, what would happened if somebody speaks or acts against the Roman Emperor. The crucifixion was one method, what was able to use against the people, who threatened the superiority of the Roman Empire, and the problem of that method was that the crucified person should not yell anything against the Rome, and something had to be used to close the victim's mouth.

Because if that person hangs in the execution pile, will that person say something bad for the Rome for last words, and that was the reason, why the death on the cross was so feared. Everybody feared that method and that was not comfortable even for the Roman authorities. So when Roman authorities wanted that the person would be silent forever, they normally send the undercover legionnaires to neutralize the target.

When we are talking about whipping, the methodology what the Roman empire used in that kind of punishment was poisoning with Cobras poison. The whips were moistened in the poison, what was tapped from Cobra or Mamba, and after that, the whips just touched the victim. That poison is the mixture with neurotoxic and the component what destroys tissue, and causes the situation, where on victim's body will open the cut, where the nervous poison will be suck in the victim’s blood, causing the death almost immediately. Same way the crown of thorns could be deadly if that is pet with the poison of those snakes, and of course the nails that are used in this action, would be covered with poison.

So why those methods were not used in this particular punishment? Why Roman Empire and Pontius Pilatus made that man the hero? Was in the Roman interests actually use that very frighten punishment for the man, who did not even take the sword in his hand? The normal methodology what the Romans used was that they were the “nice guys”, who just cut the heads off, and the tough and painful methods were reserved for the vassals of Rome, whose mission was to prepare the area for the Roman control. And those men were extremely hated.

The reason why Roman vassal Herodes ordered the massacre of Jerusalem about 30 years before this particular eastern. The Christmas night massacre, where all children of that city were killed, was meant for killing the King David family and cut the bloodline of the king of Israel. There is one very interesting part of the Holy Bible, and there was mentioned, that Josef was a room and family of King David, what might mean that Maria was actually the member of the royal court of King David. Josef was also the high-rank nobleman, who was from the remarkable family, but not member of the royal family of  David. But the Holy Bible was not ever mentioned one very important thing.

How close member of that royal family was for David. Did they be some kind of cousins? And another question will raise from that book. Why didn’t they have room in that city? When the Romans were ordered that tax collection and the massacre, they were calculated the people, and reserved them the rooms. That would make the arresting easier, but did somebody took the place of that family? Or did Josef or Maria actually lied that they were members of the royal family? And the question is, why they didn’t have that room in the city? Why did they have to go in the cowshed? This is the questions that are made in this case from 2000 years ago.

New systems allow researchers to follow cellular communication wirelessly.

"To improve biosensing techniques that can aid in diagnosis and treatment, MIT researchers developed tiny, wireless antennas that use l...