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Why was Africa so important for CIA?

Hawker Hunter
(Picture I)

Kimmo Huosionmaa

Mercenaries are good actors in top-secret military operations. They would not tell anything about those military actions. When we are talking about those "dogs of war", we have the straight picture in our heads, that those persons are some men with assault rifles, who drive jeeps in somewhere of conflict zones. But those men are sometimes operating with jet fighters or bombers. That equipment officially is removed from service, that it cannot be tracked to some governments. They are always elder combat aircraft like Folland Gnat, Fouga Magister or Hawker Hunter, what is easy to get and explain to some authorities if they ask the purpose of those aircraft.

There are many stories about the mercenary operations in Africa, what was profited by CIA, and there were rumors that Patrice Lumumba (1925-1961), the man who could be the leader of the Democratic Republic of Congo, what was in that time known as Zaire, was killed by mercenaries, who took orders from CIA. After that, the power in that country was taken by Mobutu Se-Se Seko (1930-1997). That happened in 1963, when Belgia leave its colonies in Africa and the road what Congo walked repeated simultaneously in every African country, what was given the independence.

In 1970's when Angola was taken independence were many mercenaries fought in that area, and there are always questions, why CIA made those operations, where was not used, official American troops, and it was operated by using mercenaries? The  CIA's way to make those operations, where independent states took under the control of the United States military intelligence were legendary. All those operations were so-called semi-public material. Those operations were well known, but the evidence that American military personnel was involved with them was covered. And also there were not allowed to use the United States military equipment, because of U.S military didn't want that the M-16 assault rifles and Huey Helicopters were too many times in the films, what were shown on the evening news. That's why in those operations were used so-called foreign military equipment like Chilean or Spanish assault rifles. But one question is open, and that's the question: why CIA was so interested about Africa in that time. The reason was diamonds, what were easy to transform into money.

Those diamonds were the key of dark operations of KGB, what could make deals with African leaders. In the worst scenario, what CIA:s headquarters could see, was that African leaders would sell diamonds to the western markets, get dollars from the west, and after that buy military or other technical hardware from Russia or the Soviet Union. And that would allow delivering those dollars in the hands of KGB, what could now get the financial support for its own illegal operations. When we are talking about mercenary operations in Africa, the Soviet Union and its allies like East-Germany send military advisors to Africa to train and control the local troops. There is little bit difference between those operations in East and West. In the West those operations were public, and everybody knew about "white soldiers" in Africa, but in the Soviet Union, those operations were classified.

And there were stories that some East-German agents, who worked in the same missions as Soviet personnel sometimes sold their services to some "security companies" because there were no language problems between East and West Germany. And if some of those advisory wanted to change their homeland, that was possible. The operator marked as dead, and then this person could get West German passport, and of course, the bank account where was money from the services of those persons. The mission of those men and maybe women was to give practice for use of MI-24 "Hind" helicopters and other Russian military equipment like anti-tank weapons.

That equipment told that in Africa were operated many more things than assault rifles. There are rumors that mercenaries few also even the jet fighters in those operations, what was highly classified. Many of the documents about those missions might be burned in some grills in the United States, France, and Great Britain. And nobody ever can prove anything about those operations. Western side took Hawker Hunters and Canberra bombers in that area, and at the first, those aircraft was marked as "removed". There are rumors that, those aircraft were re-painted, and in sometimes those pilots were used airfields in somewhere in Europe. After that those pilots used airborne refueling in the long-range operations, what was targeted in southern Africa.

After the attack, those aircraft returned home. When we are thinking about hiding those missions, the guns of those aircraft installed like the shells would not drop to the ground. That means the cannons would collect used shells to the box, that the aircraft would not be uncovered. And of course, bombs and rockets were marked to used in some practice. The importance of southern Africa uncovered when Henry Kissinger (born 1923) started to give pressure to the Rhodesian government for stopping the civil war. Also, Kissinger stopped the military support for South-Africa, because that nation used racist Apartheid policy, and that was very embarrassing for the United States.

Those apartheid countries were caused themselves, that they were not able to get military support from the United States because if most of the people of the country were not able to vote, that was very bad sign for democracy. and CIA claimed that it was working for democracy.  Kissinger was very hardcore and high-rank actor in the foreign policy of the United States. That man was guaranteed, that the President of the United States was behind those contracts. He was actually given support also for Kurdish warriors in Turkey, but when the PKK took control in the Kurdish movement, the support was checked, what means that it was delayed because PKK was ranked as the terrorist organization, and Turkish government started to get military support.


Picture I:


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