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The writing of strange organism 46B and the strange lake at the Antarctic, what can give us the answers, what kind of world, there is probably found in Jupiter's Europa moon

Organism 46B
Picture I

Kimmo Huosionmaa

Below this text is a video of strange octopus, what has been named as the “Organism 46B”, and that is one of the strange species, that are found in Antarctica. That octopus was once attacked by Soviet scientists, and this case is quite interesting, because of some reasons this incident wanted to remain secret. The reason for keeping this case secret is actually unknown because there should not find any secrets in the cases, where some animals attack human.

The poison of that octopus is similar with other octopuses, what means that the will of getting the poison for some special equipment would not be the reason for keeping this thing secret. Under the Antarctica ice is a strange world, where have been found lakes, what has been isolated from the age of dinosaurs, and those lakes would keep the ecosystems, what is unknown for humans. There is a possibility, that in Antarctica lakes lives some species, what doesn’t need oxygen for the living, and they could possible separate oxygen from the chemical combinations. Even in Europe live fishes, what doesn’t need to take pure oxygen from water or air for the living. Those fishes like crucians would live in conditions, where the oxygen level is extremely low, and that’s why those lakes are very interesting targets for scientists.

Those lakes in Antarctica would give us the thought, what kind of world could be found in the Jupiter’s Europa-moon, what is the very interesting object for searching extraterrestrial lifeforms. That moon is covered by huge ice-cap, and under that ice would be an ocean, where could be found bacteria and probably the fish-shape organisms. The surface of that moon is probably quite unstable, and that’s why landing on it would be dangerous.

But the thing, what could be sent to that moon would be automatized midget submarine, that can dive in the ocean. The simplest way to make that submarine just makes the nuclear-powered system, what outer layer can be heated, And then this submarine would land to the surface of Europa. After that, the outer layer would be warming, and then that submarine can dive thru the ice. Of course, it could use microwaves to get back to surface for sending transmissions to the Earth. That midget submarine can also be equipped with a small rocket, what can send the water of that moon to orbiter-probe, and that orbiter can send this sample to Earth. But this would be very dangerous because if there would be dangerous bacteria in that water, there could be some epidemics on the Earth.

And that’s why on the Moon might build very sophisticated autonomous laboratories, because if that hypothetical organism would accidentally be released to  Earth atmosphere, would the result be terrible. Organism 46B made me think, that those hypothetical alien organisms might have the ability to transform small germs in the victim's body, and those organisms, what hopefully only live in my imagination could grow as an octopus inside the victim's body. We don’t know this kind of organisms except for the parasitoid wasps on Earth, and those bugs are very interesting part of our ecosystem. And their way to life is very disgusting. They put eggs inside other bugs, and then those bugs would kill the victim. They have given ideas for creepy movie creatures like Ridley Scott’s “Alien”, what is one of the most horrified movie characters in the history of science fiction and horror.


Picture I


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