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Secret "antigravity" technology

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Kimmo Huosionmaa

The term "antigravity" means the actually silent way to raise the aircraft from the ground. In the real world, this term actually means that engineers try to repeal the magnetic field of the Earth, what would cause that the aircraft would rise above the Earth.  In some tests, there have been tested the magnets, what could push aircraft to airborne. They are actually one version of magnet catapults, but in this case, magnets would pull the aircraft straight to air, and in this system would be used the pulling effect between the same mark heads of the magnets.

And this kind of system is tested with levitating (Maglev) trains, where magnets push the train above the rail. Those magnetic rails would work the same way as gauss guns, where magnets will accelerate ammunition. Those magnets would be suitable to install in some warships or special runways, and they might help to send airplanes to air, with very heavy cargo. Also, pressurized air has been tested for giving airplanes capacity for lifting off with extra cargo, and in those systems, the pressurized air would blow under the body of aircraft by using compressors.

Sometimes there is mentioned the system called "Die Glocke" as one version of anti-gravity vehicle, and that is actually not true. This kind of systems are so-called "plasma-ion motors", and they are basically the same thing as ion motors. But they would use the greater density of ions. And those motors would work as the normal rocket or ion motors, but they are voiceless. Those motors would not use conventional combustion, and they can be used by giving electricity to that rocket with radio-masers. The same kind of systems are laser- and electric arc motors, what uses internal or external systems to make the warm air under the vehicle, and that heat would raise the aircraft to air.

Those internal lasers or radio systems could be targeted to carbon fiber stick, what would warm the air in the chamber under the craft. Or the electric arc can be made in the air, at the middle of the craft. In both versions, the problem of those systems is to create enough energy for raising that vehicle from the ground. The reason, why I took those laser and radio systems in this text at the same time,  is that both systems use electromagnetic radiation for making enough heat, that it can raise the craft in the air.

And sometimes there would be tested the airship, where the heat of the air can be made by using radio waves to make the warm air in this vehicles balloon.  So this kind of antigravity doesn't break laws of nature, and some of them are tested in public places, and below this text is one of those films, where the laser is used to give propulsion for small size test vehicle. And probably at someday, the full-scale system would fly across the earth.


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