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Covert action and its use to destroy the defense of the state

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Kimmo Huosionmaa

Hyperinflation is the situation, that some country or nation makes too much money, and that would cause losing the value of the money. Hyperinflation is very easy to make, one person must just buy the money of some state out from markets, and when that money has collected enough, can this person release it to markets, what would cause catastrophic thing in the economy. Another way to make collapse for some nations economy is to make perfect copies of the money of the targeted nation, and that would make hyperinflation possible. Also, other things like bomb strikes and another kind of sabotage can be connected to that thing, what is called as "covert action".

If the money maker uses virtual money, must this person just need the identification codes, what is used in the money transactions to certify that virtual money is original could that cause the loss of trust for the economy. Those codes are actually decimal prime numbers, what is extremely long. And if somebody would get those codes in their hand, can those persons make virtual money, what acts like in normal money. And the idea of virtual money is, that they can change to normal money any time. This makes that thing very bad for the economy of some states, what are targetted for this kind of action.

When the value of money starts to collapse, the state would go to the so-called spiral of death. That means that money loses its value so fast, that when somebody would get the salary,  the money must be used right away because the value of it would lose in minutes. Why this advantage is so difficult to stop, is because people need money for living. They must buy their merchandise by using the money, what must be exited. And this is the reason, why the making of money cannot stop. What makes this situation very bad, is that in that case, many people take their salary in cash, and in some point of hyperinflation would people empty their bank accounts, what makes necessary to print more money, and in that case, foreign companies would leave the country.

That would be catastrophic for the incoming money, and that would increase the speed of inflation. The accelerating speed of inflation would cause the situation, that people would not have money to buy gasoline, and that would cause the bankruptcies of the gasoline stations and in this scenario, the logistics of the state would collapse, because of trucks and another kind of heavy transport like trucks needs gasoline, and if there would no petrol stations would that cause the collapse of food supply. And if people don't have the money or ability to get food would it cause the situation, that they must leave their homeland. And the massive number of refugees causes the crisis and international conflicts.

This might cause hunger in all nation, and then people are going to flee from that country.  Because the government cannot pay the salaries, must police officers leave their jobs, and then the state would go to anarchy. That would cause that people lost their trust in that government. That means that the nation must make very big reforms in its economy, or it would be facing the collapse, and if the state cannot control its area, would it become the support area for terrorists and other illegal actors like slave traders. Because of that, we must give support for governments, because the anarchy is the problematic situation for the nation itself and international community.

And one of the most problematic thins of the nations, what are targeted for that kind of operations, where the value of money would be dropped, is that many of them use the major part of annual income for buying military equipment. Those governments would also pay mercenaries for supporting their policy. This makes them the very good target for those operations, what are named as "destabilization". The main purpose of those financial and limited warfare operations is to destroy the economy of the government. That means the sabotage for important systems, like in tropic the cooling systems of the markets can be sabotaged. And also electric supply to the cities can be destroyed, by cutting the wires. When we are talking about fuel supply, the fuel can be polluted by sugar, and that would cause the terrible situation if that is targeted for fire rescue or other official vehicles, can it cause the death of many people.


Picture I


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