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The problematic relationships between the East and West

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Kimmo Huosionmaa

There are many problems in the relationships between the East and West, as we have seen in the case when meeting with the President of the United States and North Korea have been delayed.  That kind of meetings would seem very nice and necessary thing to get the peace in the world. But the problem of those relationships are the prison camps, what is found in every eastern block states, and there are many persons, who believe, that if talking between Western states and North Korea will continue, that would be signal, that we would accept those prison camps. The problem with the secret prison camps in the communist states is that they are used to make products for public marketing, and the work inside those camps is actually free. That's why the production in those countries is very cheap.

And in those camps have made many crimes against humanity, what makes them problematic for the governments of the Eastern block. If those prison camps would be opened, and prisoners would send free, also the normal people would know, what happened in those camps after the Korean and Vietnam war. Many people, who live in the west know the existence of those secret camps of the government, where the enemies of the state would be closed. The existence of political prisoners is actually very well known thing, but the use of those prisoners in the production of the commercial merchandise is a thing, what is not very well known.

Those prisoners make skirts and jeans even for public markets, and that production is so-called "moralistically suspicious". The principles of the western democracies, in their relationship for work, is that worker must get reasonable payment for the job, and the worker should live with that money. And slave working is strictly prohibited in Europe. Slavery is the crime against humanity and many concentration camp guards were convicted of this crime. This term consists of the separation of the workers, isolation because of political or religious opinions and unrating other persons work, and making the work in dangerous conditions without necessary protection.

And of course, extortion, killing, and humiliation are crimes against humanity. When we are going back to this delayed meeting, we must say, that in the history of this nuclear crises, North Korea has shown many times, what kind of trust other nations should give to that state. The North Korean government made nuclear weapons even it was made in the contract, to stop the developing nuclear weapons it still made those hydrogen bombs. And shooting missiles over Japan in the tests is the very good way to show, how much peace North Korea wants. Those tests are the very good way to alleviate excitement in that area.

The nuclear weapon is the very problematic thing for the leaders of North Korea. Those weapons are the good shield for them, but if somebody wants to destroy the capital of that state with the nuclear bomb, would it now be possible. The nuclear weapons are also good excuse to avoid military conflict with that nation, and that's why it's also good for Western countries, which have willingly given information of the human right condition in that country. North Korean nuclear weapons are not sharp enough to destroy command bunkers and other support systems of the United States, but it can make damages to cities and other civilian targets. The North Korean government need foreign enemies, because of the threat of the foreign nuclear states would keep it citizens restless. And of course, in the very desperate situation, where the army of North Korea would become rebellious, would the leaders of that state shoot the missiles to the USA, because they would want that USA would attack to that state by using nuclear forces.

And that would cause the counter strike immediately. But as we know, North Korea would start the war in the situation, that somebody tries to murder Kim Jong Un with SADM (Special Atomic Demolition Munition). The material for that weapon could be stolen from the nuclear projects, and then this weapon could be exploded near the government buildings in Pyongyang. In some scenario, some technicians "forget" to remove the warhead before missile would be sent to parade, and then explode it in the middle of Pyongyang. Also, those missiles or their stages can be used as the FAE (Fuel Air Explosive) -bombs, if they are using liquid fuel, and in this case, the detonators would be connected to the tanks of the missiles. Solid fuel rockets can also use as the bombs, by exploding the stages in those parades. This type of weapon could be installed in the trunk of some vehicle and slip it in that closed area, and in this case, the leaders of that state would think that they are under attack by the foreign state. And in that situation, the North Korean government would start the nuclear war against USA and South-Korea.


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