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Being proud of nationality and the ethnic background is the good thing until something goes too far and arrogance turns to violence

Kimmo Huosionmaa

As we have many times seen, small nations are very proud of their past, and being proud of the national and ethnic background is the key element to the road to independence. And this is very nice to see, and of course, every nation and the ethnic group have something, what would make them proud. Or why they have stayed independent ethnic groups in the middle of bigger nations? Being interesting about the history of the people is the road to national awakening and to the independence. That road has not always been easy, and sometimes it has caused much pain and suffering for many people.

Normally being interesting about the history of some area and the people of it is a very positive thing. The interest of some people language and culture would help with their social and economic situation. And things like using Saami language in Donald Duck makes possible to train the language in normal life. That kind of things shows people that their language and culture is not worse than any other culture, and also own language is the key to be proud. That there is allowing to read books and watch TV-programs, what are texted with people own language shows them, that they are allowed to speak and otherwise use their native language.  That would help people avoiding the alienation.

Training to speak and write other languages begins with mother language, what is the gate to learn other clappers. Also, strong skills in mother language like learning Grammarly makes easier to use languages with public authorities like in governmental offices and cash line.  But as we have seen there is an opposite side of being proud of the history of the nation. That has sometimes got the nation to the road for racism and militaristic nationalism. When we are thinking about the situation that wealthy nationalism and being proud of own culture turns to the militaristic road, where the only way to act is to use military force against neighbors. And of course be proud of the language and culture makes sometimes effect, that the main culture would systematically destroy identities of other ethnical groups of some nation.

This has happened in many modern countries, like South America, Russia, United States, and China, where ethnical groups were forced to become one with mainstream culture. And what happened before that have not mentioned in history. How many cultures were destroyed from Europe from medieval time? First thing, what destroyed cultures were Christianity, our religion, what slipped other religions to the history. And in real life, almost every nation has been destroyed some culture from the Earth. Finnish have tried to destroy gypsy-culture from our nation, and racistic isolation for that ethnical group is still very common in some circles. This is a very sad thing in the world. We do not tolerate people, who are different than we are. And that would cause hate and violence against those people.

But at the same time, we are giving advice to other nations how they should deal with their own ethnic minorities. Is that funny thing? We are talking always some kind of Gaza areas but at the same time, we cannot tolerate that some gypsy walks to our gasoline station. And also the biggest thing, what our parliament have done, have been allowed the marriage between same-gender people, but there would always found people, who wanted to deny that law because marriage is mentioned in the Holy Bible is the relationship between man and woman. This is of course very nice thing, that somebody would read Holy Bible, but when we are thinking about laws, we must say, that there would be some differences between lawbook and the Holy Bible.

One of those differences is, that lawbook is the thing, what would the officials follow, and Holy Bible is for some other purpose. At the same time, we would forget that using holy books as the law books means the fundamentalist way to think and act, and we always prosecute that Islamist do that kind of things. But also Christian can be the fundamentalist. This means that also this kind of fundamentalism can be destructive and cause very much violence and pain for normal people. But this is the opposite side of the religion, what is also one of the key elements of national identity. This kind of things is very difficult to handle. And in the name of proud nationalism is done many traumatic things.


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