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Making influential texts and remembering the things, what happened in my young-hood

Kimmo Huosionmaa

Every writer in the world wants to make texts what have influence. And the influence means the number of readers of texts. This is very interesting part of writing, and how I would make people read my texts. This is the question, what might have the very strange answer. The answer is that the people, who were the writer's enemies during the school are people, who might want to read this person's texts. And the problem of those persons is that they have given the picture, that opponent is some kind of idiot. And when we are thinking about publications like "Donald Duck", we must ask, are those publications so good, that the makers of them would rise above all other people.

Making texts interesting gives their more influence because there is more than one reader for those things, what might be lies or true or true lies. I know that I'm not the perfect person and there is not, the human who is perfect. And some things from the past might make texts more interesting. Many people want to hear the stories of the writers young-hood because they want to remember the past. Young-hood was the very nice thing for many people, and there is always found something interesting to write. People want to remember their young-hood because that was so wild time, and there were many concerts and nice things, what are told to other people.

Real writers want to publish their texts, and why should we hide our opinions. Keeping texts open to read gives their more readers, and the feedback would be better that way because the readers cannot make contracts of the feedback, what is given to those texts. That would make the feedback easier to read. If somebody steals the texts, what other person has made, and sells them, that thief must give all money to the maker even that would be the family member. If that maker of the texts wants that, because the writer has copyright for that written material, that this person has done. And in the law is told, that stealing this product does the thief make the crime. The copyrights mission is to guaranteed the profits of the artists like writers painters and musicians

They are very good to read, but if somebody wants to write, must this person make the own texts, because nobody wants to read copies. And the only thing that improves the skills of writing and dares to write is to make texts. When we are thinking about writing and telling opinions, we must say that there is not only right opinion for any questions in the world. The world is free for opinions, and that is the thing, what we must remember. There are always people, who feel differently than we or I, but we cannot please everybody. There is always somebody, who would not like the texts, what writer, who is, in this case, me, writes.

Cheaters are always want to read, what those writers want to write because they want to discuss those texts, what their victims have written, and they are persons who want to believe in privacy and secrecy. They are always very curious about the texts what their target have been written. This is the reason, why somebody keeps their blogs open to read. If they don't please anybody, they would ask, why the calculators of the blogs would give quite big numbers. And here I must say, that there are many other people, who might have similar interest with the writer, and this is the very big thing to know.

This means that we all are not interested in the same things, and sometimes we are hurting other people. But here I must say, that we all have also not the same taste with music and also we all have not the same values. But as we know, there might be some picture, what people have, when they see some texts. They have the picture in their mind, that every writer in the world is using slips and suits. But the thing is not like that. Every writer in the world uses a different kind of clothes, and at one time I faced the situation, that security guard removed me without the reason. In that time I was very young, and that was the first time when I visited in some bar.

There came the guard and told me that I was not allowed to visit in that bar, because I didn't have the age for being in there. But somebody claimed that the real reason was that I was looking at this elder person girlfriend. He was elder than me and wore the uniform. And I was only the rocker from some neighborhood, where lived only real gangsters. That was the reason, why this person believed in that situation. This is the problem in those situations.

After that, I was kicked off from that place in the front of people, and do you know what I felt at that time? Elder persons are always more believable than young people. The time from this episode has spent over twenty years, but It's still in my mind. The situation was quite nervous because this was the case between elder man and the young boy.

This case caused that, I was really afraid of the revenge, or how people call those things? In some of that kind of cases, the security company claimed to have forced to script the papers, where the victim confesses to breaking the property. But this time that guard didn't do that. After that, I learned that the bravery is the way, how can we influence the people. Here I must say, that without social media, that kind of cases could be very common, but now there is the evidence, how to tolerate and calm those persons might be. When we are thinking about that kind of situations, many of them have somehow changed in the court. And maybe the social media have been given change to show the opponents way of some cases.


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