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We, humans, are aliens even together.

Is this UFO true or fake?
(Picture I)

Kimmo Huosionmaa

We, humans, are aliens together if we think the relation between western civilization and as an example some Bushmen, who live in Kalahari-desert. Our airplanes and other machines are UFO:s to those people, who live in the stone-age. And this has caused ideas about the ancient state, what would be created very impressive technological advantages, and then they just disappeared. But this is only the hypothetical theory, and there are not many pieces of evidence that support it.  Here I must say, that writing is fun, and I thought that I would write something about UFO:s and their connection with mythical Atlantis.

Maybe those hypothetical members of the ancient civilization were moved to the Universe because the climate of the Earth changed by the meteorite, what destroyed dinosaurs. But there is no evidence about that civilization, and that's why this writing is pure fiction or philosophical thoughts. And as you see, philosophy would give us change to say imagination as the hypothesis, what gives title philosophical thinking for pure fiction.

I thought that I will write this text because there are many theories about the UFOs. And if we would look at the picture, what is above the text, we might notice, that if that saucer-shaped object, what might be some kind of STEALTH-drone, what is used by pumping electricity by using radio-masers, that craft would not explode, because there would not involve any  fuel, what can cause explosion.  Or of course, that picture might be the hoax, but it works as a good example of the thing "what could the UFO:s be?".

Of course, it can be some kind of demonstrator, what uses batteries and electric motors, and maybe it was used demonstrator for next-generation STEALTH-helicopters, what must operate without any noise.  Again Pentagon has released more UFO-files, and I have the opinion, that UFO phenomenon is caused by top secret military aircraft, weapon research or extraterrestrial visitors. In the UFO:s involved many incredible theories about ancient aliens, but there was no evidence of them in nature.

But sometimes I have got incredible thought in my mind, what is based on Plato's tale of mythical tale of the Atlantis. I sometimes read this thing from some book, but it consists the silly theory, that maybe somewhere in the past was one civilization on Earth. And that theory is not so silly, as we might first think. This theory or philosophical thought bases the thing, what we see around us in every day. We must say that modern humans are aliens to other humans. Or what would you like the situation, that some nations have Jumbo-Jets, and some people use still pikes and axes for hunting, and they live in the stone age?

They are living without any technology, those people are nomads and some of them are quite primitive like Bushmans, that live in Kalahari-desert. This difference between technical advantages people inside the human race has made kicks for theories, that in the past was the civilization on Earth, what had the very high level of technical advantages.  And for some reason, that ancient civilization left Earth, and maybe those members of that civilization were reptilians, that lived in the Yucatan area.  And then some meteorites came, and those ancient reptilians left to  Universe for looking new home.

This theory is not the worst of theories about UFO:s, and in this thought, the reptilians escaped from Earth, because of the climate change, what caused the meteorite, that hit the Yucatan area. There are many incredible thoughts about this so-called "ancient aliens", and in some theories, that civilization must be left from Earth, because that was attacked by some stronger civilization.

And when those aliens left the Earth they destroyed the bases, by using meteorites, for covering their existence. As we have seen, we are even today humanoids for other people. And when we are thinking our technical advantage compiling with people, who are living in stone-age, we must think, that are humanoids some people, who traveled to the universe? Maybe we would someday send the people to the other stars.

Because those people are of course highly intelligent, and they would have the very sophisticated technology in use, they might advantage their technology and their genomes would be replaced by some local genomes, and that means that those colonialists would advance and separate from original humans very fast, and then they might become aliens for ourselves.


Picture I:


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