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Material transfer by using ionic mode (Playing with ions)

(Picture I)

Kimmo Huosionmaa

Dimension manipulation is the most fascinating thing in the world if it works. In this hypothetical test, we would create the situation, that object would just pass the wall or some other material. This is those could be possible in theory, and if this feels something boring or complicated, I understand that. In the real world, we must keep our mind open to new ideas, and we cannot deny any question or hypothesis without making any tests about those things.

When we are thinking about the radio, the thing that somebody could send messages felt pure fiction, until inventor named Guglielmo Marconi invented the way to transfer messages thru the air by using Morse-alphabet. After that, somebody installed microphone to the radio, and it can send voice thru the air. And then some inventor invented that the radio could control the magnets around cathode tube, what made television possible.

Then somebody installed cathode tube to the radio, and the television was made, and first TV-broadcasts made sad but true in Berlin Olympics in 1936. The last invention is to sending data thru the air, and that allows to broadcast films or pictures thru the air, and also interactive communication across the air is possible.  And then we might think that maybe someday, we could send people across the air or space by using technology, where the ions of the body would be ionized, and after that, the ionization would be removed. After that the person would return to the form and be transferring three atoms in the distance of three meters by using teleportation is not actually same as transferring all human body in distance of kilometers. So if something works in the laboratory, there would be long distance to the solution, what can be used in everyday life.

And this writing is meant for pure theoretical thoughts, but if it would work, that could make the material transfer system, that is shown in Star Trek movies possible. The problem with this system would be the returning the object in the original form. But as we know the problem is not ionizing object, that is what we can do straight away. But when we would shoot the object to target we cannot return it to original form. In theoretical teleportation machine, those ions would be sucked in the atom size black hole, what would send the object to the other point of singularity.

This other singularity can be made in the atmosphere by pumping energy in the certain point of the space, and then the singularity would send that ion cloud to that other point. Or they can use ion cannon, but the problem is to stop those ions in the particular place, but that problem can be solved, in theory of course, by using magnets what would pull the ions in the right moments backward. The problem is to save the form of the object. And this technology is at the theoretical level. The only couple of atoms were transferred across the air, by using magnet field.

If we someday can make the ionization by that way, that the atoms would stay in original form, and then we could remove the ionization, could be possible to make the "Captain Kirk's material transfer machine".   There is another pure theoretical way to make the situation, that object can pass the walls or other material, and it would be ionizing the body of that object. When we are thinking the situation that as an example the atoms in the human body would be ionized, the person might able to walk thru the wall, because ions have one very interesting feature.

They can pass any wall by pulling the atoms away from them, and in theory would be possible to ionize the person's body and then those atoms would make this person the man-made ghost.  And please don't do this at home, because electricity is very dangerous. There are very many so-called "mad scientists" who have made that kind of experiments, and some of them are caught very serious injuries in those experiments.

The man-made ghost has the theoretical background, that the distance between atoms of the body of the object would be increasing, and same way those atoms would be ionized. This would give change to shoot them by the ion cannon, and when they are in some area, the ionization would be removed from those atoms, and then the object would take the same form, what it got before transferring. And this means that this kind of things is only pure fiction. But imagination is the very good thing for people and without imagination, we cannot make new things. Yesterday's Science fiction is the reality of tomorrow.


Picture I


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