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The international community have very bad problems with authoritative governments

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Kimmo Huosionmaa

North-Korea and it's relationship to other world are always been problematic. And now the leader of that country have shown, that problems are not over yet. This small country has shown again that they are capable of surprising maneuvers in international area in the very short period, and now the top meeting between the leaders of the North-Korea and the United States have been treated because South-Korea and United States have had military exercise together. This is very well known act from the North-Korea's leader, because of those persons.

They are trying to blackmail other countries by delaying the meetings, and of course, the trust between other nations and the North-Korea is not very good. Even if some contracts can be made, the North-Korean way has been, that they would speak other and do other. That states nuclear program is the very good example of that. North Korean government undersign the treaty, that they would not make nuclear weapons, and after that, they just dug the tunnels to that nuclear plant and continued the project.

The North-Korean way to think that single person doesn't mean anything is the very bad thing, and sometimes I have thought, how many deaths that nuclear program has caused in that country? Or did they actually care about safety instructions, what are given for work with radioactive material? When we are thinking about the complicated relationship with North Korean government and the international community, we must say that is quite complicated. The reason for that is otherwise that state has many very bad human rights problems and loss of food is the big problem in that country, but their leaders live in the middle of outstanding luxury.

Also, political arrests and sending people to prison camps for rest of their life for crimes like looking western television or visiting foreign homepages is quite common. Otherwise, that is independent, what have it's own rights. And this makes the relations with this country very problematic. The western world should show to others, that this kind of way to rule the nation is not tolerable. But otherwise many western leaders would accept silently the occupation of Gaza. And this is also very complicated situation because Palestinians are of course right to want better treatment, but sometimes there is nobody in the Middle-East who is really interested their position.

When we are talking about Palestinian refugee camps those people have kept in there because of political reasons, that some Arab leaders could use them to turn their own people eyes of their authoritative way to rule the countries. And because of that Israel has allowed occupying the Gaza area. That has caused riots suffering and deaths in that area and the major threat in the eyes of the Israeli government is that if they would give independence to Gaza, would that slip to rule under radical Islamist government.

When we are thinking about the situation in the Gaza area, we must know that there is a quite democratic actor in the opponent. Also, the Internet have opened the scenes of that area and the violence between Palestinians and Israel like shooting unarmed protesters in the middle of normal western people live, but then we can think how many people have died in that area before the Internet, and could the shooters, who targeted the fire to protesters continue their careers in some governmental organizations? But then we must know that in many Arab nations Palestinians doesn't have even id-papers, and in officially they are not even existed.

That means that those people could be murdered and nobody ever asked, what happened as example Palestinians, who were rioted against the Syrian army in 1980's. When we are returning to North-Korea, could we even know about the prison camps in that country? Same way we can ask, would the situation in Gaza or Syria kept off the public eye if there would be no Internet? Those are good questions for thinking when we next time look at the situation in Gaza, Syria or North-Korea. Or would they just keep out of TV with comments that there have been disorders in some area, and the army has taken the situation under the control?


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