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Showing posts from May, 2018

The problematic relationships between the East and West

Picture I Kimmo Huosionmaa There are many problems in the relationships between the East and West, as we have seen in the case when meeting with the President of the United States and North Korea have been delayed.  That kind of meetings would seem very nice and necessary thing to get the peace in the world. But the problem of those relationships are the prison camps, what is found in every eastern block states, and there are many persons, who believe, that if talking between Western states and North Korea will continue, that would be signal, that we would accept those prison camps. The problem with the secret prison camps in the communist states is that they are used to make products for public marketing, and the work inside those camps is actually free. That's why the production in those countries is very cheap. And in those camps have made many crimes against humanity, what makes them problematic for the governments of the Eastern block. If those prison camps would be

One of the most interesting paintings about the "Christ theme" (Lamentation of Christ by Andrea Mantegna c. 1480)

Lamentation of Christ Andrea Mantegna (c.1480) Picture I Kimmo Huosionmaa There was one painting on the Internet, what I wanted to introduce to you, my dear readers. It is painting, what the artist Andrea Mantegna ( c. 1431-1506) painted in the year 1480, and the name of that painting is Lamentation of Christ.  This painting shows Christ after the death, but there is something strange about this picture. The man, who lays in the bed seems sleeping, and that is very interesting. And one of the more interesting parts of the painting is the "face of alien'' or "angry man" between the legs of that man.  But this might be the result of my imagination. Maybe the sheet is only the position, that this image comes to my mind, and nobody else sees this image. That face actually looks like angry man's face, and it is hidden in the crinkle of the sheet. But sometimes I think that I only imagine that detail, and the effect causes only my imagination. This p

The writing of strange organism 46B and the strange lake at the Antarctic, what can give us the answers, what kind of world, there is probably found in Jupiter's Europa moon

Organism 46B Picture I Kimmo Huosionmaa Below this text is a video of strange octopus, what has been named as the “Organism 46B”, and that is one of the strange species, that are found in Antarctica. That octopus was once attacked by Soviet scientists, and this case is quite interesting, because of some reasons this incident wanted to remain secret. The reason for keeping this case secret is actually unknown because there should not find any secrets in the cases, where some animals attack human. The poison of that octopus is similar with other octopuses, what means that the will of getting the poison for some special equipment would not be the reason for keeping this thing secret. Under the Antarctica ice is a strange world, where have been found lakes, what has been isolated from the age of dinosaurs, and those lakes would keep the ecosystems, what is unknown for humans. There is a possibility, that in Antarctica lakes lives some species, what doesn’t need oxygen for the l

Secret code of the painting "The Virgin of the Rocks"

Picture I Kimmo Huosionmaa As we all know the geniuses like Leonardo Da Vinci have created many codes in their paintings, and here is one trick, what this man made. The trick is that using mirrors, what would cut the painting, and then combining those pictures, we can take the brand new image in the front of our eyes. This effect is very interesting, and probably we can imagine, what Leonardo meant when he made this awesome picture. Above the text is Leonardo's painting "The Virgin of the Rocks" (1495-1508), and actually, this is the London version of that painting, what was painted between years 1495 and 1508. If that painting is watched by technique, where it would make a copy, and then the copy would be mirrored and then those pictures would be combined, there would be the strange image. And somebody sees there a spacecraft, where the passengers would be in the lazy position like in modern spacecraft, but maybe it's only the production of the imagination

Espoo 30.5.2018

The secrets of ancient flying machines

Picture I Kimmo Huosionmaa We all who are been interesting about secrets, UFO:s, ancient civilizations, and technology have heard the stories about ancient flying machines and levitation, what might seem incredible. But at the same time we usually forget, that this kind of systems were miracles in that time, and when we are thinking the ancient levitation machines, we must realize, that Chinese have been invented warm air balloon before year zero, and when we are thinking about heavier-than-air solutions, we must say that those devices are needed only the warm air under the body. The ancient Indians might also know that the parachutes can also be used for rising the craft from the ground. There is only need to make the fire under that device, and then the parachute can raise the device from the ground by the rising air. But there is another way to raise the vehicle from the ground, and that uses volcanic heat in those machines. The volcanic heat can raise even the big device

The story of Maglev or Magnetic levitation transport

Picture I Kimmo Huosionmaa The Maglev or Magnetic levitation transporter can change the railroads to the revolutionary way, and if those systems would work, the production of trains, what is faster than an airplane could be possible. The Maglev-trains movement mechanism is actually similar to the particle accelerator, what would pull the train above it. This system is a gauss track, where magnets would levitate the train above the railroad, and at the same time, this system would accelerate this train. If those Maglev-trains would be set in the large tubes, what would be pumped empty, would thee be no gas, what would heat the nose of that train. And in theory, those magnet trains can get reach the speed of light, if there would not be very tight turns. There are actually many technical problems with that technical solution about this train, and one of the biggest is, how that train would be stopped if there would be problems with magnets. In realistic scenarios, those trains

When somebody puts something in the garbage, that means it's trash, and leave it there

Picture I Kimmo Huosionmaa Sometimes we would find interesting things like DVD films in the garbages, and of course, we would like to watch those films. But in this case, we must remember old advice, that is given in every business school in the world, and that is "there are no free lunches". In this case, we must think that nobody would ever throw away some DVD films without the reason. And this means that those DVD films might be stolen, and they might be some trap for lawyers or somebody like that. This means that that stolen property would be equipped with the "tracking cookie" and then the hacker would see, that somebody would use them in their computers. In this case, the hacker has made the copy of the DVD, and equip it with tracking software. This pirate DVD has been put in the original box, what has been stolen from some supermarket.  After that, the hacker just calls the cops, and if the targeted person is some kind of lawyer, would this kind o

Secret "antigravity" technology

Picture I Kimmo Huosionmaa The term "antigravity" means the actually silent way to raise the aircraft from the ground. In the real world, this term actually means that engineers try to repeal the magnetic field of the Earth, what would cause that the aircraft would rise above the Earth.  In some tests, there have been tested the magnets, what could push aircraft to airborne. They are actually one version of magnet catapults, but in this case, magnets would pull the aircraft straight to air, and in this system would be used the pulling effect between the same mark heads of the magnets. And this kind of system is tested with levitating (Maglev) trains, where magnets push the train above the rail. Those magnetic rails would work the same way as gauss guns, where magnets will accelerate ammunition. Those magnets would be suitable to install in some warships or special runways, and they might help to send airplanes to air, with very heavy cargo. Also, pressurized air h

Cognitive systems and sharing information: New artificial intelligence and expert systems in battlefields and other mission-critical work

Picture I Kimmo Huosionmaa Pentagon is very interested to make cognitive and network-based command systems. Cognitive systems mean systems. that are learning from their mistakes, and then develop the new way to operate, in the case that they fail. This means that this kind of systems needs every information, that it can be collected, and then it would make decisions about the actions.  Those systems might not send same parts of the organization to the similar mission if they fail one of them. Cognitive systems make records for actions, what the system does, and if the system operates in the military mission, it would make new tactics for military aircraft or tanks and changing the flight altitude in attack is one thing, what can be changed, if the enemy is using lightweight anti-aircraft missiles. The term "cognitive system" means actually hybrid systems, what are the combination of humans and supporting computer systems, what is operating as the networks. This

Artificial intelligence is already here and it's the new "Frankenstein"

Picture I Kimmo Huosionmaa As we might see, the artificial intelligence is already here, and it can make very much things, what people would not even be expected. The key to the artificial intelligence is that the machine could learn actions without human control, and this makes it very attractive thing for computer games, what are normally lose they are interesting parts when the player learns the places, where the enemy makes ambushes or some barriers comes ahead of the virtual vehicles. If the game uses artificial intelligence, the game would stay interesting long time, and if the artificial intelligence can develop new systems for the opponent, would that thing make the next generation computer games possible, and the big difference between those intelligent games and old fashion games would be, that the system can develop new technology for enemies or opponents, and this might keep the game interesting. But as we know that the same technology, what is used in comput

Russian winged submarine would be a fascinating idea

Picture I Kimmo Huosionmaa I found interesting film on YouTube, what tells the story about Russian winged submarine, what seems very unique idea. The reason for those massive wing structure might be planned because those wings allow that the submarine could jump from the water like some giant dolphin or flying fish, and those wings would allow that this submarine could fly to a longer distance. This submarine would use this ability when it flees from torpedoes. Another way to to make flying submarine is to replace the missile tubes with giant turbines, what was installed in tubes, what goes thru the hull of the submarine. This system might be used for nuclear power, and in theory, those submarines can fly to the earth orbiter. If that system would be made someday, it will have more capacity to operate than any ISS (International Space Station). And those over 200 meters long systems would give the sophi

Why somebody made that text?

Picture I Kimmo Huosionmaa Above the text is a picture of rock painting in Heinola, Finland. And we might think, that it's made by some narcotic users, who have been in camping at this area at 70's. This text has been made over ancient stone-age rock painting, and if somebody would catch by this, would the price of this text very big. Some narcotic-users make very impulsive actions when they are under the influence of drugs.  And this is the good example, why this kind of artifact must be protected. When we are thinking this kind of ancient paintings, what has been made by some caveman, we must say that some of those paintings have been destroyed by medieval people, who have had the fanatic relationship with Christianity. And those paintings are made by some pagan, that means, that they should be destroyed. But in this case were not question of some medieval person, because those people didn't have the opportunity to buy oil colors from the shop, and this is, wh

The first flying car, what people really can buy.

(Picture I) Kimmo Huosionmaa This is the very good advantage for flying cars and for the first time, normal people can buy this kind of vehicle. The major problem with those cheap airborne vehicles is about legislative. The person, who wants to fly those vehicles must have flier's license, what is a quite expensive investment. But those flying cars might take the price of that thing down, but when we are thinking about those cheap airborne vehicles, the technology, what is used in them, have been in use about 20 years. And the term "flying car" means V/STOL (Vertical/ Short Take-Off and Landing) aircraft, that can be as easy to buy like automobiles. Some of that equipment would drive on the road like automobiles. But there is a couple of problems with those vehicles, and one of those problems is that they can be used to replace combat helicopters in some conflicts. And if somebody makes the decision to equip those vehicles with machine guns, would the result b

About privacy and armchair experts and "Tic-Tac UFO:s", what might be some plasma-balls.

(Picture I) Kimmo Huosionmaa Above the text is FLIR (Forward-Looking Infra-Red)-camera image about the strange object, what is known as "Tic-Tac-UFO". There is a couple of cases, where so-called "armchair experts" have used media for making their opinion public. In fact, those experts are normally some kind of jurists or mental specialists like psychiatrists, what means that they have the very good chair to tell the people, what is right and, how people should act in the cases, where they are facing something, what they cannot explain immediately. One of those cases is actually the UFO-footage, what those experts immediately explained as birds or weather balloons.  And of course, if the governments have paid somebody about investigations about those things, that would be waste of public money, what tax-payers are paid to the government,  getting "real things". The footages about UFO:s are sometimes tests of drones or new kind of STEALTH-drones,

When somebody who treats you, warns about media, don't play their rules.

(Picture I) Kimmo Huosionmaa When somebody treats you and your family, and tell to stay out from media, I would say, that don't play with those person rules. When somebody would want other people to stay out from media, would there be something, what affairs those persons, and this is the reason,  there would be reasonable to tell everybody about those letters and another thing, that somebody has put to the mailbox, and sent to the home. I would tell you, that if the target of treats would follow the instructions, what those persons give, would that just accelerate their actions. If those letters or comments would be published, that would make breaks for the actions against this person. The reason for cheating somebody in the net is sometimes clear. Those cheaters would want that person stops writings or sharing data, what feels uncomfortable for those persons. When somebody uses physical violence, that would be reasonable to publish, because then also somebody else t

The people with superpowers

(Picture I) Kimmo Huosionmaa In this text, I'm writing the physical superpowers, what are caused by training or some physical effect. When we are facing danger, we would find forces, what is incredible. Those powers and strength are the things, what almost every person in the world have heard. They are stories, about the situations, where some truck driver have been pulled the funnel to the shape of the egg, or sometimes we would hear stories, where some man or woman faces the situation, that some rock has been dropped upon somebody, who that person loved. Or sometimes that person has been buried in the ground, and then the parent or spouse have been dug that victim out without any tools or moved very heavy particles like cars without help. This would tell us story, about what kind of forces is in our body, when we are facing the situation, where we must act without any help. There are many scientists, investigators or trainers, who wanted to find out, where those powers

The slow version of "Star Trek's" material transfer system (3D-Bioprinters)

(Picture I) Kimmo Huosionmaa This text is still in fiction, but after a couple of years, we can probably make copies of human bodies. If the system can make copies of organs, it can copy all body. There is a very funny thing in my mind about the "material transfer system", what is used in "Star Trek". This system bases a joke, where some laboratory worker ask another one "what kind of goo, is flowing out from that test tube"? And this is so-called "slow material transfer". The slow version of that material transfer system is actually spacecraft, or probe, what is equipped with a 3D-bioprinter, and the tissue culture, what is used in future to print organs for some patient. In this version, all tissues of the persons, who would be wanted to transfer would be planted, by taking all organ of that person a tissue sample and after that those tissues would be cultured in some dishes in laboratories. In to those cells can transfer the gen

Writing about selective delivering of information

Kimmo Huosionmaa Have you ever hear term "grey project"? This term means that in some aircraft or some other project the information, what is given is selective, and in those cases the project itself is public. But many important things in it would be hidden from the public. Almost all drone projects are that kind of military projects. The robot itself is seen in the pictures, but the materials, computer programs and electronic components of this drone have kept classified. Also, important parts of the drones or aircraft motors are kept in secret.  And if somebody makes copies of that aircraft, this actor doesn't actually make anything about it. If those systems are made by using the wrong components,  the aircraft or other equipment would be destroyed immediately, when it goes to the battlefield. Many of space probes are actually so-called "grey projects". The probes like Mars-cars or planet orbiting probes are very public, and we can see the pictures

We, humans, are aliens even together.

Is this UFO true or fake? (Picture I) Kimmo Huosionmaa We, humans, are aliens together if we think the relation between western civilization and as an example some Bushmen, who live in Kalahari-desert. Our airplanes and other machines are UFO:s to those people, who live in the stone-age. And this has caused ideas about the ancient state, what would be created very impressive technological advantages, and then they just disappeared. But this is only the hypothetical theory, and there are not many pieces of evidence that support it.  Here I must say, that writing is fun, and I thought that I would write something about UFO:s and their connection with mythical Atlantis. Maybe those hypothetical members of the ancient civilization were moved to the Universe because the climate of the Earth changed by the meteorite, what destroyed dinosaurs. But there is no evidence about that civilization, and that's why this writing is pure fictio

About Russian hypersonic missile and strengths and weaknesses about hypersonic cruise missiles

(Picture I) Kimmo Huosionmaa Russia has said, that it would have the new hypersonic missile, what can knock out any U.S Carrier from the sea. This concept is not actually very new, and the beginning of this weapon is in the early 90's when the Soviet Union collapsed. In that time engineers worked with the new type of weapon, what based on the ramjet-propellant hybrid missile, that could avoid U.S air defense. Hypersonic missiles have many strangenesses but also weaknesses, and one of those weaknesses is that those missiles cannot make many curves, what makes probably possible to calculate their flight route and the target, and the heating of the nose can also allow targeting the missile with infrared systems. This can help the target to predict the attack, and send the anti-aircraft missiles against those hypersonic weapons. The weapon was meant for a shoot to ballistic trajectory by using conventional ICBM missile like SS-19 or it's the first stage, and then the mis