Friday, January 19, 2018

Why the president, who is in office is always so popular in Gallup-polls?

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Kimmo Huosionmaa

There are always polls before some important elections, and those methods to collect the people's opinions about the candidates is a very common way to predict who will be elected to the presidential position of some country. Always the maker of those interviews faces the situation, where the president who is already in the office is the most popular person in the election campaigns.

And just behind this person is always some person who has been in publicity very often.  What is the reason for this kind of behavior, is the quite interesting question. The polls will prefer the persons who are well known because those names what are common in the publicity, will come first in the mind of the people, who give answers to the interviewers. That will give very much popularity to the person, who already is in the position of the president.

That phenomenon always trowels, when other candidates would get their opinions to the public mind. When other candidates will get publicity and their opinions will meet more people, their popularity will start to increase, because their names would become in the mind of the people. We must also know that survey -investigations are not the same than election campaigns. There will the people give some answers even without thinking about what they are talking.

And this is the reason, why we must stop talking about depending on telephone-surveys and real elections. When we are talking about the polls, we might start to talk about the "survey-elections". The mistakes of those investigation methods can be very big because the introductions can be targeted to the persons, who will probably support the sitting president. Those groups are the officers and the members of the presidential party.

That might give false results for the Gallup-makers. When those polls will be targeted to those groups, what might give the wrong results, that distortion might cause the situation, where newspapers and other public media will start to give extra publicity for some presidential candidate, because they want to have better positions in the next period of this person's presidency. That means little bit better places on the presidential press conferences and more interesting news in the newspapers. And those might be the reason, why those polls are distorted by in purpose.


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