Thursday, January 11, 2018

The psychosis and use of narcotics will sometimes have the connection.

Kimmo Huosionmaa

Meeting with psychotic or drug user, who is under the chemical influence is sometimes very scary thing. If you ever met narcotics user before this kind of things are like the encounter with some aliens. Sometimes those people are dressed quite well, but they ever wash their teeth and visit the dentist. So their teeth might be black and if we think about the drug user's way to act spontaneously and impulsive, they might get the thoughts in their head, that they want to get some sharks teeth, and then some of those people might file their teeth, and this might seem very creepy.

Also, the injuries to the teeth and face could cause, that some person looks like the movie monster. And the amphetamine can cause that the person doesn't feel anything, and that makes those people do something stupid, like extinguishing the cigarettes in their hands. The use of drugs like amphetamine will cause the psychosis because the lack of sleep will drive neural conveyors down, and this is the reason, why the military forces amphetamine wanted to replace with other chemicals, what doesn't cause psychosis. The new amphetamine is the is the synthetic produced version of chemical what neural system products when we are sleeping.

That will look like impressive, but this is very dangerous because the burning injuries will be infected very easily. But when the narcomaniac in after the long period use of amphetamine and other drugs starts to believe that this person is some kind of superhuman, would the results be like jumping off the roof, what is over 50 meters high of filing the teeth, because the "lizard type teeth seem "cool". Please don't do this at home, because this thing might be very dangerous, and the doctor will send you to the mental institute to take some rest if there will be found the markings of that action.

There are rumors, that if some person has to meet drug user in the dark, might this caused the report of the alien encounter because the person who might have AIDS and bad loss of vitamins and multiple scratches around the body have looked like so strange. And if they have got the new clothes from somewhere the contrast between the sick person and clean clothes is so strong that some people will think, that they seem alien.

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