Wednesday, January 17, 2018

3D technology using robot factories might work like the artificial organisms

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Kimmo Huosionmaa

Robot factories make true live abiogenesis if we think the case, where the full automatized robot factories are making another robot-equipment. If we think the relationship between the living organism and robots, we might say that the robots are like living organisms. When full automatized robot factories are making another robot, we can compile this case between the organisms like ants, bees, and wasps. In that social bug, societies are normally one individual part of the swarm, what makes eggs, and other members of this bug society cannot make descendants.

This model is what the robot factory uses and in this scenario, the full automatized factory will use the drones like the queen of ants uses other individuals in the group of bugs. That artificial cell can equip some of its robots with laser-spectrometer, what allows those drones to find the minerals of the production. In this scenario, the factory works like the artificial group of ants or some other bugs. That kind of use the robots is extremely dangerous, but in some military specialists are interested in the opportunity to produce drones in the combat zone.

Those factories might be very small size. like some containers, and they will use sophisticated 3D printing technology to produce the small drones even by the junk plastics and metals. That kind of robot factories can make the drones what are equipped with the microwave weapons, and they might be very lethal against any target. Even if one drone doesn't have the capacity to use high power microwaves, all units in the group of the those UCAV can point their microwave weapons to the same point.

If 1000 drones will point the two wats microwave system at the same point, the power of the radiation would increase in the 2000 wats, what will cause danger for any target in the ground. Those manufacturing platforms can be used with normal military troops, but they also can be hidden in some junkyard, where those undercover platforms can produce and operate with the miniature drones in the very large area. The idea of this kind of weapon was introduced the writer Stanislaw Lem, in the book "Invincible", where nano-machines have cleaned all planet from the animals. Those machines worked like the black cloud, and they were dangerous for the crew of the spaceship "Invincible".

Nanotechnology is one of the fascinating things in the weapon research. When we are talking about the clouds that are made of silicon and the very small size nanorobots, what can move like the sandstorm, those weapons can be very devastating. The artificial sandstorms can wipe out the entire army. But those silicon shaped nanomachines are very devastating.  If there is something, what we must be considered, is that technology can be used in the assassinations. Silicon shaped nanomachines feel like soap, and they can deliver by the water tube.

That silicon bites would be equipped with the enzyme, what makes the blood system of the human body transfer it into the brains, where it can dam the blood vessels in the human brain. Also, the blood vessels in the heart of the target can be closed by the silicone, and then the nanomachines will be slipped out from the body. Those silicon shaped nanomachines might slip in by the sweet gland on human skin and they can have devastating use in the military operation of tomorrow. Nanotechnically produced silicon is not actually homogenous material. It is a group of tiny machines, what can work independently. The shape of the group of those machines may be like water, but don't drink it, because the results could be very devastating.


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