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The Alien lifeforms in the television.

David Hardy's painting about battle between the
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Kimmo Huosionmaa

When I saw the trailer for the movie "Prometheus", I got an idea that some alien lifeform might be like some mosquito or wasp, what bites its own DNA as the viral form in the victim, and then this retrovirus would transform the victim as the alien, like happens in the movie "X-files". But when we are starting to analyze the hypothetical alien lifeform, we must remember, that some species have very radical transformation before they will get the adulthood. And in some scenarios, the reptilian alien might have the part of its life, where it would be size as the mosquito. Then the mosquito will transfer the parasite egg to the victim's body, and after that, there will be grown the human size alien.

Or maybe that egg will start to grow the nervous network, and then take the victim under the control.This kind of alien is in one part of the "Star Trek" television series. When we are talking about the life in the universe, we must understand that there might be another alien, what is not like our planet's species. Those animals can transfer themselves to the grass, and then they would deliver their semen anywhere.  This kind of species would be like the mixture of the flora and fauna.

When this alien would get their animal shape, they would act like animals, but when that animal would die, they might act like mushrooms or vegetables, and deliver their semen around the planet. And those aliens might have a different kind of abilities than any species on the Earth. That semen might be parasites, what will transfer into victims body, and start to grow inside them. So they would act like some slime mold, what have the form of the animal and mushroom.

But they might look like some kind of Tiger or another mammal. Nature is the very complicated thing, and probably there are many species in the universe, but those species would not be intelligent. Or maybe the most of the intelligent civilizations will destroy themselves in the nuclear war before they can travel to the stars. But those civilizations would be extremely dangerous if they will move from the star to star and build more spaceships for their growing population.

That kind of civilization is introduced in the Stephen Hawking's Universe series, and the link to that film is below the text.  And those traveling civilizations could act like they would blow entire planets for their resources. They might surround the central star with millions of lasers, and they would cover that star with the mirrors, what would cause supernova-explosion, and the star will transfer as the black hole or neutron star.

Neutron stars would be used as the gravitational catapult for the short distance travel to next solar system, and the black hole would be used as the wormhole for the long trip. In this scenario, the aliens live only in their spaceships, and they will ever land on the planets because that is the way to avoid the infections and epidemics inside those spaceships. They can also blackmail another species by denying the solar light from their planets, and they would use another species as the "servants" because they live in their spaceships and they don't need the sun for the living.

That super civilization might have extremely large scale technology, like the capacity to close all the planets or even solar systems inside the gigantic mylar ball, what might have the cities in their inner surface, and because those cities are inside the ball, the hypothetical civilization itself is invincible. They might use gigantic "Faraday's cage" to eliminate the radio-transmissions from the giant mylar ball, for covering their existence from another civilization.


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