Tuesday, January 23, 2018

How does the probability calculus work with the insurance companies?

Kimmo Huosionmaa

Probability calculations are the key element when insurance companies make prices for the insurances. The probability of some phenomenon orders price of the insurance. And this is the key element when the person will get the reparations for some accident. There is a group of the phenomenon, what is known as the "Black Swan" phenomenon. Those things are the probability that meteor strikes to my home, and it will destroy it. Also, the probability that airplane will strike to the building in the peacetime is very unusual. When we are seeking about conspiracies or other criminal activities in those cases, we must notice that there were the only couple of cases when the airplane will hit the buildings, and of course, the most well-known cases were when two passenger planes hit the World Trade Center and third was hit to the Pentagon in 2001.

The probability of this action calculating like the three would be annihilated by the number of the houses of the world. In this case, I would think that the number of hijacked airplanes would be three, and the calculation doesn't involve the plane, what hit to ground in Virginia. And this will cause the extremely small probability of this kind of disaster, what would be caused by the airplane hits the houses, if there would be sure, that this kind of action will do, but there are nothing more limits, like the country, where the strike is planned to do, and the size of the house. If the limit is 100 floors, the plane would attack any house, what has 100 floors or more.  The probability that meteorite strikes to some particular house will go like the area of the building would annihilate the area of the Earth, as I wrote earlier.

Those cases were very uncommon way to make the terrorist attack and in this cases, the insurance companies and national security officials are seeking for conspiracies, what might not lead by the government, but they might consist the thing, what is that somebody didn't make contact with the authorities when the plan of destroying those building by using the hijacked airplanes as the ammunition. In this scenario, somebody might have this plan to the knowledge, but this person did keep this plan in the own mind.

When this kind of persons, who might be informed the attempt of this kind of terror attack by the Osama Bin Laden himself. In this scenario, Bin-Laden called some of his supporters in America and told them about this 9/11. plan. The reason for that might be will to get the financial profit about that attack, and if the person could buy the apartments or another house with cheap price, and sell them with the high price, the profits could be extremely high. And if we will follow the way of thinking of Bin-Laden, this person might want the support for his notorious organization in this way.

First, someone would sell their apartments at the low price, and when some estate agent would sell that thing with the high price, and the part of the profits will go to Bin-Laden's terrorist organization. And of course, the supporters of that organization might want to sell their apartments before they will leave the country before the attack. That kind of persons would track through the archives, where the officials are looking for the persons, who sold their apartments or near the World Trade Center located offices just before the strike was done.

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