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Showing posts from January, 2018

Use of artificial intelligence can limit the epidemics.

Source : WHO Kimmo Huosionmaa When some person gets an infection of some virus, the early isolation and quarantine with early medical attention might save lives in the case of the epidemic. This system works with the same principle that the image-recognition programs, but it selects the targets by using the visible symptoms of the infection. This kind of program can also use to recognize the cancer patients in the streets. The artificial intelligence can also deliver the information of suspected cases to national- and international organizations like CDC (Centre for Disease Control and Prevention) and WHO. Use of artificial intelligence can be used as the select the persons for tests if the sensors notice the changes of skin, what are connected with cancer or epidemic. The problem of this kind of recognition of this kind of recognition about the people is that when the human looks the monitors, the person who has cancer or infection can flee from the picture when operator l

Why is the carbon-trapping not quite a reasonable idea than it first seems?

Kimmo Huosionmaa When we are thinking about carbon dioxide leaks, we must remember that this gas-molecule could brake as the oxygen and carbon. The simplest way to cut that molecule is to lead it thru the active carbon, what separates those gasses like it does in the gas mask. Another way is to use lasers, what will make that molecule resonated. The resonance would cut the bonds of that molecule, what makes that gas harmless. Solid carbon can be collected by filters and oxygen can be put in the bottles. The most effective way to separate carbon dust from the pipe is just blow them with the blower to the tank, what can be changed and transfer very easily.  If the factory uses active carbon filters, they should be changed simultaneously. That will guarantee that the holes of the filter, would not fill with carbon. Trapping of carbon-dioxide and -monoxide in the oceans or water is not so reasonable than it first feels. The carbon-dioxide will react with water, and then there w

The new Russian 100 megatons nuclear weapon is the horrifying thing.

Castle Romeo (1953) (Picture 1) Kimmo Huosionmaa Russian new 100 megatons nuclear weapon will be the most powerful and devastating weapon in the history of mankind. The weapon bases the technology, what has been used in the famous "Tsar Bomba", what had the capacity for 50-60 megaton detonation. That thing is giant FFF (Fission-Fusion-Fission) technology, where inside the core of the bomb is multiple layers of the plutonium, natural uranium, and fusion fuel. Sometimes I have thought that this powerful weapon is actually two "Tsar bombs" what are put together. The natural uranium will capture one neutron during the nuclear detonation, and it will transform as the plutonium 239, and then happens the fission reaction, what will press the fusion material thinner form, and that will boost fusion reaction. 100 megaton nuclear device what would be made with that technology is extremely heavy, and it would be used in the Russian new long-range torpedo-drone, w

The writing about the theories about ancient advanced civilizations

(Picture 1) Kimmo Huosionmaa When we are talking about ancient advanced civilization, what was blown away by the meteorite, we must say that those things are only theories. But when we are looking at those theories in the viewpoint of the people, who lived in the time of example Plato,  we must say, that in that time the knowledge of technology was not in the same level, what it is today. If we would live in the time of Plato, we couldn't necessarily even see the power of the convexed mirrors, when they would target the sunlight in the same point. That might be the very impressive thing, in that time, when the priests have focused the convexed mirror in the particular point when the woods were started to burn. And in that time maybe some priests knew the lightning conductor, what is actually the tallest place on the ground. In that place would the lightning strike during the thunder, and that's why the king's enemies might place in the tallest place, and then the

The light cable allows making the artificial sense of touch sensors for any layer in the world.

(Picture 1) Kimmo Huosionmaa When we are sending the space-probes to the outer space in the great distances from the Earth, we must remember that there will be many problems, what the spacecraft would face, and of the greatest hazards is that probe would impact some micrometeorite, what might be the size of sand. That kind of impact might cause serious damages to the outer layer of the space-probe. Even the damage would limit in the outer layer, could that uncover the computers and other equipment of that probe. That's why those probes must equip with the touch-detectors, what will tell to the central computer, that there was an impact situation. One way to make that artificial sense of touch is to use light cables, what meters the curving of the layer. When the shape of the light cable will change, the sensors would notice that thing. Those sensors what meters the time, what the light uses when it travels thru the light cable and detects the change of the time and l

Could the car of tomorrow change their shape like the amoeba?

(Picture 1) Kimmo Huosionmaa Some ideas of the nano-technology seem like SciFi, and they look like "too technical". But we must remember, that yesterday's SciFi is today's reality. And when we are talking about the nano-dough, what could take any form, what it wants, we must remember, that there is only the very large mass of those tiny artificial molecules needed, when they could take the shape of the big object. But maybe some days of the future, that thing could be possible. In that mass would be tiny nano-sized microprocessors, what would control that dough, and they might have the capacity for using artificial intelligence to control that artificial amoeba. The nanotechnology makes very many advantages for every product in the world. When we are looking at the opportunities of that technology, we even cannot imagine how wonderful, effective and frightening is this new material-technology, what can revolutionize almost everything in the world. At tom

The bulletproof clothes might be true somewhere in the distant future.

(Picture 1) Kimmo Huosionmaa The graphene might be very advanced material alone, but connecting those graphite layers together with another material gives graphene more advanced affection. I'm writing here about the material, what consists graphene with two layers, and in the middle of those layers could be the titanium structure, what works like spring. Material works like that the outer structure will take the punch, and between those layers is so-called nano-springs, what will suck the power of the punch, before it will conduct to the downed layer of the graphene. That might give the graphene even more capacity, than what it has now. When we are talking about graphene as the material of the bulletproof vests and clothes, we must create some kind of different material that graphene. 2D graphite network would give awesome capacities for the solid surfaces, and if the graphene can put in some particular profile, that can be used as the cover the surfaces of the fighter

Find your heritage, by sending the DNA for some laboratory and the advantage of the genetic engineering.

Kimmo Huosionmaa On the Internet have been many times the commercial, that any person can find out their heritage, and where their parents are coming from. This seems very interesting, but sometimes I must remember the worlds "there are no free lunches", what my teachers always repeated in my school. Of course, those tests and laboratories can track tour parents and say are you from Russian or Italy. By the way, the DNA doesn't tell about where your parents are coming from, that thing will only tell the ethnic background of particular people. The nationality of the person is different than the ethnic background. DNA will tell more about us than we even want to know. It will tell do we have some hereditary illnesses and if the laboratory wants, it can track our biological parents. The DNA will tell the scientists how intelligent we are, and this might be the very frightening thing for some persons. When we are looking at the use of that information to track the

Why are civil wars so bloody?

(Picture 1) Kimmo Huosionmaa Finnish civil war in 1917-1918 didn’t differ anything about other civil wars in the world. The war and the consequences were extremely brutal like in the civil wars usual happens. Why all civil wars are so brutal and bloody causes the way that this kind of war is normally handled by the rebellions and by the government. In the international law is not mentioned how the state must do the war in the case of the civil wars. And in the internal conflicts is allowed to use any kind of weapons, what the government wants. In the eye of the international law, the rebellious people would act like criminals. If we are talking true, the executions of the rebels are also legal action. The problem with the international law is that the expected winner of those conflicts is always the government, what justifies rebels as they want. And in this scenario, the winner is always the most powerful actor in the internal policy of those states, what will go to that t

What if Adolph Hitler could escape from Berlin?

Soviet flag over Reichstag Picture 1 Kimmo Huosionmaa The next text is pure hypothetical writing about the rumors that Hitler could escape from Berlin. At the Internet have been rumors, that notorious nazi-leader Adolph Hitler could avoid the death at the Berlin 1945 when one of most brutal governments in history was destroyed by allied troops. When we are talking about this myth, we must understand, that there were many Nazis, who were wanted in court for war crimes, and crimes what they did in the concentration camps. That's why those rumors could be created by the Mossad or some other intelligence organizations, and the mission for those rumors was to act like the bait for Nazis and their friends, who would come to meet their Führer, and then those persons would be arrested. This is the possible origin for rumors that on the evilest men in the history would not commit suicide with his wife Eva Braun. When we are talking about Hitler, we must say that the fate of this

Militarism and the flying car

Picture 1 Kimmo Huosionmaa As you will see, this writing is the continue for the writing about the flying car. The militarism is always where the aviation is, and military forces need always new ideas for new products. One of the most less known ideas of the military equipment is the military version if the flying cars. The situation, where militarized, low-cost aerial vehicles are needed in the anti-guerrilla operations, where the rapid reactions and low noise capacity is needed for tracking the bandits. And of course, the number of devices is vital for covering the large areas, and they must have the capacity to use immediately firepower because the guerrillas might return back to cities and sting in the middle of normal people. When they are covering in the cities the tracking of those persons is almost impossible, and when they will go to strike, they will slip in the jungle camps, and take their assault rifles, combat boots, and camouflage-suits, for covering their iden

One of the most forgotten patent: Flying Car

Moller international skycar (Picture 1) Kimmo Huosionmaa One of the most incredible invention in the history is the flying car. It means very cheap and fast helicopter-style aircraft, what allows anybody buy an aerospace vehicle. Those aerospace vehicles can be faster than the normal helicopter, and their functionality is that inside the wheels or at the bottom of those vehicles is the blowers, what pushes it upwards, and then there will be blowers at both sides of the vehicle, what will allow making the controlling easier. That kind of things is very advanced things, what are interested the intelligence services, what can use them as the evacuation operations. In this scenario, the "flying cars" will rise airborne, and drive in the cargo planes, and those things don't need runways. The name "flying car" means that this kind of vehicle can operate like an automobile, but when flying is needed, those vehicles can fly like an airplane or helicopter.

Two famous but strange paintings.

The   Destruction of Pompeii and Herculaneum John Martin c.1821 (Picture 1) Kimmo Huosionmaa Here are two paintings what seems quite strange. At the above, the text is a painting by the John Martin, what is portraying the destruction of the Pompeii and Herculaneum (Picture 1) and in the middle of the text (Picture 2) is a portrait what is painted by Thomas Cole, and the name of this portrait is The Course of Empire Destruction. I used the same portrait in the text before, and suddenly I thought that there was something strange in that painting.  The thing that feels very strange, is similar to both paintings, they seem to be painted like the observer or the painter would be in some kind of cave. So the question is why those cities or things that are trapped in those paintings happens in the room like the cave? I once saw the drawing on the surface of the planet Venus, and there were painted the "U"-shape horizon because the massive pressure would distort the way

The Royal Library of Alexandria

(Picture 1) Kimmo Huosionmaa When we are talking about the miracles of the antique, we always must ask one question: Why those things were miracles? In the city of Alexandria were two miracles, and the most well known of those things is The Great Library of Alexandria. This place is so unusual, that there must be something, what made it very special. The thing what makes it very interesting is that even the emperor of the Rome had the library card for that library. Why the most powerful man in the Rome had that thing? Did he afraid that he couldn't lend the books from that library anymore? And if he afraid that, we must ask the next question: What was written in those books, what was in that library? And why the emperor didn't transfer the storages of the books to the city of Rome?  Another thing, what makes this library so interesting, is that there were many more libraries in the city of Alexandria, so what made this particular library so "great"? Of c

Strange canals at near Helsinki

(Picture 1) Kimmo Huosionmaa Above and center of the text is two photographs that are taken in the city of Espoo, Southern Finland. The actual place is near Suomenoja electric plant, and there is a very large area of swamp and salt marsh, where lives lots of birds. They are portraits of channels what are dig in the very strange place at the rushes and very swamp area. Those channels are probably made for dry the place where they are, or maybe they are for some other purposes, what have not opened me yet. Maybe they are made for some fish farms, but I want to write something more exciting, and this is why I'm writing about the nuclear bombs and radium. So take this writing about the free-thinking about the question, why somebody digs those channels. Maybe they were made for some jolly boat because the owner of the land wanted to go hunting. That might be one good explanation, for those channels. If some person has money, he might dig the channels for hunting. Or maybe th

Writing about the secure computer solutions

(picture 1) Kimmo Huosionmaa Trojan horse can also be secured computer solution because the system might transfer the information to the third part´s databases, and nobody else cannot see the information what this kind of computer program will send to the hackers. This kind of intelligence software can be used by the NSA for monitoring the targetted military bases. That software can pass the vulnerability test, and they can be very secure things, but they will send the information to the NSA servers, without nobody ever notices anything. When I'm writing about NSA, it can mean any kind of military organization, what has in the interests to collect the information from some special secured databases, and then target the other military actions against those targets. The targets for those operations might be the personnel, who are in the key role in the national security. This kind of thing might be the operating system size surveillance program, what might have also the

About the Finnish presidential election system

Kimmo Huosionmaa As you probably have seen, we have the presidential election in Finland, and our election system goes like this: if some presidential candidate can´t get over 50 percent of given votes, will the election goes to the second round. And in that round are opposite two candidates, who got the two most number of votes in the first round. This is the law in Finland, but I must ask why this system is made? In this system, people of Finland have the chance to change the president in the second round, if some candidate couldn't get over 50 percent in the first round. And I must ask where comes the number "50%"? What is the reason, why this text have been involved the Finnish law? In this type of election, where people elect the head of the state is normally need for only one round, but in Finnish law is text, that if some candidate would not get over 50% of votes, will there be another round. Somebody thinks that is the reason for denying the populist ele

Can somebody change the man without anybody could ever notice this thing?

Picture 1 Kimmo Huosionmaa I just couple of days watched the old movie "Terminator 2 Judgement day". In this movie is the liquid metal killing machine, what could change the shape as it wanted. That "T1000" was actually modeled the group of the nanobots, what makes the possibility for that machine to change form and that nano-machines might look like some artificial silicon- or oil-molecules, what is connected with some metal atoms. There must also be the miniature robot spiders inside that mass, what can work as the computers for the independent working of this computerized amoeba, what can get any form what it wants, and of course there could be some nano-chrystals, what can make this robot amoeba to work as the chameleon. The power system of those things might be miniaturized nuclear batteries, what can give this kind of robots very long enduring operation time. But there would be another way t

Artificial intelligence can revolutionize the entailment and security of the streets.

(Picture 1) Kimmo Huosionmaa The modern face recognition system works with the artificial intelligence, what recognized the appearance of the people. The thing how this system does it bases the database of the images of the people. Those images have been sorted by the feelings of those people, and the system compiles the data, what the cameras would give to the database, and then those systems can "guess" how the people feel.  And if the system is used in some audience happening, the appearances of the people can compile with the number of the people. And this way the system can find out if the audience feels comfortable in the meeting or other happening. Ths kind of solutions might be informed the promoters of the entailments happenings, what kind of musical set would the audience like. Of course, this kind of happening needs the solution, what can track the faces and appearances from the moving audience, and this means that there must be at least four fi

What means advanced analytics?

Kimmo Huosionmaa The modern way to make the analytics about some targets by using the multilevel and solutional methodology for getting any information of the targeted structure. In this text, the word "structure" means the corporation, what is targeted for investments. The used methodology will consist the looking for information from the Internet, but also by visiting the physical environment of the location of the targeted structure headquarters. When we are talking about visiting in that area, I mean what would you think if there will find no headquarters at all? The use of the structural analyses consists many ways to get information from those organizations and structures. At analysis might use every kind of tools to find out what kind of structure is in this case. And that means that many kinds of sources must be used by getting all information, what might get for making right analyses. I mean that the Corporation might seem like it does not exist. The metho

How NSA tracks the rebellious officer from the military forces?

NSA HQ (Picture 1) Kimmo Huosionmaa The military forces are good equipment for taking the power of the nation. The rebellious military is the worst scenario, what man can imagine. When the person wants to raise the rebellion against the government, need this person the crew, who the rebellious person would tell about the rebellion, what is in this person's mind. If the rebellious officer is very old, this person's behavior would be reported to the security branch. Elder officers are good targets for informers because if some colonel rank officer would retire, there would be big rank in the military for younger officers. So when the officer starts to create the network for rebellion, must this person be quite a young that the collection of the staff would be collected. The elder officers can't move so freely because they are so well known in the military forces. When somebody wants to begin the rebellion,  this person must have enough high military rank, that

Chinese scientists are creating the 10 petawatt laser-system

(Picture 1) Kimmo Huosionmaa Chinese scientists are creating the 10 petawatts laser system, what might have also the military purposes. Those lasers can create the beam, what takes only one-millionth part of the second, but they are very powerful. So this kind of equipment can destroy any satellite in the orbiter, and the short period of the pulse will make the location of that system very hard to locate. Ultrapowerful lasers have one thing, what makes them so devastating, that nobody could ever think about that. Those lasers can whip the molecules away from its route, and make the tube kind of empty hole in the atmosphere, and the ion cannons can use this tunnel to send the ions thru this tunnel to the target. And this makes possible to make the most devastating weapon, what the mankind has ever created. The antimatter ions can shoot thru this empty tunnel to the target, and this will make possible to make the annihilation cannon. The problem with the ion cannon has been