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Why media is so effective and it has a great influence in marketing environment?

Kimmo Huosionmaa

The major principle of the economics is that it must keep growing all the time. Only growing economy increases need for material production. And that need is what makes production and brings jobs for people. The only growing economy can offer jobs for people, is a traditional way of thinking. But situations changing. Nowadays robots are working in factories, and the Internet makes old fashion couriers unnecessary. And modern automation causes a situation that growing need for company’s productions doesn’t mean that there will be more jobs to give for human workers.

We can’t expect that economics and markets have endless growing capacity. Sooner or later they will fill with products, and the interests of buying the products will decrease. And that will cause the situation called economic depression. In that situation, the money doesn’t move between actors. Mechanism what causes that situation is that some actors in economic environment will be going to bankruptcy and that will cause domino phenomenon what increases fall of the economic situation.

The most harmful for economics is that trusted actor will go to bankruptcy. If the actor is a bank, that might cause a mass effect, what will fall all economics to depression? The reason of economic catastrophe will be increasing number of unemployed people, what might cause problems with peace of society. When we are talking about information and journalism, they have great influence on the economic situation. Like Adam Smith said “unseen hand controls economics”, and he meant that newspapers and other media have a great role to control economic situation. In this scenario, false news and rumors can cause economic collapse, if somebody just claims that some company has financial problems. That thing may cause the situation when stakeholders will start to sell their ownership of that company.

That will cause the reaction, where company’s value at marketing zone will decrease, and that will make possible to take a power in the company with a minimum price, what allows to make great profits with minimum violence. That false news might call as information operations.  And I believe that that false news has been used when some companies have been bought. When that news begins to decrease the value of the company, somebody can buy ownership of that company, and after the news was rectified, the value of shares will start to grow. And do you know how much profit somebody can get if the value of those shares will rise about 5%? That’s why I believe that that false news has been used for criminal activities, which purpose is to make money in stock market. There is a theory that information operation caused the year 1928 collapse in stock markets.

I don’t know is that true, but is some newspapermen began to inflate problems of some banks, they might cause domino-effect, what broke economic situation all over the United States. If they did that for the purpose, those men might get outstanding financial profits, and that so-called “Wall Street stock market collapse” helped Adolf Hitler to raise a power in Germany. Sometimes I think that false news operation might be controlled by Mafia, what wanted to collapse economies, to share low price condominium in the hands. And of course, that collapse caused many bankruptcies what brought many farms and much of landmass in the hands of Mafia, if they were responsible for that collapse in U.S economic environment. But these are only rumors, and the reason for that economic collapse could be something else.

That case showed to the whole world what power of information in all levels of the state is. Media has an influence on the governmental and non-governmental environment in all worlds, and that’s why it’s very effective weapon. Information warfare is a way of making media. That equipment might everybody buy from the supermarket, and that’s why it is so attractive. Information warrior doesn’t need any special equipment, only skill to write text or manipulate images is enough, to use a media as a powerful psychological weapon.

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