This is a painting what I saw in one music video on YouTube, and I saw one interesting thing in it. So I started to search what was that paintings name and who did it? This didn't take long, because of the internet, so I must make one confess. I didn't need to travel to the United States, and that's why investigator's work in real life is quite different than in some Indiana Jones movies. Today we can search many things from the Internet, so we must say goodbye for nice trips to warm the State of Texas, and stay in very cold Finland. But let's go back to business and making analyses about this painting, where is one very sarcastic detail. I think that artist who painted this was hidden little notice about communities inequality.
The men who stand on the wall are Texan or Americans, who kicks off Mexicans, who represents something that was below American way of life. But the artist Robert Jenkins Onderdonk, who painted this painting might mean something more than he wants to show how Americans kick off Mexicans. I must say that this man had a very unusual name. In this painting is a part what I could say as the Marxist or socialist way of thinking. There is a message how upper classes of society systematically denies downed social class delegators to rise up in social pyramid. They deny those people's attempts to rise in their world.
The man who stands with the sword is an example of the power of the government. But he is also an example of higher social class people way to invoke a weapon when they defend their rights. Those rights are supported by very expensive universities, what guarantees those men and women high pay jobs inside some firms. But sometimes I think that Onderdonk want's to ask is this really necessary, and I think that his idea of this painting was to show where will way of violence takes all nation. If people can't talk together the route is straight to civil war.
All growing and advancing of society and culture stop if people fight together. Only power what can raise the nation is that people will band together. They must pull one rope to one direction if they want to make something big. Only nations band together can advance and stay strong. And if people kick everything that they don't know back, they will separate from real life. What makes the leadership good, is that those men and women who make decisions can get real information about that, what society really needs. And that's why there is always need for new men and women and new ideas in the government.
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