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Showing posts from October, 2017

Capillary turbines might be key to clean energy

Kimmo Huosionmaa The clean energy is the very modern term, and that will consist one small thing, what can produce clean energy for all people over the world. The system is a capillary turbine, what can be installed inside the long tube, what sucks the air thru it. Sometimes that kind of plant is planned to build in India, but I don't know is that project still in under construction. The idea of this came from Nicola Tesla, who invented the way how to make free energy by just putting the turbine in the smokestack. And that would give energy for all the town.  The capillary turbine is so simple way to produce electricity because its basis in technology what already exists. That kind of powerplant will look like the smokestack, where is a turbine inside. The air what rises in the tube will roll the turbine wheel, what is connected to the generator. This system might also be installed on the offshore oil rig, and that way the system can separate hydrogen from oxygen

How to across the speed of the light in theory

Picture source Kimmo Huosionmaa The question of moving objects is actually the very philosophic thing. It depends the way of thinking if we see is the object moving. Another way we might think, that the object stands still, and universe outside it moves. In real life we might compare that way of thinking the situation, where a fish swims against the river if the flow of that river grows so powerful, that those fishes can’t swim against it, they might stay stable, when the river moves around them. WARP- motor is a machine, what sucks ions from the Universe, and after that, it pups those ions thru nuclear accelerator, what makes spacecraft moving. That kind of motors works also in nuclear submarines. And there was once an idea to use nuclear submarines to travel other planets. In this idea, the nuclear submarine will use the WARP drive to move under the ocean surface, and when it needs runway this ship will accelerate itself in oceans, and a

What is the situation when you should think that you an adult?

Kimmo Huosionmaa What is the situation when you should think that you an adult? That is a question, what I sometimes think. The question of when people are old is very old. There is no straight answer to those things, but when you don't anymore scream by hate when your friends leave you outside from restaurant-evening shows that you have grown as an adult person. Adult persons know, that there is always find a man or woman who doesn't like them.  And they don't afraid their bosses if somebody calls them in the stand. They know that if the boss believes their customer's worlds that might cause separation from that company, but that will not happen every time when the customer asks the boss to support them. And sometimes those bosses lies about separations. They don't always kick people off the company, even if the customer wants them to do that. What means to be the adult is ever mentioned in any texts, what are published in the media. Being adult in some

Risks of modern computing

Kimmo Huosionmaa What is a threat to quantum computers? Those machines are so fast to handle calculations that, they can break almost every code in the world, and that makes ultra-fast computers very dangerous in wrong hands. The problem with secrecy and confidentially in the net is that every secrecy system is made with computers, what is possible in that time. And that’s why all security solutions need to be updated simultaneously. If those algorithm is getting old, the information what it hires will become available for hackers. And modern computers might be very fast. If their processors will be used in liquid nitrogen, they will become superconducting. That means there will be no resistance in the system, and that’s why those computers are really fast. Same way ultra-small components make possible to make very powerful small size computers. A nanotechnology is a powerful tool for computer technology. It allows the engineers to build an atomic size component. The nano tech

Problems about referendum

Kimmo Huosionmaa When politicians will make referendums for some things they might believe, that they are very nice people. It looks good, when political leaders ask people of the nation, what they want. And this is, of course, a part of democracy. But the problem with that kind of political leadership is that people would probably not know everything about the thing, what the referendum concerns, and if people don't know or think all parts of that thing, they will make decisions with feeling. When we are talking about feelings, they are a big part of people life. And do you know why Brexit was possible? Media or reporters found only bad things about EU, and after that, they made possible, that the United Kingdom will separate from the European Union. Populists know what kind of promises they must give to the people. They promise money or something concrete like new hospitals to people, and of course, universities and study grants are very bad expenditure for the society,

Are we humans a part of artificial Intelligence

Kimmo Huosionmaa Robotics and artificial intelligence are the elements of the next-generation military and civil mechanics. But have you ever thought this kind of thing in philosophic focus? When we are talking about philosophy, we sometimes forget that philosopher must not prove anything, only rhetorics of the presentation is important, and other things, what will happen are, what philosophers imagination can produce. There are philosophers who believe that we are computer programs inside the great supercomputer. But in here I must say that the word "believe" doesn't mean same for philosophers normal people. "Believe" is a rhetorical term for philosophers and it means that he or she defends the side, what he or she ordered to take. Not that philosopher actually believes those things, what that person defends. I sometimes think if we are cyborgs like some Terminator, but we will never find out is this question true. Of course, I know that I'm a

What kind of danger is civilian shape combat helicopter?

Kimmo Huosionmaa Do you remember 1980’s movie “Airwolf”? The reason, why I write about that old TV-serine, is that there is a very big danger of that kind of weapons. “Airwolf” represents another kind of STEALTH- helicopter. Those helicopters are undercover military hardware, what looks normal helicopters, what TV- or other media uses, but that equipment uses effective covered weapon systems, what makes those things nasty surprise for normal scout helicopters and light airplanes. Those civilian shape helicopters might be useful in paramilitary operations, where targets are drug dealers or another kind of “nongovernmental” targets. In real combat, they might have little effect, because of their limits with weapon systems. That fictional Airwolf”-helicopter is a normal commercial helicopter, what is equipped with machine guns and probably 40 mm grenade launchers. Also, light missiles like "dragon" and RBS-56 "Bill"  and other anti-tank weapons can be used. A

There is something wrong in Hollywood

Picture is a part of  book cover Greene murder case (Gummerus) Kimmo Huosionmaa Now Hollywood stars have come out in the thing, what is a nightmare for many workers all around the world. This is a question of sexual harassment and using position to make that thing secret. I wonder does this criminal activity continues if that thing doesn't happen in Hollywood? This case shows, how many people use his or her position to cover up those things. But in this particular case was one lucky thing, that person who came out is a famous person too, and here I sit and think how many cleaners or some other person, who doesn't have money of who is not famous, is sexually or other ways disturbed in that person's workplace? In those cases, the victim might have no dare to go to tell those things to the police. And here I ask how many rapes have been contracted with money, to make victims of that crime silent? Many people think that nice guy from Hollywood or movie world is n

The prosecutions against President of the United States are not very common thing

Picture source  Internet  Kimmo Huosionmaa The problem with this Trump case does the president of United States  Donald Trump know about that money, what came from the Russian government, and can special prosecutor Mueller proof that support from another state as it will cause judgment to the president. The problem with Trump is that he was used his position in this case, and that will cause some troubles for his defense. Predicated support for Trump's election campaign is channeled from Russian companies bank accounts. That means that there will not find the straight connection that money came from the Russian government. But the major procedure in this kind of actions is, that that kind of money will be first transfer to some company's accounts, and then they will be given to that politician's election campaign. So if this kind of rumors that Trump took money from Russians is true, there will not be found any signs that money came from the Russian government

Every case in the world is always two sides

Kimmo Huosionmaa In the case of declaration of independence of the nation is always two parts, the independence movement, and another part, who doesn’t want the independence for some areas. Sometimes those people are not very often seen sight in media because their emotions are not so high than that independence movement. The problem with independence movements is that they appeal more feelings than a mind. That's why those political movements get so much room in the media. And what brings publicity brings votes. Some journalists like to make big stories about those movements because they are so colorful. People are so sensitive and real, and they can speak spontaneously for their supporters. And what is the better picture in the media than a picture, where a supporter of independence cries when the flag of that new state rises up? The media is a very effective tool when people want to get publicity in their matter. And some journalists want to make big news for some move

What cats really can do for government?

Kimmo Huosionmaa Have you ever seen a movie “Cat’s eyes”?  Do you know that movie has a real background in CIA’s laboratory?  “Acoustic Kitty” was CIA's attempt to create the advanced biological weapon. That program was officially mentioned to train cats for looking for enemy's weapons and other military stuff. But in some confessions are mentioned that those cats were trained also for eliminating enemy soldiers and other targets with biting their throat or blood vessels cut. The story behind in this rumor bases, that cats are also very easy to train for same missions what are normally made by dogs. Training a cat is same style action than training dogs, but there is one difference between cats and dogs. Cat doesn’t scream, and that’s why trainer must teach it a signal position if that operator want’s to use it for patrol animal. Cat has some advantages what the dogs don't have. They can go places that are to

Problems culminating in Catalonia now

Kimmo Huosionmaa The movement about the independence of Catalonia is going to their last change. The leader of that movement urges people for resistance against the central government of Madrid and will cause terrible condition if somebody misunderstands that urge. That kind of comments is dangerous,  because somebody might get the hand on his hand, and those actions will be like putting the fire under powder sack. The problem of those people who are leaders of that movement is that there is a text in a law of Spain, that people who revolts might be judged to jail for 30 years. The reason why this text in the law book is very problematic in this situation is that the leaders of that movement might become example what will happen to those people, who revolts against the central government of Spain. The declaration of independence might be very bad thing for the Spanish government because that country is very authoritarian, that kind of actions for separating some parts of

What the modern computer techology can do for STEALTH suites?

Kimmo Huosionmaa STEALTH is a key to modern military technology. Modern STEALTH technology makes objects invincible in radar, infrared and even for the human eye. That technology is always combined with airplanes, but those systems are coming to all kind of equipment. Modern technology gives a chance to make even humans unseen for enemy soldiers. The technology what is used in STEALTH clothes is actually very simple. Some of those clothes can buy from hunter's store and this is a treat, what security authorities must recognize. The clothes are covered with small tiny screens, and a camera system of those clothes gives the picture of the man’s background to those screens. That suite sometimes consists the facemask, what also has got a screen, and front of the sniper's scope is also a screen, what makes his perception almost impossible, and sometimes there is a net of

What the fictionally attack by aliens might look like

Kimmo Huosionmaa The fiction of attack of aliens is a common part of SciFi books and another kind of stuff. The attacker is normally shown as a very advanced but evil race, what uses huge machines to break the human race. But when we are seeing those films, we must ask would those Martians really act like that? Are they really so easy to kill, then in some classical books? In this text, I’m going to write what kind of civilization might be dangerous to us. And what kind of equipment that civilization might have. The attacker might use a different kind of technology as a very devastating way. That technology will be nanotechnology or nano-machines, what will attack humans.  That attacker might look like the standard cluster bomb, what dispenses small tinderbox shape objects, what creates billions of nano-machines. Those units are so-called “production units” what can manufacture those nano-machines from carbon. The nano-machines can actually make human a puddle. When we wil

First chargers have been risen in Trump Case

Kimmo Huosionmaa If some democratic states president will get charges of misuse his power it is a very serious thing, and even if the president of the United States of America Donald Trump will not in the chair of prosecuted in the court hall, this case is very serious for this man and his closest people. Those prosecutions are involving the thing, what means real troubles to Donald Trump. That is taken cash from Russia, and that's why FBI started to investigate those rumors. And after that Donald Trump made the worst mistake what a man can make. He suspended those investigators, and after that, he made a crime, what is called exploitation of position. And another crime is disturbing a criminal investigation. Those crimes are very serious, and if Trump will proof as a guilty, he will lose his position. And if he took a money from Russian government he might get charges for spying and treason of the state. Those crimes are much more serious, what Bill Clinton made when he w

About independence of states and situation in Spain

Picture Sky News Kimmo Huosionmaa Independence of the state is not so easy to take as a people think. When some state want's to be independent, it must make diplomatic relationships with other states. And that means that the new state must be confessed by other states. This a fact in international politics. If some state has not been confessed that state would not able to make relationships with other states, and if somebody has it passport that person can't travel with that. That is a rule in international politics. The reason for this kind of actions is those other ways some other country might want to support financial or even giving them a military training to make some state dissipate. The last thing is very dangerous because armed independence movements will normally classifieds as a terrorist organization. But why some other states are supporting those movements? Sometimes the reason for the support for some independence movements is not so altruistic than

About independence movements and why they are so popular?

Kimmo Huosionmaa The area-parliament of Catalonia is talking about independence very seriously. And today we are making questions about those things, and the question is why those movements become so popular, that they are giving a declaration of independence. But we must realize that those movements are not a new phenomenon in the politics. There are always been movements, what are willing to cut the relationships to another country, but they did not become public until now. The internet has been given also for little groups change to get publicity. When we are talking what might happen ten or fifteen years ago, those movements will not get their voices in the mind of the people. Those men and women who talked about independence that decade ago marked as political clowns. But when the government started to use violence against those people, they became in the front of the public eye. Violence just made people fear the police, and that drives them to give their support to th

Why government want's to embarrass some doctors?

Kimmo Huosionmaa We have a law in Finland that all unemployed people must be activated to apply for a job. They must go to courses where employment agency's workers teach them how to make job applications and CVs. And those courses are not voluntary even if you are a doctoral examination from the University. Why some governments do the thing, that they will give doctors the courses, where they will teach how to make a CV? Do those bureaucrats really think that those people can't write CVs and job applications? Do you want to embarrass some kind of scientists?  Do you know how dangerous is this kind of action? Let’s think about the situation where the doctor who makes psychological profiles to customers want’s to do some evil things. What can he or she do to people, who have problems with drugs? He might go to that person and offer that person alcohol, and ask that person to do jobs for that doctor. Here is us

Do you know, what means "Lady Butterfly" in psychology?

Picture:Wikipedia Kimmo Huosionmaa Do you know, what means term “Lady Butterfly” in psychology? That means the psychological condition, where a person falls in love with some public person. This psychological effect could make a person dangerous, if he or she is in psychosis or that person has some kind of psychiatric disorders. If a person has a mental disorder, he or she might think that killing that targets husband or wife that person could get married with a target of that person’s love. Some investigators think that “Lady Butterfly”- the effect has played the key role in murders what are targeted to public persons. I mean that reason for the shooting of John Lennon might be that shooter was fallen in love with Yoko Ono, John  Lennon’s wife. Some investigators also think that this particular effect took a part of the shooting of John Fitzgerald Kennedy in Dallas 1963. They think that if Oswald was a shooter, he might be fallen in love of Jaqueline Kennedy, and

Robots are coming more and more common in the battlefield

X47B takes fuel from "Omega tanker" (Northrop)  Kimmo Huosionmaa The news below shows clearly which way the military aviation is going to. Robot airplanes will replace manned pilots in many missions. If Northrop will put outset of robot air refueling system for UCAV:s, there might be more plans to make lethal military power more lethal for any operator in military forces. I think that Navy has been already tested robot versions of P-8 “Poseidon” ASW aircraft and other tactical systems like command posts. The automatization of those long enduring platforms makes those long-term missions more comfortable for all operators of the navy. Because that set offer is Northrop we might think that there will be also robot-version of B-2 and B-52 bombers.  That will be the very dramatic thing for nuclear forces because robot planes can be airborne even months if their t