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The strange rules in quantum systems.

How can we  control and operate a system if we even cannot look at it?

The strange world of quantum computers is that we cannot look at the system. When information is loaded into the quantum systems there is no way how to follow how the process continues. This is the problem with quantum computers. When a quantum computer makes some calculation series, the system travels on the road. 

Or maybe we should call that road rather than tunnel or tube. We put some data in that process. And then we cannot affect how the system makes its works. We must just sit on the chair and wait until the system made its work. And that is one of the most problematic things in quantum computers. 

The only thing that can check answers that are made by using quantum computers is another quantum computer. So if the quantum system's input and output process is some kind of anomaly the answer is wrong. 

GO game

The ability to follow the calculation process is important because if the quantum computer makes the calculation about weeks or even months and then the answer is wrong. That thing causes a very interesting situation. 

Normally error detection happens by using two routes or two identical systems. Data travels through those systems. And then the users compare the answers. If there is some kind of difference that tells that answer can be wrong. The system must make savings often enough, that it can follow if there are some kind of differences in the axioms or control points of the system. 

We can determine the precise point when the system outputs information. And that is one of the most important things in computing. The system can make calculations by using endless series. And if there is no end to the series the time determination makes it possible that the computer gives some answers after a certain time. The problem is that the quantum computer can make mistakes. 

The reason for mistakes could be: 

0) The most critical error in quantum systems is at the point where the quantum system exchanges information between it and the binary system. The quantum system requires binary systems interacting with its environment. 

The binary system is a system, like a robot that works in a natural, noncontrolled environment. The quantum system remote controls the binary system that acts its senses in the outside world. The binary system is like a marginal or buffer, that will pre-handle data in the mode that the system can upload to quantum systems. 

1) Errors in databases that the system uses. If the information in those databases is wrong. The also quantum system makes mistakes. The reason for that is. 

Even the best system can give the right answers only if it uses the right and confirmed information.  Even the best systems cannot make the right answers. If there are errors in the information, the system can use for its duties. Right and confirmed information is required for the right solutions. 

2) Errors in the data handling process. The qubit is far more sensitive than some binary computers. Even weak energy impulses can push the system out of balance. Those effects could be some gravitational wave that pushes photons in the wrong position, which can cause a fatal error in the system. 

3) Human errors. The quantum computers planned to make extremely difficult calculations. The problem with those calculations is their formulas are extremely complicated. There is the possibility that the human operator makes an error while writing the formula. And if there are lost brackets or "division" replaced  "plus". That thing causes errors. 

One of the solutions for error detection is that the users must input the formula into the system twice. That thing uncovers if there are some anomalies or differences in input. 

The GO game with strange rules

"Quantum error-correction is like a game of Go with strange rules

“You can imagine the elements of a quantum computer as being just like a Go board,” Researchers say. The problem is that even looking at the system might turn the system out of control. 

"However, there are certain key differences from a conventional game of Go: all the pieces are already distributed around the board, and each of them is white on one side and black on the other. One color corresponds to the state zero, the other to one, and a move in a game of quantum Go involves turning pieces over. According to the rules of the quantum world, the pieces can also adopt grey mixed colors, which represent the superposition and entanglement of quantum states". ( Controlled Quantum Error Correction System Capable of Learning)

"When it comes to playing the game, a player – we’ll call her Alice – makes moves that are intended to preserve a pattern representing a certain quantum state. These are the quantum error correction operations. In the meantime, her opponent does everything they can to destroy the pattern. This represents the constant noise from the plethora of interference that real qubits experience from their environment". ( Controlled Quantum Error Correction System Capable of Learning)

"In addition, a game of quantum Go is made especially difficult by a peculiar quantum rule: Alice is not allowed to look at the board during the game. Any glimpse that reveals the state of the qubit pieces to her destroys the sensitive quantum state that the game is currently occupying. The question is: how can she make the right moves despite this?" ( Controlled Quantum Error Correction System Capable of Learning)

The answer could be simple. Alice can use a middleman. Alice can call Bob to look at the GO game. Bob is the system that Alice knows. The problem is that also Bob is a quantum system. And Bob follows the same rules as Alice. So how the Bob solves the problem?

The middleman could be two stages quantum-binary hybrid system. When Alice makes her duty, the two-stage system. That system is Bob and his little brother Bill. And Margo the mother of those boys. Before Bill gives information to Bob Margo checks the sources. Bill also pre-handles the information for Bob who sends it to Alice. 

Bob can call Bill to make the error detection. Bill is the binary system that can detect things. That happens on the game board. When Alice gives the order to Bob, he transfers the mission to Bill who is the system that he knows. And what he can control. Bill gets an answer. 

Then there is the fourth participant Margo, who checks that Bill has the right knowledge. Then Bill sends the information to Bob, who resends that information to Alice. The idea is that Bill is the binary system that operates in the interface between controlled and non-controlled systems. Bill simply tells what is happening on the game board. The idea is that Bill doesn't know what happens or why something happens. But Bill can tell if some button is moving on board. 

The idea is the same with the Scissors, Paper, and Rock model. When information travels in one direction between systems. They can control each other which minimizes the so-called artifact effect. If Alice would communicate straight with Bill the error in Bill escalates to Alice. But because there is Bob a middleman between Bill and Alice, the risk that system corruption escalates is minimum. 

This is a reason why the quantum computer requires things like multipurpose Chat GPT-style artificial intelligence as its supporter. The AI must collect data and follow. That there are no differences in data. That is input to the system.

We might call the quantum computer GO game that has a couple of strange rules. When information is loaded into the qubits and the quantum entanglement is starting to form we cannot see or feel what happens in the quantum computer. The strangest rule in this game is the quantum computer cannot look or touch the game". ( Controlled Quantum Error Correction System Capable of Learning)

Looking at or touching the game destroys the qubits' sensitive superposition. If the system looks at the button the photons that reflect from it cause instability in the very sensitive quantum system. 


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