Sunday, July 16, 2023

Magnetohydrodynamic drive and pulsed plasma engines are one of the most promising engines in ships and interplanetary spacecraft.

DARPA is developing real-life Red October

DARPA is making history. That office is planning to develop an MHD (Magnetohydrodynamic) propulsion. The system is a tube where are magnets on both sides. The MHD drive pulls ions from the front of the system. And those ions will travel through that tube. The fact is that. If those magnets are powerful enough. They can pull water molecules through the acceleration tube. The MHD is a good choice for a submarine propulsion system. 

There are no moving parts in the system. And that makes it very low noise. In visions, the MHD is propulsion that is used in open seas. At harbors, the ship uses conventional propellers. 

Researchers are made some test units like Japanese Yamato 1 for testing that are used as test beds for early MHD concepts. The speed of Yamato 1 was about 8 knots. But it shows that MHD works. 

Yamato 1

After Yamato 1, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries made more test units that were faster than Yamoto 1. The main problem with those units was limited engine power and a lack of superconducting magnets. In the DARPA concept, the system uses nuclear propulsion and superconducting magnets. 

If there is a vacuum insulator around the reactor's cooling system that makes the submarine even more silent than if developers use the regular hulls.  Developers also can install the MHD system in catamarans and other surface ships. A vacuum insulator means that around the engine is the vacuum chamber that will decrease noise. 

The MHD drive with vacuum-isolated turbines, is one of the most powerful combinations in conventional ships. And especially ASW ships will get benefit from the low-noise options. 

And if it works fine, it could turn the next page for ship technology. In catamarans, the system pulls water between the hulls, and then those acceleration magnets drive water backward. There is also possible that an MHD drive can install in the conventional ship. 

The magnets that accelerate the ship are on both sides of the hull. Then ionized water flows impacting behind the ship, forming the wave that pushes the ship forward. 

Pulsed plasma engine. 

The MHD is also one possibility in spacecraft that travel between planets. When MHD is used in spacecraft, its name is MDD (Magnetodynamicdrive). In spaceborne MDD drive the system pulls ions from the stars through the acceleration tube. That kind of system can make weak thrust. But there is the possibility that the MDD system is connected with a pulsed plasma system.

The idea of pulsed plasma engines is simple. The system drives plasma plasma over the two polar magnets. The system emulates the plasma pulses that form when solar wind travels through Earth. So the image of forming of Earth's plasma pulse can also use to demonstrate how a pulsed plasma engine works.  

In Earth's magnetosphere ions and anions cross the north and south poles in opposite routes. Then behind the Earth, those plasma lines are connected. In crossing point plasma that is traveled lower impacts with those crossing plasma lines. That thing forms the bubble. That plasma bubble continues its growing until it can break through that plasma tail. The pulsed plasma engine can benefit the same plasma that comes from the sun. 

The system drives ions and anions from different routes. And then it makes a plasma pulse or plasma bubble behind the spacecraft. If the power of those accelerators is high enough, that system can create fusion behind the craft. And even if the fusion will not start the system can shoot electromagnetic radiation or anti-electrons to that plasma bubble. 

There is the possibility that at least lighter-than-air systems like extremely modern airships can also use pulsed plasma engines. The magnetic accelerators are pulling ionized gas over the shell of the craft. There could be two parallel lines. 

One is for ions and one is for anions. The system pulls those ion- and anion plasma over the shell of the craft, and then those impacting plasma lines form the plasma bubble behind the craft. The Airship can travel close to the edge of the space. And there it can operate by using the pulsed plasma engine. The effect of that engine can increase by using the sail where the plasma can send its energy waves.

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