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A shattering breakeven barrier allows quantum error correction.

Before we can make quantum computers that are the same way trusted as binary computers we must make a system that corrects errors. Error-correcting requires that error can detect. The thing that the system must follow is the break-even, or breakeven barrier while it makes corrections. A breakeven barrier is a mathematical formula. Where the number of positive cases should cross the number of negative cases breaking that barrier means that the system makes a positive solution more than negative solutions. 

When quantum systems are making calculations. Their weakness is that only another quantum system can detect errors in quantum computer-made calculations. In some models, the system sends the calculation twice through those systems. The system compares those answers The problem is that the calculation error could be in the last pulse. 

"A logical qubit is embedded into the state space of a harmonic oscillator using the grid code, represented here by faces of the cube. Quantum error correction protects these grid states from corruption by a noisy environment, symbolized by the ray. Credit: Image courtesy of Polina Shmatkova" ( Error Correction: Shattering the Breakeven Barrier)

If there are differences between those answers. The system must start to search for the error. The reason for errors can be FRB or GRB which shakes the qubits. Before error correction is possible the system must know that there are no broken things inside its internal structure. 

A shattering breakeven barrier means correcting the circuit or system makes more corrections than causing errors itself. There is the possibility that when the system makes corrections over the system border, that system makes more damage than corrects errors. Error detection requires that the system has a matrix. 

The correcting system uses that matrix to compare with other systems. And that is the problem. There are multiple points where the system can make errors. When the system stores data in the backup files. 

Image: A breakeven (break-even) point in economics is the case. Where profits turn higher than costs. 

There is the possibility that some outside, non-controlled effect can affect the storing process, data storage, or the process that reads the matrix data. Another thing is that the error is not necessarily in the matrix data. 

Comparing systems over the border means that the correcting system must drive information over the border, which changes energy levels in those systems. The order of the participants is an extremely important thing in quantum computing. And one part of that order is the energy level. 

If something changes in orders or energy levels the quantum system cannot make its missions. In many models, the quantum systems use two quantum lines for error detection. The problem with that kind of model is that the system must wait until both sides complete their missions. 

In the cases that quantum computers make missions that remain hours or days, that thing means that if there are differences in answers the quantum system must start the entire process again. So for making the quantum system more powerful, the system requires intermediate recordings so that the controlling system can see if something goes wrong.


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