The network of satellites is a useful tool. If the satellites are forming a layer that covers the entire Earth that kind of network can be an extremely useful tool for location, recon, and power supply by using wireless power transmission. The satellite network with telescopes can see every single missile launch on Earth if those satellites can cover an area that is large enough. The satellites can have anti-ASAT systems that can protect them against physical ASAT weapons like anti-satellite missiles.
The unintended echoes of low-flying satellites are problematic things. Unintended electromagnetic echoes form when electromagnetic radiation impacts satellites. And then that radiation reflects from those objects. The fact is that the reflection of electromagnetic radiation is the thing. That makes a major part of electromagnetic fingerprints of space junk. In the past, the U.S. Air Force researched the possibility to make an electromagnetic shield around Earth by using pins.
The idea was good pins act like Tesla coils. The practical problem was that those pins must be precisely on the same level. And that requires extremely highly accurate positioning of those pins. But the system requires that those pins are at the same level and all of those pins are in the same direction. If that kind of form of pins is possible to make that system. It can make it possible to create a radio-wave layer between those pins.
"Figure 1: Artist’s impression of a large satellite constellation in low-Earth orbit circling above the LOFAR telescope. Credit: Daniëlle Futselaar (" ( Uncovers Starlink’s Secret: Unintended Electromagnetic Emissions From SpaceX’s Satellites)There is the possibility to create an artificial ionosphere for the moon using Tesla coils. The radiowaves travel between those pins. And the pike aims those radiowaves to the moon.
If multiple power satellites aim their lasers at one point, they can destroy Earth's surface. The thing is this, the same satellites used as the power supply can use in ASAT(Anti-Satellite) and ABM (Anti-Ballistic Missile)missions.
There are plans for sending power satellites that send energy to the ground by using lasers, radio masers, or microwaves. Those satellites could benefit high energy ions of the Van Allen belt. And in that passive system satellite, or network of relay satellites can make the system that can send electricity wirelessly to every point on the Earth.
The problem is that multiple satellites can connect their power and aim their transmitters at one point. That system acts like Death Star's laser. That kind of modular system could be very much powerful. If multiple laser satellites aim their laser at one point that can make those systems dangerous also to the ground objects.
The system can give energy to high-flying aerial vehicles. The system can harvest energy from the Earth's ion belts. But it also can benefit radio waves that are sent from the ground stations. This kind of system can connect the power satellite and communication tools into one entirety.
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