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Atom clocks can make observations of gravitational waves.

Researchers make observations about gravitational waves by observing cosmic clocks. It's possible that in the future. Researchers observe the changes in the half-life of the extremely short-living radioisotopes. Or they can observe atom clocks. Gravitational waves cause deviation in the orations of the atom clocks. The gravitational waves can use to send photons to the future. 

The gravitational wave must be powerful enough that the system can affect the time in the photons. When some power field impacts photons it loads more energy to that thing. And that should cause the time reversal phenomenon in those particles. Time is stopped in photons, and the photon's speed in that virtual model where time is like a river is the same as the flow of time. So if researchers could send some kind of energy to the photon, that means time in it slows relative to the time that flows outside the photon.

"In this artist’s interpretation, a pair of supermassive black holes (top left) emits gravitational waves that ripple through the fabric of space-time. Those gravitational waves compress and stretch the paths of radio waves emitted by pulsars (white). By carefully measuring the radio waves, a team of scientists recently made the first detection of the universe’s gravitational wave background. Credit: Aurore Simonnet for the NANOGrav Collaboration" (ScitechDaily,com/Gravitational Waves Detected Using “Cosmic Clocks” and Unseen Spatial Distortions)

The gravitational waves can make warp drive possible. The hypothetical spacecraft could make the gravitational wave ahead of it. The gravitational wave pulls that craft ahead. And that thing makes the revolution in space flight. But the major problem is that synthetic gravitational waves are hard to make. There is the possibility that the annihilation can make so extremely high energy radiation that it can interact straight with gravitational waves. The energy impulse must have so high level. That it can warp the gravitational fields. 

The enormous energy levels. Along with very thick and dense wave movement could push warps in the gravitational field. In nature, things like black holes and neutron stars can make gravitational waves. 

In those cases, the extremely high-power gravitational fields travel across each other when those massive and supermassive objects send gravitational waves. So those gravitational fields around the massive objects are causing interaction with other gravitational waves. 

Gravitation is one of four fundamental interactions. Those interactions are gravitation, electromagnetism, and weak and strong nuclear forces. All those fundamental interactions have particle and wave movement forms. The problem is that all those fundamental interactions have different wavelengths. That means they are not interacting straight with each other. 

Things like elementary particles are the things that are involving elements like bosons. Bosons are the carrier-particle of three known fundamental interactions. Only the transportation particle of gravitation is missing. When other fundamental particles are impacting those impacts release bosons. Those bosons can uncover how those fundamental interactions interact with each other. 

The reason why gravitation is so weak interaction could be in the form of gravitational waves. If gravitational waves are thin. They don't interact with other particles long enough that they can raise the particle's energy level so that people can see that thing. 

In that model energy in the particle is rising when the gravitational wave hits it. But then a gravitational wave passes that particle and releases that extra energy when energy pumping ends. 

There is a question called the GUT (Grand Unified Theory) there is claiming that all fundamental interactions are part of the same force. There is the theory that the origin of gravitational waves is in the Higgs field that is inside the protons and neutrons. The Higgs field makes mass to those particles. The thing is that. The energy that travels in the particle gives it its form. 

And then the energy reflects something from inside the particle and rips it in pieces. The gravitational wave could form in the particles when energy travels into them. That energy reflects from some other field. So in this model gluons, particles that transport strong interaction send the energy wave to quarks. 

Then those quarks send energy to the shell of the proton and neutron. There the strong interaction turns to the weak interaction. And while that radiation forms during W and Z boson interaction travels through the electron shells they would turn that wave movement into the gravitation. But if we want to make that model work. 

We must know the entire system. There is a possibility that gravitational waves can form in multiple layers at the same time. If the source of gravitational interaction is at the atom's electron shells. There is the possibility that each orbiter sends gravitational waves with their unique frequency which explains why gravitational interaction is so weak. 

If all electron shiels send gravitational radiation with different frequencies that explains why gravitational waves are so weak. Those electron layers are not acting synchronously. So those electron shells send so thin wave burst that interact with other particles and particle groups. That interaction is not taking a long time. And that could explain why gravitation is so a weak force.


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