Saturday, July 8, 2023

Is the Big Bang impact between 4D and 2D material?

The JWST telescope unveils the beginning of the cosmic web. 

In some models, the origin of the universe is in 2D material. The 2D material is the superstring or wave movement. The universe will return to 2D space when it faces its ultimate fate. 

In this model, the Big Bang blew that 2D material into a 3D form like a balloon. That means the material will turn back into 2D form when the universe meets its ultimate end. If we think that higher dimensions are very small, we can think the same way that the 2D universe is much larger than the 3D universe where we live. But proving that model researchers should know the place where the Big Bang happened. 

In some very exotic models, dark energy is the interaction that comes from higher dimensions. The black hole is the tensor or connector that connects the fourth and higher dimensions to our 3D universe. When the energy level of particles rises high enough, that thing makes it possible that there is forming a "nose" to particles. 

When the energy level of those particles rises high enough. They cannot interact with 3D material but they can form the web that is invisible to us. That web could be like strings that cannot interact with 3D material. But we cannot see that web. 

In some theories, the Big Bang was the case where the material that energy level was higher than the 3D material somehow interact with 2D material which is a hypothetical opposite version of the 4D material. So the Big Bang was like a waterfall where material's energy adjusted at the level that makes 3D material possible. 


That means a theoretical model that:

The dark energy is coming from black holes. That could be energy which source in 4th. dimension. 

Dark matter is the thing that forms when hypothetical 2D material pulls energy out from the 3D material. 


So if we think this model very accurately, the dark energy could be energy that is coming out from the fourth dimension. And that fourth dimension exists only in the black holes. The dark energy rips the universe into pieces. 

But the dark matter the gravitational effect that pulls the universe inside would be the effect that 2D material causes. The 2D material would pull energy out from the universe. 

"Astronomers have discovered an early strand of the universe’s cosmic web using the James Webb Space Telescope, existing just 830 million years after the big bang. The study also examined eight quasars in the young universe and revealed significant insights into the assembly and influence of supermassive black holes on star formation. (Cosmic web artist’s concept.)" ( Space Telescope Illuminates Earliest Strands of the Cosmic Web)

The cosmic web could prove the existence of wormholes. And cosmic web caused the birth of the intelligent universe hypothesis. Another name for intelligent universe theory is the conscoius universe theory. 

The cosmic web is the largest known megastructure. There are even theories that the cosmic web makes the universe intelligent. And if we are looking at that image with very high accuracy, we might think that the bright spot is the Pineal gland. But the fact is that the cosmic web is one of the most interesting things in the universe. There is something that makes the comic spider's web. 

For creating that kind of web there must be some kind of gravitational central point that looks like some kind of gravitational web. The thing is that the cosmic web could prove the existence of wormholes. And maybe the cosmic web shows us the point, where the Big Bang happened. There could be some kind of extreme version of the supermassive black holes. And maybe that black hole shows the position where the first galaxies formed. 

The cosmic web can form around the wormholes. Those cosmic energy tunnels are connecting black holes. But proving the existence of those Einstein-Rose bridges is very hard. The relativistic jets from the poles of the black holes are forming electromagnetic wormholes. But could inside that thing be the gravitational wormhole? That thing makes the revolution in science. 

The idea of a fourth dimension or upper dimension is interesting. The idea is that the energy level of a material turns so high that it loses the ability to exchange information with other materials. The upper or higher dimensions exist. But they are extremely small. 

In some models, the Big Bang formed the 3D material by blowing it in a ball shape. So the origin of our third dimension is in the 2D material. That means that the mysterious dark matter could be 2D material. If that 2D universe exists that would be larger than our 3D universe. 

The thing that makes this model of higher dimensions interesting is that there could also be at least one dimension that is below our third dimension. The second dimension should be larger than our third dimension. In that model, the material is like a balloon. The energy that the Big Bang released blew the material to the form that looks like balloons. When material releases all energy it turns back to the superstring. 

It would turn flat like an empty balloon. The Big Bang pushed energy between flat superstrings. And that thing formed the material in the form as we know it. The vaporization of material means that it takes back its 2D form. 

So if the cosmic web makes the universe intelligent we must realize one thing. The universe is an extremely massive thing. The information can travel between nexuses and controls billions of years. The model of the intelligent universe is simple. The supermassive black holes would be the centers of the cosmic web. So the black holes would be qubits that are connected by electromagnetic or gravitational wormholes or energy channels that connect those black holes.

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