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Showing posts from July, 2023

The Chinese just launched the first methane-powered rocket.

The methane rocket is more environmentally friendly than traditional rocket fuels. Methane is a greenhouse gas that bacteria produce from biowaste. And that thing makes methane a quite cheap fuel for rockets and jet engines. The melting and boiling points of methane are very low, which makes this gas suitable for space operations. If the melting point of gas is too low, it will freeze in space.  The reason why methane is an interesting fuel is that moons like Titan have methane atmospheres. And also, methane can be produced on the same refinery platforms that clean up environmental waste. Methane itself doesn't involve oxygen. And that allows engineers to use that gas in thermal nuclear rockets as well as hydrogen or some other gases. The thing is that methane is also suitable for use in new types of chemical lasers. Methane lasers can have a similar radiation impact as carbon monoxide lasers. But their efficacy is lower. The fact is that methane is an inflammable gas. And that thi

Hydrogen allows us to create faster and more powerful technology than ever before.

 The new solar-hydrogen device can offer one answer for green energy production. What if rockets and other vehicles used hydrogen and oxygen as fuel? The system would emit water as an emission. But the problem is the poor thrust of the hydrogen-oxygen combination as the fuel of the rocket engine. The answer to that could be water injection in the rocket engine's combustion chamber. If we think of the military world, things like naval jet fighters and helicopters can use hydrogen as fuel. The aircraft carriers can use their nuclear reactors to create hydrogen for their aircraft and helicopters. Along with laser weapons, those systems provide almost unlimited tactical firepower. The fact is that the electrolysis chamber can be installed in the aircraft or space shuttle itself. The crew will load water into the tank. And then they must connect the electric wire to the aircraft. That thing gives an unlimited operational range for aircraft. The system can benefit all kinds of electric s

The metaverse is an ultimate tool for many things.

The metaverse is the next generation of the Internet. We can call that thing "Internet 5.0". The metaverse is like a platform where people can operate using virtual reality or regular screens. In the SciFi novel "Neuromancer" from 1984 author William Gibson predicted the metaverse. And in the most interesting visions, the neuro implanted microchips like Neuralinks allow people to click themselves to the metaverse by using the neuro implant that can communicate with cell phones or WLAN.  There is also the possibility that the nanotechnological system called "Intelligent dust" makes it possible that the person must only put those extremely small microsensors on the head.  The term: intelligent dust means an extremely small microchip-sensor combination that seems like dust.  And then those microchips can communicate straight with the cerebral cortex. Or they can communicate with extremely small flexible machines that swim in neural channels. R&D staff can

Toyota's Lunar Cruiser is a pathfinder for regenerative fuel technology.

Toyota developed a lunar vehicle that can operate using regenerative technology. In the daytime, the vehicle might use solar panels. And at night, the system can use oxygen and hydrogen in fuel cells and, why not, in turbines? This kind of system uses solar power to split water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen. And then it can burn those gases in fuel cells or turbines. The thing that makes this kind of system interesting is that it recycles hydrogen and oxygen. Burning those gases produces water, which the system can transfer to the electrolysis chamber. Then those gases will be sent to tanks, where they could be stored under pressure or in liquid form. Liquid hydrogen and oxygen require a thermos structure that isolates them from their environment because their temperature is extremely low.  The "Predator" drone can use this kind of environmentally friendly system for energy production. This kind of emission-free hybrid vehicle can use electric engines when they can load

The miniature robots can manipulate neurons. And that makes a new accuracy for the BCI (Brain computer interface).

The MEVs (micro-endovascular probes) are systems. That can make Neuralink implants old-fashioned. The MEV probes are ultra-flexible miniature systems that can swim in neural channels. The MEV probes are easy to install; only one injection is needed. And those probes can observe how neurons are operating. The MEVs can make chains in the neural channel, and they can communicate with cell phones through the skin. Those systems can also cooperate with neuro-implanted microchips. Neuro-implanted microchips can communicate with microchips that can be installed in hats or helmets. The EEG sensors don't require any surgical operations, but those sensor- or interactive systems that can make two-way communication between neurons and computers can be surgically installed on the skull below the skin. If we think that a neuro-implanted microchip is the sensor that is under the skin, on the skull, installing this type of electrode is not very difficult. The MEVs can replace the electrodes that a

The cloned memory cells and the BCI is the ultimate combination for fixing brain damage.

Cloned neurons, where the data is transferred, make it possible to fix even large-area neural damages. When brain cells are dying, the memory blocks in them are gone. That means we lose those neurons. But new technology makes it possible to create even cloned neurons that can replace damaged brain areas. Researchers cloned muscle cells from stem cells. The thing is that there is the possibility of cloning all other cells from cloned stem cells. The PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) method makes it possible to make stem cell clones by combining the DNA of other cells. The idea is that the PCR system makes copies of the DNA that is isolated from the desired cells. And then the system simply replaces the DNA from the nucleus of some other cells. "Implanted electrodes stream recorded data to a pocket-sized device worn by a patient. The data are then wirelessly transferred to a tablet and then uploaded to the cloud via a HIPAA-compliant server. Credit: Image courtesy of Starr lab, UCSF&q

Lasers and satellites are the ultimate tools for research.

NASA's GEDI (Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation) spaceborne laser is one of the most interesting tools for high-accuracy, complex emission research. The GPS can warn about earthquakes hours before they are visible. But lasers can make that system more effective. The laser reflector's positions, which can be determined with very high accuracy, can be observed by geostationary laser satellites. And that system can offer the same accuracy as lasers. The quantum radar of a radio wave is as thin as an atom or electron. Can replenish the optical system on cloudy days. GEDI (Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation) is one of the new tools that researchers have for studying large-scale, remote ecosystems. The highly accurate laser systems can observe the gas exchange on the top of the leaves. And if the satellite makes the laser beam larger, the system can observe large areas. "NASA’s space laser, GEDI, has revolutionized our understanding of rainforests, revealing a simpler

Today, AI can be the greatest flop in business. But it might have a bright future.

AI is an impressive tool. It can tell almost everything, But sometimes it makes very big mistakes. I once asked about altocumulus, which is one type of cloud. The AI gave information about some kind of flower. The fact is that these kinds of errors are good examples of mistakes that AI can make.  The AI uses the page rank of the search engine. And that makes it easy to manipulate the answers that it gives. I use the AI just for fun, and in some cases, I use the sources that the AI gives. But there is a long journey to common AI that can create things like humans. *********************************************************** When somebody asks something by using AI, that person gives an advertisement to that system. When a user asks something, the AI must have certain instructions on how to search for data. If there are problems with queries, the AI cannot form the entire data set. And if the query is wrong, the AI is unable to operate. The AI requires fuzzy logic for fixing writing error

The next-generation camouflage mimics cephalopods’ color-changing ability.

There are two ways to make the camouflage that makes objects chameleons. The first one is the active system. There are cameras on the opposite side of the object, and then the system transmits the image to the opposite side of the protected system. The purpose of that thing is to make the system hollow.  The problem with active camouflage is that objects must merge with the background, not with things that are in front of them. AI, along with nanotechnology, makes it possible to create large, very accurately controlled structures. And that thing makes it possible to create nanoballs, which are crystals that have different colors on each side. Then the computer simply turns the right side of that crystal in the desired direction. Novel ink composed of colorful microbeads adapts to the appearance of received light by light-driven separation. Credit: The University of Hong Kong ( Future of Camouflage: Mimicking Cephalopods’ Color-Changing Ability). The next-generation

Anti-aging medicines: the next-generation tools for continuing a working career

The thing that causes aging is damage to the DNA. There is a self-destruction process in cells. But somehow, that self-destruction doesn't always work as it should. If that self-destruction doesn't work, the result is that zombie cells are left in the body. Sometimes the thing that causes failure in the cell's self-destruction process is in genomes where telomers are turned short. Telomers are the first and last parts of DNA. And the self-destruction mode of the cells is hidden in those telomers. So if the self-destruction can connect back to the zombie cell's DNA, that destroys those harmful cells. Another way to clean those harmful zombie cells away is to use their shell antigens. Some of the zombie cells are not similar to regular cells. The zombie cell is hairy, and that means some mark proteins will touch those cells better than wealthy and functioning cells. Those proteins can mark the cell so that the immune system destroys it. Zombie cells play a key role in can

Magnetohydrodynamic drive and pulsed plasma engines are one of the most promising engines in ships and interplanetary spacecraft.

DARPA is developing real-life Red October DARPA is making history. That office is planning to develop an MHD (Magnetohydrodynamic) propulsion. The system is a tube where are magnets on both sides. The MHD drive pulls ions from the front of the system. And those ions will travel through that tube. The fact is that. If those magnets are powerful enough. They can pull water molecules through the acceleration tube. The MHD is a good choice for a submarine propulsion system.  There are no moving parts in the system. And that makes it very low noise. In visions, the MHD is propulsion that is used in open seas. At harbors, the ship uses conventional propellers.  Researchers are made some test units like Japanese Yamato 1 for testing that are used as test beds for early MHD concepts. The speed of Yamato 1 was about 8 knots. But it shows that MHD works.  Yamato 1 After Yamato 1, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries made more test units that were faster than Yamoto 1. The main problem with those units wa

The strange rules in quantum systems.

How can we  control and operate a system if we even cannot look at it? The strange world of quantum computers is that we cannot look at the system. When information is loaded into the quantum systems there is no way how to follow how the process continues. This is the problem with quantum computers. When a quantum computer makes some calculation series, the system travels on the road.  Or maybe we should call that road rather than tunnel or tube. We put some data in that process. And then we cannot affect how the system makes its works. We must just sit on the chair and wait until the system made its work. And that is one of the most problematic things in quantum computers.  The only thing that can check answers that are made by using quantum computers is another quantum computer. So if the quantum system's input and output process is some kind of anomaly the answer is wrong.  GO game The ability to follow the calculation process is important because if the quantum computer makes t

Paper, scissors, and rock can explain something about quantum mechanics.

 Paper, scissors, and rock can explain something about quantum mechanics.  The idea in this model is this there is something. That connects the material and another quantum state of matter and as we might say existence. There is some common thing in those three things. Scissors, paper, and rock are all solid. There are small pikes in their structure.  And all of them are forming of similar particles. The thing is that scissors paper, and rock can destroy or break each other, but in that case. They should follow a certain order. Of course, we can throw rocks through papers, but that thing makes very ugly holes.  Or if the paper is too close to the wall. That means rock will not break it. Scissors are sharper in that case, but rock destroys them. The thing is that paper can destroy rocks and scissors. The best way is to drill a hole in the rock and then put wet paper in that hole. Then the maker of that thing must just wait the cold night.  Imagr The Hardy nonlocality can be interpreted

Search for dark matter is one of the most difficult missions in history.

Researchers try to get information from dark matter by using the 21cm forest telescope. The thing is that the large area of that array is the thing, that researchers hope to make the interaction between the telescope and dark matter. The problem is that dark matter is a mystery.  Nobody knows why it doesn't interact in other ways than by gravitation. There is the possibility that hypothetical WIMPs (Weakly Interacting Massive Particles) can interact with things like the Higgs field. But all information that researchers have about dark matter is hypothetical. The SKA (Square Kilometer Array) might give some new information about Dark Matter. And maybe that telescope can assist the SETI program and make large-scale scientific work.  "Exploring dark matter and the first galaxies simultaneously with the 21-cm forest. This approach can help constrain dark matter properties and provide insights into the thermal history of the universe. Credit: NAOC & NEU" (ScitechDaily/Revo

What connects exoplanets and protective power field research?

There are many ways to make a protective energy field or protective field around the structure. The protective system can turn ion beams away. Using the same polar electromagnetic fields. The minus energy field would push ions away. But the problem is this. If the ion system shoots anions to that protective field it will pull ions into it.  There are theoretical models of the systems that can create the EM-power field around the craft or other structures. The system must make symmetrical energy impacts around the structure. And one of the best candidates for that purpose is the graphene or fullerene ball.  There could be ions or electrons trapped between those carbon atoms. And then the anti-electrons will impact those ions or electrons. The system might use nanotubes for aiming that radiation in a certain direction. Then that system sends electromagnetic impulses against incoming objects.  In some visions, the cities are protected by using extremely high-power acoustic devices. The ac

For the first time, researchers made an interaction between microwaves and optical photons by using quantum entanglement.

The quantum entanglement between optical photons and microwaves can make a bigger revolution in quantum technology than we even imagine.  The critical point in the data transfer between quantum systems and qubits is the point where electricity must turn into qubits. At that point, the system drives information from the electric system to photons. The quantum entanglement between optical photons and microwaves can solve that critical problem in quantum computing. And it can make a bigger revolution in quantum technology than we even imagine.  In some models, the quantum computer is the silicon plate. The optical photons pump information to that silicon and the photovoltaic phenomenon makes information travel in the system. The system might base the 2D silicon structure that is connected with nano-springs to the graphene.  The problem with this kind of system is how to drive information to the system and out of it. Making quantum entanglement between microwaves and optical photons could

AI is the ultimate tool for making complex material research.

Usually, people connect complex material research to medical development. Medicines are complicated molecules that require new and powerful computing and CAD/CAM (Computer Aided Design/Computer Aided Manufacturing) system. The CAD computer makes simulations. And researchers are making the molecule like some kind of Tetris. In that simulation, they move atoms precisely in the right place.  The computer records those movements and then that thing will send to CAM (Computer Aided Manufacturing platform.  The molecules are made by using AI-based systems that are making it possible to aim acoustic and electromagnetic impulses at the material. And those impulses are turning molecules in the right positions.  The difference between nanomaterials and old-fashion materials is that nanomaterial is planned from atom to atom.  In some models, the carbon in stells is transformed to fullerene or nanotube-fullerene hybrid material. The thing that makes so-called Damascus steel so hard is that its car

The Chat GPT is one of the most multipurpose tools ever created.

The Chat GPT of Bing is the multipurpose artificial intelligence. The system creates images and models of almost everything that we can imagine. The Chat GPT can tell how to make database connections with C++, or it can make drawings about topics that the user wants. The Chat GPT has made the images of the hypersonic aircraft, and the chain of fullerene molecules.  That means the Chat GPT is one of the most multi-use programs ever created. The fact is that. The Chat GPT can make multiple things that have not been possible to create before. And that thing makes the Chat GPT the tool that can use to demonstrate the power of AI. There are limitations in that system for commercial reasons and to protect people against something dangerous.  The Chat GPT can also make the molecular formula of the wanted molecules. The Chat GPT gives a code that must just copypaste to things like "any application that supports LaTex, such as Overleaf, MathType, or LyX. You can also use online tools like

Gravitational waves can unveil the mystery of dark matter. But they also can tell why gravitation is so special.

The Higgs bosons that spin is 0 should not contain things like W and Z bosons. The reason why Higgs boson's spin is zero is that it has no time for spin. The short life cycle of the Higgs boson is the result of the phenomenon that we see that particle only at the moment where it vaporizes. So there is the possibility that Higgs boson is naturally between gluon and quark.  And if that thing is possible, the Higgs boson's vaporization or turn to 2D material is the reason why the Higgs boson makes mass to material. When the Higgs boson acts like a balloon, it forms electromagnetic low-pressure that pulls energy out from the particle into the point where the Higgs boson is.  The Higgs boson is like a bubble in the Higgs field. And that thing could explain, why there are those divided particles in Higgs Boson. The answer for that thing could be in the standing wave. The existence of Higgs boson is a very short moment. And when that particle collapses the impact of electromagnetic fi