The methane rocket is more environmentally friendly than traditional rocket fuels. Methane is a greenhouse gas that bacteria produce from biowaste. And that thing makes methane a quite cheap fuel for rockets and jet engines. The melting and boiling points of methane are very low, which makes this gas suitable for space operations. If the melting point of gas is too low, it will freeze in space. The reason why methane is an interesting fuel is that moons like Titan have methane atmospheres. And also, methane can be produced on the same refinery platforms that clean up environmental waste. Methane itself doesn't involve oxygen. And that allows engineers to use that gas in thermal nuclear rockets as well as hydrogen or some other gases. The thing is that methane is also suitable for use in new types of chemical lasers. Methane lasers can have a similar radiation impact as carbon monoxide lasers. But their efficacy is lower. The fact is that methane is an inflammable gas. And that thi