Friday, December 3, 2021

Why is planet Mars important when we are going interstellar?

 Why is planet Mars important when we are going interstellar?

Antimatter is one of the most promising fuels for the interstellar craft. The antimatter rocket is theoretically very easy to create. Material and antimatter will just need to impact inside the reaction chamber. 

Planet Mercury could be a perfect place for the antimatter factory. The antimatter-collection chambers would be the system that pulls the beta-particles like fast electrons that are coming from the Sun through the extremely thin gold layer. That thing turns those particles into antimatter. That can use as fuel for interstellar spacecraft. 

The fact is that producing antimatter in the spacecraft itself is possible. The system can just turn the collector to the star and then the particle flow will travel through the thin gold layer. That thing will turn the electrons that travel through that gold into antimatter. The antimatter can be stored in magnetic bottles. 

That means the hypothetical interstellar probe can fill their antimatter tanks very easily. Those probes must just fly against the particle flow, that comes from those stars. The Daedalus-spacecraft can easily equip with that kind of antimatter collector. And if that spacecraft has the antimatter collector or leaf gold layer with the magnetic chamber at its head. 

That thing allows it to fill the antimatter tank when it comes to the Alpha Centauri. The craft will store the antimatter in the ball-shaped magnetic bottles. And then the material that impacts with antimatter would be water, protons, electrons, or some hydrocarbons. The Proxima Centauri is part of Alpha Centauri system. And that star has a planetary system. 

The needed thing is that the mirror-particles of antimatter are involved in the annihilating material. So if the electrons are stored the positrons are the annihilating thing. If the protons are annihilating the antiprotons are the thing that causes the annihilation.  

Why Mars will be an important waypoint for interstellar travel? 

When human is going interstellar planet Mars has an important role in that kind of project. On that planet. Is possible to make social and technical tests for the systems. That should use for deeper space missions. And if we want to make the antimatter rocket that system can start far away from the Earth. 

Mars is an excellent place for laboratories where is developed the new type of propulsion systems. Those systems require extremely high energetic power sources. And the most promising power source is antimatter. The mass of antimatter that is needed for the journey to Alpha Centauri is about one kilogram if we want to bring samples from that solar system. 

The antimatter is needed for acceleration, braking, and then stabilizing the probe to a certain trajectory. And also returning from Alpha Centauri requires antimatter. The mass of antimatter that is needed for demolishing Earth is about one gram. And one gram of antimatter is needed for creating a fly-by probe. That travels past the Alpha Centauri system. But that project requires anyway extremely high-class investments. 

The thing is that handling that kind of material is extremely dangerous. So the laboratories where that kind of research is made should be very far away from Earth. 

Because if there is an accident and the antimatter touches the wall of the chamber. That thing can destroy the entire planet. If that laboratory would be on the moon. That causes the asteroid could impact Earth. 

And another thing is if the moon is destroyed. There is nothing that causes tidal waves. And the oceans start to drop to the equator. That causes horrible ecological catastrophe. The laboratories that are on Mars are not causing the same kind of threat. The problem is how to produce enough antimatter for an interstellar trip? 

One of the answers is that the antimatter production plant can create on the planet, Mercury. The Mercury could be the perfect place for the antimatter factory. As I wrote at the beginning of this text. But then the antimatter must carry to Mars. So the creation of antimatter in the craft itself would be easier. But there are lots of risks in that kind of mission. The craft should dive into the Sun. And then it creates antimatter in its collector. Then that antimatter will conduct to the rocket.

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