Friday, December 10, 2021

The researchers have shown that quantum tunneling is not instantaneous.


The researchers have shown that quantum tunneling is not instantaneous.

Image 1)"An electron wavepacket directed at a potential barrier. Note the dim spot on the right that represents tunneling electrons". (Wikipedia. Quantum tunneling)

In quantum tunneling, photons seem to travel faster than light. The reason for that is maybe that the photons are traveling inside the quantum fields when they are hitting the barrier. When photons are impacting during tunneling photons are traveling more time inside the quantum fields there is no turbulence. That is the reason why they seem to travel faster than other photons. 

Protection of the qubit is one of the most critical things in quantum computers. One of the best-looking solutions for transmitting data in quantum computers is to put the time crystals in the nanotube. And then the data can travel in those quantum tubes without turbulence. In quantum tunneling, the particle is compressed through the passage. 

The thing that, quantum tunneling is not instantaneous is a very big advantage for quantum systems like quantum communication. Quantum tunneling allows making qubit or information travel in the "tunnels" that is protecting the data. Quantum tunneling is a similar effect to normal tunneling. where the soundwave hits the wall or some other barrier. And its speed will increase. 

Image 2) "Quantum tunneling oscillations of probability in an integrable double-well of potential, seen in phase space". (Wikipedia, Quantum tunneling)

Image 3)"Chaos-assisted tunneling oscillations between two regular tori embedded in a chaotic sea, seen in phase space". (Wikipedia, Quantum tunneling)

Atomic or molecular tunneling is a similar effect to quantum tunneling. The moving particles will transmit their energy to the barrier. 

Sometimes an idea is introduced such an effect can use to increase the power of a rocket motor. In that system. Water would be sprayed, horizontally into the exhaust gases of the rocket engine. That the rocket motor can push against thicker material. 

And that thicker material would just increase the speed of exhaust gas. But the problem is where that water is put in the rocket. Sometimes is introduced that at the side of the rocket will fly another rocket that injects water in the exhaust gas of another rocket. But those kinds of solutions are not practical. 

When a sound wave hits the wall. It transfers its energy to the wall, and then the atoms in the wall are starting to transmit the energy. The quantum tunneling happens also through the barrier, but the size of interacting particles is smaller. And also the wave movement can tunnel through the barrier. 

The thing is that quantum tunneling would help to protect data. The time crystals can position in the nanotubes and the quantum computer would just push energy to those atom lines. The energy of the qubit will just transmit to the line of the atoms. And those atoms could be at the time crystals. That thing would make it possible to transmit data in quantum computers.


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