Monday, December 6, 2021

Human-looking robots and interactive artificial intelligence are a powerful combination.


 Human-looking robots and interactive artificial intelligence are a powerful combination. 

Here is the most realistic human-looking robot ever. This title is seen in The thing is that the human-looking robots are coming. 

And many actors are interested in those things. Of course, entertainment companies are interested in the possibility to use robots in dangerous or embarrassing scenes. But also security, military, and law enforcement companies might find the use of those machines. 

Human-looking robots can use in covert missions. And those robots cannot turn against their controllers. The thing is that the cyborgs that are looking like humans can send data from their environment to the control centers. Their ears would be microphones. Eyes will be CCD cameras. 

And piezoelectric sensors transmit the feel of touch to the controller. The system will send all data about their environment to operators by using the internet. The quantum system where the data routes are decentralized will make the robot act perfectly even if the internet is slow guaranteeing its ability to operate and interact with data centers. 


There are three ways to make a human-looking robot. 

1) Make just a remote-controlled body that is controlled by using a data suit and data gloves. Also, the operators can use the chambers or sensors that are following their movements. 

But the data suit with data gloves is giving the best touch for the robot. The BCI (Brain-Computer Interfaces) are also promising tools for that thing. The thing that makes the remote-control robot interesting is that systems require only simple algorithms. But of course, the communication between robot and controller must protect. 

Machine learning would revolutionize that thing. 

And then to learning systems. Those systems require powerful computers for running complicated algorithms. So they might use the internet to communicate with computer centers. The system requires complicated artificial intelligence-based algorithms. 

2) The semi-automatic version of that thing. The system benefits machine learning. If the robot faces a situation that is not in its database it will ask the human operator to solve the problem. The system requires complicated algorithms. For benefiting the thing that stored in its database. 

In that case, the human operator will use the data gloves and data suit and make the movement series that fits in the situation. Then that data is stored in memory for similar situations. This type of system is used in Mars-rovers. 

The thing is that the Mars-rovers are much easier to control than the man-shaped robots on the streets. There are much more variables on the streets than on Mars and programming those robots is complicated. So the system can benefit method where the controller will record or teach certain actions to the robot. 

And those actions can use to create independently operating robots. The thing is that when the data mass that is stored in the computers increases that will make robots more independent.

Each time. When the operator teaches some new activities for the robot. Those machines learn a new trick that can connect with similar environments. 

3) Fully independently operating robot. The thing is that this kind of system can use the data that is collected from the semi-automatic systems. The problem with this type of system is that the databases of that system are extremely large. The system requires complicated AI-based algorithms. And that means the robot must communicate all the time with supercomputer centers. 


The communication between robots and computer centers is the key element in that kind of system. So it must be secure. And make effective even if the internet is sometimes slow. 

In decentralized communication, the system uses individual data links for each action. There is an individual data link for each hand and leg. Also, the other things might have their own data links. The reason for that is sharing the data routes to smaller parts will decrease the stress of the individual data lines.

The problem with the development of mankind robots is that the size of those machines is limited. That means the powerful computers that are needed for running highly advanced and complicated artificial intelligence algorithms cannot be put in the body.

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