Monday, December 13, 2021

Powerful magnets can use for many purposes.

 Powerful magnets can use for many purposes. 

"Illustration of a microtube implosion. Due to the laser-produced hot electrons with megaelectron volt energies, cold ions in the inner wall surface implode toward the central axis. By pre-seeding uniform magnetic fields of the kilotesla order, the Lorentz force induces a Larmor gyromotion of the imploding ions and electrons".

"Due to the resultant collective motion of relativistic charged particles around the central axis, strong spin currents of approximately peta-ampere/cm^2 are produced with a few tens of nm size, generating megatesla-order magnetic fields. Credit: Masakatsu Murakami" (ScitechDaily, Towards Megatesla Magnetic Fields by Microtube Implosions)

Who has got the most powerful magnet? The answer is that who has got the most powerful microtube implosion. In that technology, the system will conduct energy to the microtube. And that thing makes it possible to create a megatesla magnetic field. The powerful magnetic field can cause damages to electronic components. And that thing means that the nanotube implosion can use in small-size EMP weapons. 

But powerful magnetic fields are also making it possible to create things like antimatter. The powerful magnetic field can use to pull the particles of the beta radiation of the stars to the thin gold layer. That gold layer would turn the spin of those particles opposite. And then those antimatter particles can impact with their mirror particles. If we are thinking of the form of this kind of antimatter engine or antimatter production unit.  

The small and powerful magnets can use to make small-size Teller bombs or antimatter capsules. The magnets will just pull beta (electron) radiation through the gold leaf.  

That thing can make even without nuclear power. In that system, the superconducting magnet would load. By using the high-power energy-creating system. The thing is that in the superconducting magnets the load would stay forever. And that means the superconducting magnet would keep its power for an extremely long time. 

The powerful superconducting magnets are making it theoretically possible. That the interstellar spacecraft doesn't even need the regular nuclear reactor. For creating energy for its extremely long journey. The high-power magnetics are used to create antimatter and pull material ions to the engine. That thing can make it possible to create antimatter engines that can operate without other energy sources than antimatter-material annihilation. 

In antimatter production, the system creates a megatesla magnetic field. And that thing makes it possible to capture positrons or antiprotons by pulling them through the thin gold layer. That system can hover those particles in the magnetic bottle. And in the most devastating system in the world antimatter- or Teller bomb could use as the weapon. 

The centimeter-class bottle of antimatter can destroy the entire city or even planet Earth. But that antimatter bombs can use in the "Orion" spacecraft. If the "Orion" accelerated by using the antimatter capsules. That thing can make it possible to create an extremely powerful punch. The annihilation needs only that the antimatter is touching material. And that thing can make the Teller bomb extremely dangerous.

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