First-time fusion reactor released more energy than it absorbs.
Image 1 Tokamak reactor
I have written before that while we are waiting for fusion power. We should also develop other choices for energy solutions. The thing is that fusion power is near to its breakthrough. But same time nobody knows when the first commercial fusion system is starting to produce energy. So we should not put all toys in the same box.
But the case that fusion power creates more energy than its fuel absorbs. Is a breakthrough, that nobody expected to see. The fusion power plant could use the pulsing system where the power unit produces energy as the pulses. The thing is that in this case, the energy can transfer to the battery platform. And then it can deliver to the electric network.
Those batteries can be high-voltage capacitors which are storing the power that is released. When the fusion reactor is delivering its energy. The thing is that the pulsing fusion reactor is not necessary the torus-looking Tokamak reactor.
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"Simplified diagram of the beam path of a NIF laser beam. One of 192 similar beamlines".
"On the left are the amplifiers and optical switch. And on the right is the final spatial filter, switchyard, and optical frequency converter. "(Wikipedia, National Ignition facility)
The pulsing fusion reactor can look like a ball. And in that system. There could be the "canon" that shoots the ampules that are filled with fusion fuel to the middle of the chamber. Or two cannons are sending the ionized fusion fuel to the middle of the chamber where those jets are stressed with symmetrical microwaves and lasers.
In that "ball model" is used the similar technology that is in use in the NIF(National Ignition Facility). If we are thinking of a possibility to shoot the fusion material to the middle of the chamber by using small ampules. That thing makes it possible to control the reaction better. The fusion material can be in the form of an ion and anion.
That thing makes it possible to create a lightweight, easy-to-control fusion reactor. And the requirement for the success of that system is that it could create more energy than the fuel and the heating process absorb.
But theoretically, it's possible to create the basket-ball size fusion reactor that bases the idea that the lithium or ionized materials are shot in the middle of the reactor. Those kinds of reactors can use as the power source for the aircraft.
And then that system can ignite the fuel. There is also the possibility to use some heavier ionized gases where the ion and anion are impacting. In that impact, the point is pointed laser rays and another type of electromagnetic radiation that makes ions and anions melt together.
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