Monday, December 20, 2021

About WARP bubbles and Alcubierre drive:


 About WARP bubbles and Alcubierre drive: 

"A properly constructed Alcubierre warp bubble. As space constricts in front of the vessel and expands behind, the ship is theoretically pushed forward at speeds faster than light."

"Image: LSI, White, et al."(Paging Zefram Cochrane: (Humans have figured out how to make a warp bubble)

"Don't pack your bags and move to Bozeman yet. This micro-scale warp bubble won't be capable of propulsion, but it could have myriad other applications, says its discoverer Dr. Sonny White"(Paging Zefram Cochrane: Humans have figured out how to make a warp bubble)

At this moment, WARP is theoretical but the most promising tool to travel very close to the speed of light. Or it can also even cross the speed of light. But that technology is in the study and theory. There is no evidence about existing of Alcubierre drive. But studies around that thing are continuing. 

The idea of one version of the WARP bubble drives is that the craft is surrounded by using bubble where the quantum fields are removed. Then there is the extremely low-energetic point behind the craft. That point will pull the radiation or energy through that point. And then that energy will impact with craft and push it forward. That thing can be the basics of one version of the WARP drive. 

There are two ways to make WARP-drive. Another is that the craft itself will surround by using WARP-bubble. And another is that the exhaust gas-like electrons are surrounded by using a WARP bubble. In that other version, the exhaust gases could travel faster than the speed of light. And the biggest bottleneck of the faster-than-light theories is to make exhaust gas that travels faster than light. 

The first thing that is clear when people are talking about an accidentally made WARP bubble is the phenomenon that affects subatomic particles. If some electron is surrounded by a WARP bubble that proves that some scale of WARP drive is possible. There is a long way that the spacecraft can benefit from that thing. So they didn't create a WARP bubble that could make some USS Enterprise possible. But the quantum-size WARP-bubbles can make it possible to make quantum computers more effective than they have ever been before. 

The idea of the WARP-bubbles is that they could be areas where is fewer quantum fields. In the case of electrons, the WARP effect can be created by pumping energy to that particle while they are traveling at an extremely high speed. Then the radiation that comes from electrons would push the quantum fields away from it. When an electron is coming from the accelerator the energy pushes it backward. Maybe in the distant future, this kind of system is possible.


First-time fusion reactor released more energy than it absorbs.


 First-time fusion reactor released more energy than it absorbs.

Image 1 Tokamak reactor

I have written before that while we are waiting for fusion power. We should also develop other choices for energy solutions. The thing is that fusion power is near to its breakthrough. But same time nobody knows when the first commercial fusion system is starting to produce energy. So we should not put all toys in the same box. 

But the case that fusion power creates more energy than its fuel absorbs. Is a breakthrough, that nobody expected to see. The fusion power plant could use the pulsing system where the power unit produces energy as the pulses. The thing is that in this case, the energy can transfer to the battery platform. And then it can deliver to the electric network. 

Those batteries can be high-voltage capacitors which are storing the power that is released. When the fusion reactor is delivering its energy. The thing is that the pulsing fusion reactor is not necessary the torus-looking Tokamak reactor. 


Image 2

"Simplified diagram of the beam path of a NIF laser beam. One of 192 similar beamlines". 

"On the left are the amplifiers and optical switch. And on the right is the final spatial filter, switchyard, and optical frequency converter. "(Wikipedia, National Ignition facility)



The pulsing fusion reactor can look like a ball. And in that system. There could be the "canon" that shoots the ampules that are filled with fusion fuel to the middle of the chamber. Or two cannons are sending the ionized fusion fuel to the middle of the chamber where those jets are stressed with symmetrical microwaves and lasers. 

In that "ball model" is used the similar technology that is in use in the NIF(National Ignition Facility). If we are thinking of a possibility to shoot the fusion material to the middle of the chamber by using small ampules. That thing makes it possible to control the reaction better. The fusion material can be in the form of an ion and anion. 

That thing makes it possible to create a lightweight, easy-to-control fusion reactor. And the requirement for the success of that system is that it could create more energy than the fuel and the heating process absorb. 

But theoretically, it's possible to create the basket-ball size fusion reactor that bases the idea that the lithium or ionized materials are shot in the middle of the reactor. Those kinds of reactors can use as the power source for the aircraft. 

And then that system can ignite the fuel. There is also the possibility to use some heavier ionized gases where the ion and anion are impacting. In that impact, the point is pointed laser rays and another type of electromagnetic radiation that makes ions and anions melt together.

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Thursday, December 16, 2021

The future of interstellar spacecraft.

The future of interstellar spacecraft. 

The interstellar spacecraft might not come to practice very soon. But the fact is that theoretical research. Along with careful missions is opening the road to the interstellar journey. And maybe the time of that mission will come in 200-300 years. The fact is that nobody knows when we are ready to travel to the other solar system. When we remember history many things have been "impossible".  

The Chinese knew how to make gunpowder rockets in the 200s(1). And the Russian Konstantin Tsiolkovsky(2)(1857-1935) created theoretical research with rocketry and spaceflight in the 19th century. The thing is that things like interplanetary spaceflights. And space elevators(3) are also invented by Konstantin Tsilkovsky. 

Image 2: Konstantin Tsiolkovsky (1857-1935)

That man is called "the Father of the spaceflight". Tsiolkovsky also created research and articles about "lighter than air aviation". There was a rumor that Tsiolkovsky created an idea to use the hydrogen balloon or high-flying airship to carry space rockets to the high altitude. And then launch that rocket to the orbiter or sub-orbiting trajectory. 

The hydrogen balloon can lift the rocket to an altitude of 30 kilometers. And that thing could make it possible to launch smaller rockets to the orbiter. But for some reason, that plan remained at the theoretical level. And that reason could be bureaucracy. 

The thing is that technology advances all the time. And maybe the advancing of technology is faster than we think. The thing is that the first interstellar mission might become reality sooner than we expect. The thing is that the theory is the first step for making dreams real. And modern scientists have more advanced tools and experience than Konstantin Tsiolkovsky. 

But there are many things. What that man invented and what remains at the theoretical level. One of his greatest ideas is the space elevator. That giant structure that uses the centripetal force of the Earth is ever created in practice.  

Image 3: The Daedalus and Saturn V comparison

The British Interplanetary Society. And theoretical Project Daedalus(3) and its improvements. 

There are a couple of theoretical concepts for interstellar spacecraft. All of those concepts are probes. And the carefully made steps will open the road for successful manned interstellar missions far away in the future. But the first interstellar concepts would be more primitive than some SciFi spacecraft that travels across the galaxy in a couple of weeks. 

In the 1970s the British interplanetary society created Daedalus. Theoretical spacecraft. That could travel to Barnard's star. Daedalus planned to use thermonuclear detonations for reaching that distant star. In the updated version the Daedalus uses antimatter. 

When Daedalus closes the objective of its mission. That craft will create antimatter by using an antimatter generator. The antimatter would be created by benefiting the solar wind which impacts the gold leaf. That thing turns those particles into antimatter. That thing makes it possible that Daedalus II could bring samples from the solar system where it visits. 

NASA has created an idea of "Project Longshot" (4) which is quite similar to Daedalus. As I earlier wrote the both of those theoretical crafts are unmanned. So there are no worries about the lifetime of astronauts. But of course, there is the possibility that the theoretical interstellar probe is forgotten if there is some kind of other problems on Earth.  But the time of that craft will be far away in the future. 






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Image 2: Pinterest

The need of the customer plays a primary role in data technology.


 The need of the customer plays a primary role in data technology. 

Determining the use of the system is important because that makes systems effective, and the multi-use tools might first seem more uncomfortable and slower than single-use systems. The thing is that when the power of the hardware is rising. Code that is driven on the hardware is turning more complicated. 

And the similar advantage continues in quantum computers. The need to drive more complicated code for more independently operating artificial intelligence. Causes that also the power of quantum computers must increase. The thing that makes this need is that if some researcher can leave the entire routine process for computers that releases the time of that person for some other things. 

In scientific work and other duties, boring mechanical works can be left for AI-driven systems. 

The AI can use for routine duties like observing the searching the changes in the brightness of the stars. In search of an exoplanet, most of the work is searching the brightness of the star. That thing need also the most of the time. 

That can leave the routine work like observing the changes of the brightness of the star for artificial intelligence. That thing releases the time of that person for some other works. 


The route of data handling.

Simply and easy-to-use systems that can use for fixed solutions.

Stage 1: Pocket calculator

Stage 2: Scientific calculator

The route went to modular and easy-to-use solutions. And the last things like neural networks are self-learning tools. They are needed only the data matrixes that they compile with data that the system collects from the environment. 

Stage 3:Computer or stand-alone-computer

Computer or stand-alone-computer was a great advantage: User can customize modular systems can by using the software.

Limited-environment-connected computers: Allows asking help from the workmates. But the problem is that reserves the time of the workmates. And download pre-loaded software to the computer. 

Stage 4:Internet-connected computer:

Internet-connected computer: Gives access to the unlimited program library. Open space or open-source connected systems allows independent search for data. But the worker must have skills how to analyze that data.

Stage 5: Internet-connected computer:

Neural networks are the key in machine learning: Those are learning systems. The beginning of those systems is the indexing tools of the internet. The system can recognize the situations by using certain parameters. 

Those parameters can contain information about the things that happened before the bomb strike. And then the system can compile the data that is collected from surveillance cameras to that data matrix. 

Stage 6: Quantum computers

Quantum computers. Those systems are millions of times more powerful than binary computers. They can run more complicated code and algorithms than any binary computer before. The computer can search data from the internet. And make the solutions by using open-source data. 

Stage 7: Quantum neural networks:

Do the computers of the future have imagination and feel like humans? And could they be more intelligent than humans who made those systems for serving themselves? 

Quantum neural networks: Self-learning internet- or quantum-based network interconnects quantum computers. The ability to send qubits between quantum computers is removing borders between those systems. And that thing means there is no limit to the code that the system can run.


Determining the use of the system is important because that makes systems effective, and the multi-use tools might first seem more uncomfortable and slower than single-use systems. 

When we want to compare pocket calculators and quantum computers the pocket calculator seems more comfortable and useful than quantum computers. The pocket calculators are effective tools for solving everyday mathematical problems like what is the cost of ten butter boxes. 

But if we want to solve more complicated mathematical problems like exponent and geometrical functions we need scientific calculators. Those functions are made in those calculators. And that thing minimizes the possibility of human error. 

Solving those problems can make by using regular pocket calculators is possible. But pushing buttons is more complicated. And there is the possibility that the user of the pocket calculator makes mistakes while inputting data. The reason why we are buying the calculator is that we want to make our life easier. 

Pocket and scientific pocket calculators are impressive tools for solving mathematical problems but they are limited. The abilities of those systems are fixed in those electronic tools. These calculators are the RISC tools. They are effective in some very limited sectors. But if we want to use our systems for something else, we need a new type of system. 


Intelligent mobile telephones are like pocket computers. There is the possibility to load applications for those systems That mean the system is the modular solution for the data handling problems. 

The hardware is the same. And the physical system is only the platform that runs software. The software-based solutions are making those systems flexible. And they can customize to the needs of the user. 


Sending qubits in long ranges can be made by using nano-tube-based particle accelerators. In that case, the electron-based qubits are shot between quantum computers by using particle accelerators. 


The computer is the tool that is answering the problem of multi-use tools. A single computer can use for solving mathematical problems. But there might be some kind of writing software. And that means the system can be used also for writing reports. But for searching data, the system operator requires the book. 

If that computer is connected to the network the user can ask for help from the working mates. But if the computer is connected to an open network, that thing allows that the user of the system must not borrow workmates. And searching data is easier. The network-based systems can keep a book about the most common searches. 

And that means they can index searches. That on the top is the most common search. The system can also preload the data for the users. This thing is the beginning of machine learning. 

The next steps are the neural networks. Those networks are searching for data. And storing it. The system can also collect data about the connected searches. Which often follows a certain type of search. If certain searches often follow some other searches the system can also preload those following searches. Or the predicted following searches. That thing is deeper learning than just storing the prime searches. 

The quantum computer is the ultimate tool for the quantum computer. The quantum computer is the ultimate tool. For analyzing the data that is collected from the internet. And the next step is the development of quantum networks. 

The quantum network is the ultimate connection of quantum computers. If quantum computers can communicate by using quantum technologies. That thing means that the quantum computers use the qubits also for long-range communication that means that there is no limit for the size of the quantum computers. Sending the qubit can make by using nano-tube-based particle accelerators. That is shooting electrons where the data is stored between quantum computers.

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Machine learning needs stimulus for making solutions.

 Machine learning needs stimulus for making solutions. 

"A barren plateau is a trainability problem that occurs in machine learning optimization algorithms when the problem-solving space turns flat as the algorithm is run. Researchers at Los Alamos National Laboratory have developed theorems to prove that any given algorithm will avoid a barren plateau as it scales up to run on a quantum computer." (

Have you heard of a "barren plateaus" problem? The name of that problem is coming from the J.R.R Tolkien book. Wherein the fictive Middle land is the very dry and hot place. The image, above this text, introduces the "barren plateaus" problem very well. 

In the next example, the food and water are the information. If a creature lives in the "fresh plateaus" it can take nutrients from nature. There is a bigger chance to make mistakes. But the nutrient is versatile and finding and testing new things makes the creature in the work. When a creature searches for things from nature there are many possibilities to test which type of vegetables or other nutrient sources the creature uses. Of course, that thing requires sometimes rise to the mountains. 

In that image, the problem is the mountain. The thing is that if the creature lives on the landscape at the higher image. That creature has stimulus. The green landscape offers motivation and the grass is the food and the creature wants to go to the mountain. The grass and water are everywhere and the creature has the motivation to rise to the mountain. And that could be willing to see the farter places. Or maybe the creature wants to get fresh air. 

The lower image introduces the situation. Where the creature lives in the "barren plateau". The water and food are in a pocket or bag and of course, the creature never makes mistakes if that creature wants to get a certain sandwich. The creature knows which pocket that creature can get sausage sandwich and where is the drinking bottle. But sooner or later, the nutrient would turn unilateral. In barren plateaus problem, the creature will get pre-made food. 

So if we are transferring that model to the information technology the creature will get pre-made solutions that fit in certain situations. And that makes this kind of model very limited. The situation is like that creature lives in the desert or "barren plateaus". The supporter brings water and sandwich to a certain point at a certain time. The food is guaranteed but it's always the same. 

And what the creature gets depends on the supporter. If the supporter wants to give the sausage sandwich that is the food. If someday the supporter wants to give the cheese sandwich that creature will get a cheese sandwich. 

When everything is pre-made the creature doesn't want to try itself to find food. There is difficult to make mistakes if some other person makes the food. The same way is in data science. If all problems are pre-solved that thing means that it's very hard to make wrong solutions. 

The term "flatten landscape" means that when the creature is living in "barren plateaus" the limited information sources makes the problems look harder to solve. Because the creature always is at a certain point where the supporter will bring a sandwich and water the creature is not even trying to climb mountains or solve the problem. 

"A barren plateau is a trainability problem that occurs in machine learning optimization algorithms when the problem-solving space turns flat as the algorithm is running".

"In that situation, the algorithm can’t find the downward slope in what appears to be a featureless landscape and there’s no clear path to the energy minimum. Lacking landscape features, machine learning can’t train itself to find the solution". (LosAlamos National laboratories, Solving ‘barren plateaus’ is the key to quantum machine learning)


The center of the development of AI should be how that thing can serve people better?


 The center of the development of AI should be how that thing can serve people better?

The problem with artificial intelligence development is that the intrinsic value. That means that creation of the more and more intelligent machines is the prime objective. In that development process, the developing artificial intelligence is intrinsic value. 

The prime objective should be how artificial intelligence can serve humans. How AI might turn life easier and safer?

When we are thinking that AI can fully replace humans that thing is pure imagination. There are lots of things that we don't know about brains. We know maybe how neurons are switching connections and how brains are learning new things. 

But we don't know what kind of role certain things are in certain actions. The things like imagination are totally out of artificial intelligence. Even if we could model that ability to abstract thinking in theory. That thing is hard to make in real life. 

The complicated AI requires powerful computers. And the thing is that AI that runs on the quantum computer can learn things unpredicted fast. Quantum computers are millions of times more powerful than binary computers. 

The self-learning algorithms that are run on quantum platforms can make unpredicted things. And the machine that involves things that are not predicted is always dangerous. 

When we are thinking about the feelings and consciousness of the computer. We must remember that if the machine has feelings. It is dangerous. If the robot would turn conscious that thing makes that thing similar to living organisms. 

And all organisms are defending themselves if they are under threat. The AI might feel it is under threat in this case. Where its server shuts down. The AI itself is not dangerous. But if it's the system that controls things like weapon systems. It can try to destroy the people who are shutting it down. 

Making a real-world computer that has dreams and imagination is a thing that is very hard. The things like quantum computers are shown that theoretically easy things can turn difficult in real life. 

Artificial intelligence can be better than humans in certain limited sectors. AI can play chess better than humans. But humans can make more things than AI. The thing is that humans can do many more things than AI. And making AI that has similar transversal competence as humans is difficult.

There is a possibility that every single neuron in humans 200 billion neurons have different individual programming. So for making the AI that has the same capacity requires 200 billion tables for the database. And maybe that thing requires the 200 billion microprocessors. 

But of course, we could create artificial neurons by using small bottles there is some kind of microchip and quicksilver. The quicksilver will close the electric connections of those bottles. 

In that system, quicksilver is acting as a liquid switch. For making the connection in that system, the magnet will pull quicksilver at connection points of wires. That thing makes the system route data to the right wire. This is the model of an artificial neuron. 

And the microchip involves the database. That kind of system can emulate single neurons. But for emulating humans there is needed 200 billion bottles. 

Humans should be the thing that technology serves. And in the real world in the center of development should be humans. The fact is that. The development of artificial intelligence is different than anything else. Artificial intelligence is an open-source thing. Almost all programming languages are public. And that means everybody can start to make their artificial intelligence projects. 

Artificial intelligence is a powerful tool. Many people are saying that the AI steals jobs of people. The question is: what kind of jobs AI will take? Are those jobs popular? Or do those people who are criticizing the AI. Willing to make those jobs? The question is always about morals and ethics. What if somebody makes the robot for military purposes? 

So ethically that thing is wrong. But also things like nuclear weapons are inhumane. Nobody is stopping to development of nuclear reactors. Because of Plutonium that those reactors are creating can use for nuclear weapons. Every single nuclear reactor in the world is producing Plutonium. But there are no large-scale campaigns on the ethics of nuclear technology. Same way fusion technology can use for weapon research in both plasmoid and fusion explosives. 

But somehow artificial intelligence is a different thing. AI can make human lives better. The only thing that is seen in AI is the military systems that are killing people without mercy. Things like nuclear weapons are not merciless killers. They are inhumane military technology. If some person will get radiation poisoning that thing causes extreme pain and finally slow and certain death. But when inhumane weapons use by human operators it's more acceptable than some kind of robot that shoots enemies by using a machine gun. 

Robots are the thing that can misuse. They can use as riot police and military operators. The thing is that the humans who are serving in those roles are serving governments. The government makes decisions where it wants to use those things. 

But those things can also save humans. They can use as tools for giving medical attention to people. Or they can go in the nuclear reactors in the cases when there is an overheating situation. Robots can research the jungles and volcanoes. Without risking human lives. And robots can travel to other planets. Those trips take years. But for robots, that time doesn't matter. 

So I believe that the first thing that walks at the surface of Mars or icy moons of Jupiter is a robot that is controlled by very independent artificial intelligence. That thing means that. No researcher must spend a lot of the lifetime on that trip. A trip to Jupiter takes 600 days in a flyby mission. 

But if the craft will want to position itself to the orbiter that journey takes 2000 days. That means a one-way trip takes over 5 years. Return to Earth will take 5 or more years. And that means that the minimum time for that mission is 10 years. 

Of course, there should spend some time at the orbiter. If robots would make that mission. The researchers can stay at their homes and make everyday jobs. That doesn't require that human operators should spend 10-20 years away from home. That is one example of how AI can help researchers in extremely difficult missions. 


The noise is a problem for voice commanding robots.


 The noise is a problem for voice commanding robots. 

Artificial intelligence and especially in voice commands is one problem. And the name of that problem is noise. When people are giving orders to robots the problem is how to filter those orders which given in purpose from the noise around the area. The selection is important when the orders are given to robots that operate in the middle of people. 

The voice commands what the robot that operates at the station can consist of things that "would you step away" or "help" which means some person needs help. But how to separate the ask for carrying packages from the cases where somebody drops on the railway? And of course, there are many commands that robots should not follow in every case. The thing is that if the robots would get command to hurt somebody. 

That robot should not follow it. But the problem is how the robot separates the orders from the "ducky talk". One version is, of course, following the way that is used in the training of dogs. In that method, there is the gesture. That is given before the command. And that gesture will prepare the robot for command. 

But there is a possibility that the gesture is connected to some mark. Like ring or jewelry that confirms robot that person is allowed to give such orders. There is the possibility that in the wristwatch or ring. Is hidden the QR-code that is telling that the person has certain rights to the system. That kind of system can use when some persons are giving special orders to robots. 

The thing is that if we think. That AI-controlled robot operates on the battlefield. Or at security missions. The robot must separate orders from the noise. There is the possibility. That in those areas robots are disturbed by using loudspeakers. By faked sounds like copied speech or speech images, there is possible that enemy operators are trying to turn robot attacks against their masters. 

The man-shaped robot is one of the things that is a very interesting tool. The robot itself is a multipurpose system. And the AI or operating system determines the things that robots can use. There is the possibility that cleaner or cargo robots have so-called "ghost protocol". That means that when a robot sees things like weapons it activates the protective model. Or if somebody is in danger, The sign that is given to the robot must be clear enough. 

There is an article below this text.  There is introduced how neuroscience is used to filter noise. From the orders which are given in purpose. But the thing is that there are many other ways to make the robot separate the noise or unauthorized commands from the commands that are given in purpose. And by people who have the authorization to give certain types of commands for robots.

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Monday, December 13, 2021

Powerful magnets can use for many purposes.

 Powerful magnets can use for many purposes. 

"Illustration of a microtube implosion. Due to the laser-produced hot electrons with megaelectron volt energies, cold ions in the inner wall surface implode toward the central axis. By pre-seeding uniform magnetic fields of the kilotesla order, the Lorentz force induces a Larmor gyromotion of the imploding ions and electrons".

"Due to the resultant collective motion of relativistic charged particles around the central axis, strong spin currents of approximately peta-ampere/cm^2 are produced with a few tens of nm size, generating megatesla-order magnetic fields. Credit: Masakatsu Murakami" (ScitechDaily, Towards Megatesla Magnetic Fields by Microtube Implosions)

Who has got the most powerful magnet? The answer is that who has got the most powerful microtube implosion. In that technology, the system will conduct energy to the microtube. And that thing makes it possible to create a megatesla magnetic field. The powerful magnetic field can cause damages to electronic components. And that thing means that the nanotube implosion can use in small-size EMP weapons. 

But powerful magnetic fields are also making it possible to create things like antimatter. The powerful magnetic field can use to pull the particles of the beta radiation of the stars to the thin gold layer. That gold layer would turn the spin of those particles opposite. And then those antimatter particles can impact with their mirror particles. If we are thinking of the form of this kind of antimatter engine or antimatter production unit.  

The small and powerful magnets can use to make small-size Teller bombs or antimatter capsules. The magnets will just pull beta (electron) radiation through the gold leaf.  

That thing can make even without nuclear power. In that system, the superconducting magnet would load. By using the high-power energy-creating system. The thing is that in the superconducting magnets the load would stay forever. And that means the superconducting magnet would keep its power for an extremely long time. 

The powerful superconducting magnets are making it theoretically possible. That the interstellar spacecraft doesn't even need the regular nuclear reactor. For creating energy for its extremely long journey. The high-power magnetics are used to create antimatter and pull material ions to the engine. That thing can make it possible to create antimatter engines that can operate without other energy sources than antimatter-material annihilation. 

In antimatter production, the system creates a megatesla magnetic field. And that thing makes it possible to capture positrons or antiprotons by pulling them through the thin gold layer. That system can hover those particles in the magnetic bottle. And in the most devastating system in the world antimatter- or Teller bomb could use as the weapon. 

The centimeter-class bottle of antimatter can destroy the entire city or even planet Earth. But that antimatter bombs can use in the "Orion" spacecraft. If the "Orion" accelerated by using the antimatter capsules. That thing can make it possible to create an extremely powerful punch. The annihilation needs only that the antimatter is touching material. And that thing can make the Teller bomb extremely dangerous.

ESA Mars Express probe transmitted data from the Chinese Zhurong Mars rover.

 ESA Mars Express probe transmitted data from the Chinese Zhurong Mars rover. 

Image 1. 

In this test, the Chinese rover sends a blind data package by using ESA Mars Express orbital probe as a relay station. That probe ended its mission in 2005. The "blind" data transmitted means that the Chinese rover used the data transmission protocol that looks like UDP where the transmitting system doesn't get the echo and the system sends data blindly. That means the receiving system doesn't know that if the system received data. 

The receiving system can send checksum or that data as an echo. To make sure that the data is received. This kind of "blind" communication could help to save the rovers and probes. That is lost control of the ground station. In that kind of case, the elder probes can transmit the aiming data for the communication antenna. 

Image 2

There is also the possibility that Earth is sending the laser marks for aiming the prime communication antenna. In that version. The antenna would turn and aim to the laser point. In that case, the communication antenna would have an automatic search mode for laser and radio frequencies. The antenna searches the marks that are coming from Earth. Laser communication is immune to the solar wind. And the probe can use radio communication through the dust.

And that helps to get the connection between probe and control center. This experiment is interesting because it can save the rover if its prime antenna is turned away from Earth. In some versions, the communication satellite that orbits Mars would receive data in the form of laser impulses. And then it can transmit data to rovers by using the radio-maser or laser communication system. 

The laser aiming communication system can also save the James Webb telescope. The data can transmit its mirror by using the laser. And that helps the telescope to find the ground station in the cases. That the main communication antenna is lost connection. 

Image 3: 

Is nuclear power necessary for Mars Rovers?

The use of orbiting relay satellites makes it possible that the Mars-rovers can operate also at the night side of Red Planet if they use nuclear propulsion. But there is another way to make the probe that has not RTG, but what can operate night side. That system is more complicated but safer than RTG Radio Thermal Generator. 

 Another way to operate at Mars could be to use the bacteria that form hydrocarbon for fuel cells. In that case, the closed biological circulation of nutrient and anaerobic bacteria forms methane that can use as fuel in fuel cells. And aerobic bacteria or cells can form oxygen for those futuristic systems. In the daytime, that rover can use solar panels. And at night time the bioreactors, fuel cells, and regular batteries for creating power for that system. 


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Sunday, December 12, 2021

Quantum mechanics and artificial intelligence are used to model high-temperature chemical reactions.

 Quantum mechanics and artificial intelligence are used to model high-temperature chemical reactions. 

"Schematic of the bridging of the cold quantum world. And high-temperature metal extraction with machine learning". Credit: Rodrigo Ortiz de la Morena and Jose A. Garrido Torres/Columbia Engineering(SciTechDaily)

The chemical reactions are similar to the reactions in the quantum world. But the scale of those reactions is larger. And artificial intelligence can use to model reactions between high-temperature and low-temperature objects. Also, artificial intelligence can use to model how the reactions in the quantum world affect molecules? 

There are certain rules on how chemical bonds form or how they cut. When we are thinking about chemical bonds. They are like small-size feet or hands. That are connecting atoms. In the world of chemicals, everything has some kind of effect on the reaction. When the energy level of the components of the chemical reactions is chanced. 

That thing causes changes in the speed of reaction. By stressing chemicals with high accurate energy bursts like laser rays are possible to warm the molecules precisely to the right temperature. Also, the things like cooling other participate and warming others make it possible to adjust the dominating part of the reaction. 

There is possible to spray electrons or protons between molecules. And that is making it possible to adjust their ability to touch each other. If there is iron or some other magnetic chemical in the chemical compound. That thing means that magnetic fields affect those chemicals. 

The laser rays can be used to move single molecules and connect them to macro-molecules like fullerene chains. In those chains maybe 100 C-60 fullerene molecules are put to chains. And that thing forms the C-6000 molecule. The laser ray and ultrasound tweezers can use to put the single fullerene molecule to an extremely complicated structure. 

The fullerene molecule is acting the same way as a single carbon atom. And that thing makes it possible to connect them to similar but larger structures with single carbon atoms. So there is the possibility to make the carbon molecule structures there are thousands or even millions of carbon atoms. 

And basically, the chemical reactions are forming or cutting the bonds. And reconnect those bonds with other atoms. So the machine learning can collect data about the chemical and physical environment where some chemical reactions are created. And then those conditions can multiply with other reaction chambers. The thing is that many elements are affecting chemical reactions. 

Of course, catalyzation or inhibiting reactions. By using some other chemicals are an important thing. Things like protective gases like noble-gas layers. Or extremely high accurately calculated gas mixtures. Are things that make it possible to create a new types of chemical compounds, like complicated carbon structures that are needed for nanomachines. 

But also the physical conditions like radiation affect chemical reactions. The ionization, thermal or ionizing radiation have effects on chemical reactions. As well as things like does the reaction chamber moving which means that is connected to centrifuges. Or does the reaction happen in micro gravitation? Also, things like sunlight and magnetic fields affect chemical reactions.


Big Bang and beyond.


 Big Bang and beyond.

So what kind of case the Big Bang was? Was it the release of the subatomic particles from the erupting black hole? In that scenario, energy started to flow away from that Black Hole because it was higher energetic than its environment. 

And energy is flowing to the lower energy areas. The question is: did the Big Bang release material to the universe. Did it turn the existing material into another? And which way did energy flow travel if that thing happened? 

The thing is that energy is always traveling to the lower energetic areas. So the energy balance between the matter and the environment determines which way energy flows. 

If the environment is lower energetic than material energy travels from the material to the environment. And if the material is lower energetic than its environment energy travels to the material. Energy flow continues until the energy levels between particles. The environment is the same. 

Another thing could be that the Big Bang was the energy eruption that pumped energy to the particles that were already existed in the universe. In that case, the energy load from the Big Bang simply turned some particles of dark matter into matter that has formed, as we know it.

The thing is that if we would be formed of dark matter. We would see an empty bubble in the point of our universe. The thing is that we don't know which thing was the Big Bang, except it released the material in the universe. But was it released material or just changed the type of particles to another. 

So there is the third version of the Big Bang theory. And that is that. The energy level of the material that existed near the epicenter of the Big Bang loosed energy. That means the Big Bang formed the empty bubble in the universe. If the big bang released energy flow that pushed the universe empty. That thing could cause that the matter near that bubble lost its energy. 

And then part of the energy of the dark matter traveled in that bubble. Then that thing caused that the energy level of those particles decreased, and the size of those particles changed. That thing could explain. The reason why the form of visible material of the universe looks like a ball. 

What if we would live in a young universe? How long it would take to travel across the universe? The thing is that. If we would live in the young universe there be more scattering and quantum fields so the speed of light would be lower than in the modern universe. Another thing is that the size of particles would be different. And that means there is the possibility that travel across the young and smaller universe takes as long as it takes today. 

The thing is that the energy level of the young universe is higher than the universe that we are seeing. Another thing is that there was more crossing radiation and the material is releasing energy slower the level of single particles than it does now. But the universe itself as an entirety transmitted energy faster outside it than it does today. Today the temperature of the universe is three kelvin. 

And the cosmic background is one of the reasons why the universe is expanding. When the edge of the universe is traveling outside the energy level of the universe is turning lower. That expansion causes that it's not possible to get the energy stability between material and its environment as long the expansion continues. The energy flow from material to the environment is the thing that causes the end of the universe. But if the universe starts to come down its energy level starts to rise. 

And sooner or later the energy is starting to flow back to particles. The thing that determines the direction of the energy flow is the energy level. Energy always travels to low energetic areas as I wrote earlier?

WARP-bubble and quantum tunneling along with Tipler cylinders might solve at least part of the problems of interstellar travel.


 WARP-bubble and quantum tunneling along with Tipler cylinders might solve at least part of the problems of interstellar travel.

What if engineers will connect rocket engines to the Tipler cylinder. And then send it to travel to Alpha Centauri with the speed of 50% of the speed of light. If the rotating speed of the core of the Tipler cylinder would be 90% of the speed of light. And its speed to target is 50% of the speed of light. That thing means the speed of the cylinder's core is 140% of the speed of light. And that thing can make the time travel backward in the cylinder. 

The problem of aging of the crew of the interstellar spacecraft is solved by accelerating craft to speed that is the speed of light. But the problem is that this thing would not stop the aging of the people outside the craft. And if the interstellar spacecraft will travel to the Alpha Centauri with the speed of light. That takes four years to there and four years back. That trip will minimum of eight years. 

But if the craft will reach the speed that is 50% of the speed of light the journey to one way takes about 8 years. And the entire trip to Alpha Centauri and Back will take 16 years. But the time can dilate in that kind of capsule "quite easily". The core of the craft can put to rotate with the speed that is almost the speed of light. And that thing stops the aging of the crew. But the question is what if the core of the capsule starts to rotate with a speed that is 90% of the speed of light. 

And the speed of the capsule would be 50% of the speed of light. That thing makes the situation where the virtual speed of the craft is 140% of the speed of light. And that thing could cause the situation that time can turn to travel backward in the capsule. If that thing is possible the craft is turning to the time machine. And the crew would simply return to the point in time where they left to trip. So that thing could make it possible to travel in time by benefiting the Tipler cylinder. 

WARP-bubbles and quantum entanglements are the things that might solve the problems of interstellar travel at least partially. I WARP-system the craft is pulling the particles of the universe to it. And that thing allows the craft to travel faster than the speed of light. The warping technology means that the universe creped or warped. And that causes the light or the craft should travel a shorter journey than otherwise. 

The quantum entanglement can cause the situation. Where the particles of the exhaust gas can tunnel through the quantum channel. And that thing could make it possible to create exhaust gas that travels faster than the speed of light is outside of that channel. That thing is possible because the speed of light depends on the environment. 

The theoretical wormhole is basing a similar effect with quantum entanglement and quantum tunneling. There is a couple of versions of benefiting wormholes in space travel. One is that the spacecraft itself goes to the wormhole. And another is that the spacecraft is driving the particles from its engines to the wormholes. The last one requires only the creation of the quantum-size wormholes. And in those wormholes could be possible to shoot particles or wave movement. 

The thing is that there is the possibility to stop the time in the space capsule by putting its core rotating with the speed of light. The core of the Tipler cylinder is put to rotate extremely fast. And in some cases, the magnets are pulling the core inside. And that thing keeps the structure in one piece. The purpose of the magnet is to deny the effect of the centripetal force. But the other version is to cover the outer layer of the craft by using the rotating plasma field. 

Maybe it's possible to create a system that allows traveling back in time. Theoretically traveling with a speed that is higher than the speed of light makes traveling to the past possible. In some WARP systems, the bubble where the craft is traveling would be the plasma ball. And that plasma is put to rotate with the speed that is almost the speed of light. 

This kind of system requires that the capsule has two cores. The outer core must isolate from the inner core. And that would make it possible to create the condition where the plasma or something like that is virtually crossing the speed of light. That effect should make the craft travel back in time. But these kinds of things are purely theoretical.


Evidence of dark-matter free galaxies


Evidence of dark-matter free galaxies

Dark matter-free galaxies are the thing that is opening one of the most incredible scenarios in the world. The thing proves that dark matter is not located everywhere in the universe. And that means there is the possibility that the dark matter is forming similar structures with visible material. 

And that thing is opening interesting visions of the dark universe with invisible planets and solar systems. But there is no evidence about those structures. The dark matter free galaxies mean that the dark matter can also vanish or turn to wave movement. 

In that scenario, the bubble of nothingness or so-called empty quantum field, the area where is no quantum fields can cause that dark matter is starting to send wave movement to that bubble. And those particles are turning to wave movement. 

When we are seeing galaxies there is no dark matter. It doesn't mean that dark matter does not exist. It means that the position of dark matter has no connection with the position of the visible material. So that thing can mean that the dark matter is forming somewhere else or in a different time than visible material.

There is no dark matter everywhere where is visible material. That means there are similar interactions between particles of visible material and particles of dark matter. But can those invisible particles form similar structures to what visible material forms? This thing is making the dark matter so interesting. 

If there is the possibility to make dark matter. Or turn even complicated structures into dark matter. If somebody makes dark matter, that makes a revolution for science and technology. The dark matter is the mystery. Nobody claims to produce that thing.The only known interaction between dark and visible material is a gravitational effect. 

But the reason why there is suspicion that there is possible to turn visible material into the dark matter is that there could be the possibility that the size of the quantum field around particles can be adjusted by stressing them with energy. Or the energy could pull out from the quarks. But the thing is how to make that thing is a mystery. 

Dark fluid is the theory that tries to connect dark matter with visible matter. The theory of dark matter is basing the idea that material can have imaginary states. The idea is taken for imaginary calculations. In dark fluid theory, dark matter is the matter that forms different size particles than visible material. 

For the reason why dark matter particles would have a different size than particles of visible material. Has introduced that those invisible particles have a different energy level than particles of visible material. So if the energy level of those particles is determining is material visible or dark. That means there is the possibility to create the dark matter or turn dark matter into visible material "simply" adjusting the energy level of the subatomic particles of atoms.

But the question is what particles should stress. Or which particles' energy load must remove. The prime question is that what is the particle that determines the is the material dark or visible? 

Is that particle quark or is it gluon? Or maybe it is the energy level that adjusts the size of the quantum field of some particles of atoms. The thing is that the only known interaction between visible and dark matter is the gravitational interaction. 

And another thing that might connect with dark matter is dark energy. Dark energy is an even more dominating thing in the universe than dark matter. The thing is that dark energy will push the edge of the universe farther. And that thing causes the expansion of the universe. The expansion of the universe causes the three-kelvin radiation in the cosmic background. 

The reason for that is. That the pressure of quantum fields in the universe decreases. Or a simple saying. When the energy level in the universe is decreasing. The energy is transferred in the lower energetic areas. Energy travels from higher energetic areas to lower energy areas. Until energy levels reach stability. 

The universe cannot reach energy stability until the expansion ends. If the universe starts to collapse. The energy starts to transfer back to the material. The energy transfer continues. Until the radiation of the material is turning so high. That particles start to move away from each other. But that thing requires that the universe is closed. 

If the universe is open, that thing is not happening. The thing is that energy is always traveling outside the universe. The reason for that. Is that the universe is (or it should be) a higher energetic area than the area around it. And that means energy is traveling out of the universe.

The quantum entanglement can use as quantum tweezers.


 The quantum entanglement can use as quantum tweezers.

Quantum materials like time crystals are impressive tools. But there is the possibility that quantum materials can be more than just some time or electron crystals. The quantum material could also be the "molecule" that is created by using subatomic particles like quarks. The hypothetical quark molecules are similar to normal molecules. But they are formed of quarks. 

The quantum entanglement could be a useful tool for creating electron structures that are a little bit larger than quarks. In electron crystals, electrons are glued together by using microgravity. But there is theoretically possible to make more complicated structures by using electrons. 

When those more complicated structures are made. The most important thing is extremely high accuracy. In that kind of process, an electron can take in that power field between those particles. And that power field is used to move single electrons or protons. That allows the creation of complicated 2- or why not 3D structures by using electrons. 

The time-reversal symmetry in quantum entanglement is one of the most interesting things in the world. As you see in the image the quantum fields or wave movements are like small flashes of lightning. Or "quantum vapor" is impacting between those particles. That entirety will make it possible to move single electrons or maybe photons by using this thing as quantum tweezers. 

The particle will take between those superpositioned and entangled particles and that thing can use to make the "atom" or "particle towers. If those towers are between two graphene layers they keep those layers away from each other. 

That thing makes it possible to shoot qubits between graphene layers. And the quantum towers are pulling them to those towers. The thing is that a quantum tower is not always a material thing. It can be the power field or it can be made by using superpositioned and entangled particles. If entanglement travels through two graphene layers. That thing makes them useful tools for flat quantum microprocessors. 

If the quantum antenna is positioned in the middle of the quantum entanglement that thing causes that this structure can use to transmit data between quantum and binary systems. 

But when we are thinking about the image above this text. There is the possibility to make the virtual particle. By using that kind of quantum entanglement. When the wave movement is impacting with a similar wave movement. It starts to crease and that forms the virtual particle. That particle can be used as the qubit in the quantum annealing. 

And when the energy pump to the quantum entanglement ends. That means the existence of virtual particles ends. Or there is the possibility that is the energy level of the crossing point of the wave movement is rising high enough. That thing causes the forming of the stable particle. The stable and sterile particles can use in quantum technology.


Time reversal symmetries and space reflection are used to control quantum materials.


Time reversal symmetries and space reflection are used to control quantum materials.

Above this text is an image that introduces time symmetry. This kind of thing can also use to create the quantum-size black hole. When the energy is pumped to quantum entanglement. There is the possibility that the energy level between those particles rises to the level that forming the quantum-size black hole is possible. 

That thing can use to create the quantum channel or electromagnetic- or even gravitational wormhole (so-called "real" wormhole) between those objects. And those things can use to create a powerful and very effective communication channel for quantum computers and in long-range quantum communication. 

Quantum technology is coming. The difference between the quantum and nanomaterials is the size. Quantum materials are forming far smaller particles than nanomaterials. The idea is that by using wave movement the single atoms or quarks can move from one place to another one. So quantum technology affects subatomic particles or single atoms. 

Nanotechnology is forming of single molecules or atoms. And by using quantum technology that thing can make the parts of nanotechnology more accurate. If we are thinking possibility to make nanostructures. By using acetylene molecules and long carbon molecules. The acetylene molecules can position between carbon molecules, and that thing turns the molecule turn like a ladder. That kind of ladder-looking hydrocarbon molecule can store information. And it can use in the ROM (Read Only Memory)circuits as storing very complicated kernel programs. 

That thing can act as the frame for quantum machines. The thing is that quantum microchips and other things require extremely small systems. The ability to make the quantum entanglements means that single atoms or ions can locate precisely in the right position. 

But that kind of system requires extremely high accuracy. And one of the systems that require high accuracy positioning is quantum computers. In that system the electrons or photons that are put to superposition transmit data. The electron can position to WARP-bubble by loading it with a high power energy load. And that thing makes it travel faster than other ways. Another thing that makes quantum-size WARP-bubble an interesting, tool is that it allows full control of those qubits. 

Quantum entanglement has an effect over time. This thing makes that effect extremely interesting. There is a possibility to affect quantum entanglement by stressing it with high-accurate energy loads. In that case, the energy load will target the ends of quantum entanglement.

Or energy load will position to the energy channel between that superposition and entangled particle pair. The thing is that superpositioned and entangled particles can bring information to the observer faster than if the information is coming through the air. 

This kind of system is making it possible to move single photons or electrons on the layers. In the quantum world, the layer can be physical or it can be the electromagnetic field where the particles are hovering above the EM-field.


Friday, December 10, 2021

The new type of logic bomb is turning physical.

 The new type of logic bomb is turning physical.

A logic bomb is a computer virus that destroys databases or entire systems. Those computer viruses can be activated by data or by giving some stealth command to the targeted system. That command might be some kind of ALT+255 type order that activates the virus code. 

The traditional logic bombs can slip into the systems in the updates. In some scenarios, that malicious code would be masked as the GPS signal or delivered between GPS packages. 

Or those logic bombs can be hidden in components. If it is remotely-activated malware code in the kernel of the microchip, that thing can cause very bad things. It can format the microchip. And without that thing the microchip is useless. 

But there is the possibility that the malware or logic bomb turns physical. In extreme cases, logic bombs or malware code slips in the nuclear enrichment plant. Or even nuclear reactors. In enrichment plants, the malicious code can simply accelerate centrifuge too high speed. If the rod of the centrifuge is too long that thing can cause a nuclear explosion. Especially, if the centrifuge is handling plutonium. Like it does in nuclear weapon production. 

If the speed of the centrifuge is too low in nuclear weapon production. That thing causes that there is a too low count of plutonium and the nuclear weapon doesn't explode. The centrifuge is used as the separator for uranium ore. The malware can force to shut down the nuclear reactors but that kind of software can cause the china syndrome where the nucleus of the reactor is melting. 

But the malicious software can also cause problems for producing things like fuels or explosives. There is the possibility that in the production process of explosives in the process slips too much nitric acid. And that turns it too hard. Or the malicious software would disturb the relationships in chemicals that are used for fuel. 

The new type of logic bomb is targeted to disturb the manufacturing process of the 3D-based printing technology. Those logic bombs can also disturb all work that is made by using automatized assembly lines. If there is a discontinuity in welds. 

Or internal structure in the 3D-printed machine parts like turbine wings that thing can be destructive. There are many points in the physical part's production processes where the logic bombs can affect.


The black hole can turn material younger. But it cannot fix the broken glasses.


 The black hole can turn material younger. But it cannot fix the broken glasses. 

The material is turning younger. If its speed crosses the speed of light. And that is possible only if we will drop it to the black hole. Or shoot it against the wall where it can virtually cross the speed of light we mean that we can turn fundamental particles like electrons or quarks or hadrons younger. 

So even the best researchers cannot fix things like drinking glass by using that method. Expanding the lifetime of neutron or proton is possible by shooting them with radiation. 

That thing means that we could reload the quantum field of the single fermions or hadrons by stressing them with radiation. But fixing things like dropped glasses or broken things is impossible because it requires traveling back in time. And that thing is impossible. We could theoretically create the box where the quantum fields are removed but that causes that energy travels from material faster to that box. 

And the material is aging. But for seeing the broken glass will fix again requires that the entire space is traveling back in time. And that thing requires faster-than speed of light travel which is impossible. Or maybe we can jump in the black hole and then travel back in time behind the event horizon where the escaping velocity is higher than the speed of light. 

So in this model, the black hole would not have its radiation zone. And no material drops in the black hole. And in that case, the astronaut would face the event horizon with a speed that is 99,99% of the speed of light. 

That keeps the acceleration gentle. So when an astronaut drops through the event horizon that person would not see anything. But if our astronaut looks backward. There is the possibility to see to the past. Or is it possible? The astronaut travels in the black hole with a speed. That is the same as photons. And that means the astronaut cannot see a thing because photons are hovering around that astronaut. 

And the only way where astronauts can travel is to the center of singularity. Logically thinking inside the event horizon the time moves backward. The reason for that is that the escaping velocity is higher than the speed of light. When the escaping velocity is the same. As the speed of light. Time is stopped. And when it turns higher, it turns to travel backward. 

In that case, our astronaut will come out from the black hole at the moment that is formed. That means our astronaut will live and feel good in the past. This is the simplified model where the information is not destroyed in the black hole. 

When we are thinking, that black holes destroy information. We should find out does that thing happens in the material disk? Or does it happen inside the event horizon? And what destroys information? 

The thing is that there is the theory that the event horizon is formed of the wave movement. In that case, the extremely powerful gravitation will cause that particles are starting to rotate the center of the black hole at the same speed as escaping velocity.

So if the escaping velocity is higher than the speed of light. That causes that the particles are starting to tunnel. While they orbit around the nucleus of the black hole. And that tunneling effect will stretch them to strings. And maybe those hypothetical strings are forming material near the black hole. In that case, the black hole affects the similar way to visible and dark material. 

Is it the gravitation that pulls the wave movement straight? Or is it the material that whirls around a black hole and impacts with particles that are dropping in it? Or maybe the radiation that orbits the singularity is the thing that destroys the data.

The researchers have shown that quantum tunneling is not instantaneous.


The researchers have shown that quantum tunneling is not instantaneous.

Image 1)"An electron wavepacket directed at a potential barrier. Note the dim spot on the right that represents tunneling electrons". (Wikipedia. Quantum tunneling)

In quantum tunneling, photons seem to travel faster than light. The reason for that is maybe that the photons are traveling inside the quantum fields when they are hitting the barrier. When photons are impacting during tunneling photons are traveling more time inside the quantum fields there is no turbulence. That is the reason why they seem to travel faster than other photons. 

Protection of the qubit is one of the most critical things in quantum computers. One of the best-looking solutions for transmitting data in quantum computers is to put the time crystals in the nanotube. And then the data can travel in those quantum tubes without turbulence. In quantum tunneling, the particle is compressed through the passage. 

The thing that, quantum tunneling is not instantaneous is a very big advantage for quantum systems like quantum communication. Quantum tunneling allows making qubit or information travel in the "tunnels" that is protecting the data. Quantum tunneling is a similar effect to normal tunneling. where the soundwave hits the wall or some other barrier. And its speed will increase. 

Image 2) "Quantum tunneling oscillations of probability in an integrable double-well of potential, seen in phase space". (Wikipedia, Quantum tunneling)

Image 3)"Chaos-assisted tunneling oscillations between two regular tori embedded in a chaotic sea, seen in phase space". (Wikipedia, Quantum tunneling)

Atomic or molecular tunneling is a similar effect to quantum tunneling. The moving particles will transmit their energy to the barrier. 

Sometimes an idea is introduced such an effect can use to increase the power of a rocket motor. In that system. Water would be sprayed, horizontally into the exhaust gases of the rocket engine. That the rocket motor can push against thicker material. 

And that thicker material would just increase the speed of exhaust gas. But the problem is where that water is put in the rocket. Sometimes is introduced that at the side of the rocket will fly another rocket that injects water in the exhaust gas of another rocket. But those kinds of solutions are not practical. 

When a sound wave hits the wall. It transfers its energy to the wall, and then the atoms in the wall are starting to transmit the energy. The quantum tunneling happens also through the barrier, but the size of interacting particles is smaller. And also the wave movement can tunnel through the barrier. 

The thing is that quantum tunneling would help to protect data. The time crystals can position in the nanotubes and the quantum computer would just push energy to those atom lines. The energy of the qubit will just transmit to the line of the atoms. And those atoms could be at the time crystals. That thing would make it possible to transmit data in quantum computers.


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