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Showing posts from December, 2021

About WARP bubbles and Alcubierre drive:

   About WARP bubbles and Alcubierre drive:  "A properly constructed Alcubierre warp bubble. As space constricts in front of the vessel and expands behind, the ship is theoretically pushed forward at speeds faster than light." "Image: LSI, White, et al."(Paging Zefram Cochrane: (Humans have figured out how to make a warp bubble) "Don't pack your bags and move to Bozeman yet. This micro-scale warp bubble won't be capable of propulsion, but it could have myriad other applications, says its discoverer Dr. Sonny White"(Paging Zefram Cochrane: Humans have figured out how to make a warp bubble) At this moment, WARP is theoretical but the most promising tool to travel very close to the speed of light. Or it can also even cross the speed of light. But that technology is in the study and theory. There is no evidence about existing of Alcubierre drive. But studies around that thing are continuing.  The idea of one version of the WARP bubble drives is that th

First-time fusion reactor released more energy than it absorbs.

     First-time fusion reactor released more energy than it absorbs. Image 1 Tokamak reactor I have written before that while we are waiting for fusion power. We should also develop other choices for energy solutions. The thing is that fusion power is near to its breakthrough. But same time nobody knows when the first commercial fusion system is starting to produce energy. So we should not put all toys in the same box.  But the case that fusion power creates more energy than its fuel absorbs. Is a breakthrough, that nobody expected to see. The fusion power plant could use the pulsing system where the power unit produces energy as the pulses. The thing is that in this case, the energy can transfer to the battery platform. And then it can deliver to the electric network.  Those batteries can be high-voltage capacitors which are storing the power that is released. When the fusion reactor is delivering its energy. The thing is that the pulsing fusion reactor is not necessary the torus-look

The future of interstellar spacecraft.

The future of interstellar spacecraft.  The interstellar spacecraft might not come to practice very soon. But the fact is that theoretical research. Along with careful missions is opening the road to the interstellar journey. And maybe the time of that mission will come in 200-300 years. The fact is that nobody knows when we are ready to travel to the other solar system. When we remember history many things have been "impossible".   The Chinese knew how to make gunpowder rockets in the 200s(1). And the Russian Konstantin Tsiolkovsky(2)(1857-1935) created theoretical research with rocketry and spaceflight in the 19th century. The thing is that things like interplanetary spaceflights. And space elevators(3) are also invented by Konstantin Tsilkovsky.  Image 2: Konstantin Tsiolkovsky (1857-1935) That man is called "the Father of the spaceflight". Tsiolkovsky also created research and articles about "lighter than air aviation". There was a rumor that Tsiolkovs

The need of the customer plays a primary role in data technology.

     The need of the customer plays a primary role in data technology.  Determining the use of the system is important because that makes systems effective, and the multi-use tools might first seem more uncomfortable and slower than single-use systems. The thing is that when the power of the hardware is rising. Code that is driven on the hardware is turning more complicated.  And the similar advantage continues in quantum computers. The need to drive more complicated code for more independently operating artificial intelligence. Causes that also the power of quantum computers must increase. The thing that makes this need is that if some researcher can leave the entire routine process for computers that releases the time of that person for some other things.  In scientific work and other duties, boring mechanical works can be left for AI-driven systems.  The AI can use for routine duties like observing the searching the changes in the brightness of the stars. In search of an exoplanet,

Machine learning needs stimulus for making solutions.

 Machine learning needs stimulus for making solutions.  "A barren plateau is a trainability problem that occurs in machine learning optimization algorithms when the problem-solving space turns flat as the algorithm is run. Researchers at Los Alamos National Laboratory have developed theorems to prove that any given algorithm will avoid a barren plateau as it scales up to run on a quantum computer." ( Have you heard of a "barren plateaus" problem? The name of that problem is coming from the J.R.R Tolkien book. Wherein the fictive Middle land is the very dry and hot place. The image, above this text, introduces the "barren plateaus" problem very well.  In the next example, the food and water are the information. If a creature lives in the "fresh plateaus" it can take nutrients from nature. There is a bigger chance to make mistakes. But the nutrient is versatile a

The center of the development of AI should be how that thing can serve people better?

   The center of the development of AI should be how that thing can serve people better? The problem with artificial intelligence development is that the intrinsic value. That means that creation of the more and more intelligent machines is the prime objective. In that development process, the developing artificial intelligence is intrinsic value.  The prime objective should be how artificial intelligence can serve humans. How AI might turn life easier and safer? When we are thinking that AI can fully replace humans that thing is pure imagination. There are lots of things that we don't know about brains. We know maybe how neurons are switching connections and how brains are learning new things.  But we don't know what kind of role certain things are in certain actions. The things like imagination are totally out of artificial intelligence. Even if we could model that ability to abstract thinking in theory. That thing is hard to make in real life.  The complicated AI requires po

The noise is a problem for voice commanding robots.

    The noise is a problem for voice commanding robots.  Artificial intelligence and especially in voice commands is one problem. And the name of that problem is noise. When people are giving orders to robots the problem is how to filter those orders which given in purpose from the noise around the area. The selection is important when the orders are given to robots that operate in the middle of people.  The voice commands what the robot that operates at the station can consist of things that "would you step away" or "help" which means some person needs help. But how to separate the ask for carrying packages from the cases where somebody drops on the railway? And of course, there are many commands that robots should not follow in every case. The thing is that if the robots would get command to hurt somebody.  That robot should not follow it. But the problem is how the robot separates the orders from the "ducky talk". One version is, of course, following th

Powerful magnets can use for many purposes.

 Powerful magnets can use for many purposes.  "Illustration of a microtube implosion. Due to the laser-produced hot electrons with megaelectron volt energies, cold ions in the inner wall surface implode toward the central axis. By pre-seeding uniform magnetic fields of the kilotesla order, the Lorentz force induces a Larmor gyromotion of the imploding ions and electrons". "Due to the resultant collective motion of relativistic charged particles around the central axis, strong spin currents of approximately peta-ampere/cm^2 are produced with a few tens of nm size, generating megatesla-order magnetic fields. Credit: Masakatsu Murakami" (ScitechDaily, Towards Megatesla Magnetic Fields by Microtube Implosions) Who has got the most powerful magnet? The answer is that who has got the most powerful microtube implosion. In that technology, the system will conduct energy to the microtube. And that thing makes it possible to create a megatesla magnetic field. The powerful mag

ESA Mars Express probe transmitted data from the Chinese Zhurong Mars rover.

 ESA Mars Express probe transmitted data from the Chinese Zhurong Mars rover.  Image 1.  In this test, the Chinese rover sends a blind data package by using ESA Mars Express orbital probe as a relay station. That probe ended its mission in 2005. The "blind" data transmitted means that the Chinese rover used the data transmission protocol that looks like UDP where the transmitting system doesn't get the echo and the system sends data blindly. That means the receiving system doesn't know that if the system received data.  The receiving system can send checksum or that data as an echo. To make sure that the data is received. This kind of "blind" communication could help to save the rovers and probes. That is lost control of the ground station. In that kind of case, the elder probes can transmit the aiming data for the communication antenna.  Image 2 There is also the possibility that Earth is sending the laser marks for aiming the prime communication antenna. I

Quantum mechanics and artificial intelligence are used to model high-temperature chemical reactions.

 Quantum mechanics and artificial intelligence are used to model high-temperature chemical reactions.  "Schematic of the bridging of the cold quantum world. And high-temperature metal extraction with machine learning". Credit: Rodrigo Ortiz de la Morena and Jose A. Garrido Torres/Columbia Engineering(SciTechDaily) The chemical reactions are similar to the reactions in the quantum world. But the scale of those reactions is larger. And artificial intelligence can use to model reactions between high-temperature and low-temperature objects. Also, artificial intelligence can use to model how the reactions in the quantum world affect molecules?  There are certain rules on how chemical bonds form or how they cut. When we are thinking about chemical bonds. They are like small-size feet or hands. That are connecting atoms. In the world of chemicals, everything has some kind of effect on the reaction. When the energy level of the components of the chemical reactions is chanced.  That t

Big Bang and beyond.

     Big Bang and beyond. So what kind of case the Big Bang was? Was it the release of the subatomic particles from the erupting black hole? In that scenario, energy started to flow away from that Black Hole because it was higher energetic than its environment.  And energy is flowing to the lower energy areas. The question is: did the Big Bang release material to the universe. Did it turn the existing material into another? And which way did energy flow travel if that thing happened?  The thing is that energy is always traveling to the lower energetic areas. So the energy balance between the matter and the environment determines which way energy flows.  If the environment is lower energetic than material energy travels from the material to the environment. And if the material is lower energetic than its environment energy travels to the material. Energy flow continues until the energy levels between particles. The environment is the same.  Another thing could be that the Big Bang was t

WARP-bubble and quantum tunneling along with Tipler cylinders might solve at least part of the problems of interstellar travel.

   WARP-bubble and quantum tunneling along with Tipler cylinders might solve at least part of the problems of interstellar travel. What if engineers will connect rocket engines to the Tipler cylinder. And then send it to travel to Alpha Centauri with the speed of 50% of the speed of light. If the rotating speed of the core of the Tipler cylinder would be 90% of the speed of light. And its speed to target is 50% of the speed of light. That thing means the speed of the cylinder's core is 140% of the speed of light. And that thing can make the time travel backward in the cylinder.  The problem of aging of the crew of the interstellar spacecraft is solved by accelerating craft to speed that is the speed of light. But the problem is that this thing would not stop the aging of the people outside the craft. And if the interstellar spacecraft will travel to the Alpha Centauri with the speed of light. That takes four years to there and four years back. That trip will minimum of eight years.

Evidence of dark-matter free galaxies

   Evidence of dark-matter free galaxies Dark matter-free galaxies are the thing that is opening one of the most incredible scenarios in the world. The thing proves that dark matter is not located everywhere in the universe. And that means there is the possibility that the dark matter is forming similar structures with visible material.  And that thing is opening interesting visions of the dark universe with invisible planets and solar systems. But there is no evidence about those structures. The dark matter free galaxies mean that the dark matter can also vanish or turn to wave movement.  In that scenario, the bubble of nothingness or so-called empty quantum field, the area where is no quantum fields can cause that dark matter is starting to send wave movement to that bubble. And those particles are turning to wave movement.  When we are seeing galaxies there is no dark matter. It doesn't mean that dark matter does not exist. It means that the position of dark matter has no connec

The quantum entanglement can use as quantum tweezers.

     The quantum entanglement can use as quantum tweezers. Quantum materials like time crystals are impressive tools. But there is the possibility that quantum materials can be more than just some time or electron crystals. The quantum material could also be the "molecule" that is created by using subatomic particles like quarks. The hypothetical quark molecules are similar to normal molecules. But they are formed of quarks.  The quantum entanglement could be a useful tool for creating electron structures that are a little bit larger than quarks. In electron crystals, electrons are glued together by using microgravity. But there is theoretically possible to make more complicated structures by using electrons.  When those more complicated structures are made. The most important thing is extremely high accuracy. In that kind of process, an electron can take in that power field between those particles. And that power field is used to move single electrons or protons. That allows

Time reversal symmetries and space reflection are used to control quantum materials.

     Time reversal symmetries and space reflection are used to control quantum materials. Above this text is an image that introduces time symmetry. This kind of thing can also use to create the quantum-size black hole. When the energy is pumped to quantum entanglement. There is the possibility that the energy level between those particles rises to the level that forming the quantum-size black hole is possible.  That thing can use to create the quantum channel or electromagnetic- or even gravitational wormhole (so-called "real" wormhole) between those objects. And those things can use to create a powerful and very effective communication channel for quantum computers and in long-range quantum communication.  Quantum technology is coming. The difference between the quantum and nanomaterials is the size. Quantum materials are forming far smaller particles than nanomaterials. The idea is that by using wave movement the single atoms or quarks can move from one place to another on

The new type of logic bomb is turning physical.

 The new type of logic bomb is turning physical. A logic bomb is a computer virus that destroys databases or entire systems. Those computer viruses can be activated by data or by giving some stealth command to the targeted system. That command might be some kind of ALT+255 type order that activates the virus code.  The traditional logic bombs can slip into the systems in the updates. In some scenarios, that malicious code would be masked as the GPS signal or delivered between GPS packages.  Or those logic bombs can be hidden in components. If it is remotely-activated malware code in the kernel of the microchip, that thing can cause very bad things. It can format the microchip. And without that thing the microchip is useless.  But there is the possibility that the malware or logic bomb turns physical. In extreme cases, logic bombs or malware code slips in the nuclear enrichment plant. Or even nuclear reactors. In enrichment plants, the malicious code can simply accelerate centrifuge too

The black hole can turn material younger. But it cannot fix the broken glasses.

    The black hole can turn material younger. But it cannot fix the broken glasses.  The material is turning younger. If its speed crosses the speed of light. And that is possible only if we will drop it to the black hole. Or shoot it against the wall where it can virtually cross the speed of light we mean that we can turn fundamental particles like electrons or quarks or hadrons younger.  So even the best researchers cannot fix things like drinking glass by using that method. Expanding the lifetime of neutron or proton is possible by shooting them with radiation.  That thing means that we could reload the quantum field of the single fermions or hadrons by stressing them with radiation. But fixing things like dropped glasses or broken things is impossible because it requires traveling back in time. And that thing is impossible. We could theoretically create the box where the quantum fields are removed but that causes that energy travels from material faster to that box.  And the materi

The researchers have shown that quantum tunneling is not instantaneous.

    The researchers have shown that quantum tunneling is not instantaneous. Image 1)"An electron wavepacket directed at a potential barrier. Note the dim spot on the right that represents tunneling electrons". (Wikipedia. Quantum tunneling) In quantum tunneling, photons seem to travel faster than light. The reason for that is maybe that the photons are traveling inside the quantum fields when they are hitting the barrier. When photons are impacting during tunneling photons are traveling more time inside the quantum fields there is no turbulence. That is the reason why they seem to travel faster than other photons.  Protection of the qubit is one of the most critical things in quantum computers. One of the best-looking solutions for transmitting data in quantum computers is to put the time crystals in the nanotube. And then the data can travel in those quantum tubes without turbulence. In quantum tunneling, the particle is compressed through the passage.  The thing that, quant