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The neural spiral in our brains can mean very much to the human species.

 The neural spiral in our brains can mean very much to the human species.

And researchers can use the human brain as the model for AI-based solutions that are better than ever before. 

The neural spiral in the human brain is an impressive thing. It transmits information around our brain. And that thing is suspected behind the consequence. The thing in the neural spiral is that it gives brains the ability to analyze situations better. 

And that neural spiral gives us the thing called patience. That neural spiral makes our neural system better than insects. In insects neural system signals travel in one direction and that thing gives them an effective ability to handle information. 

But that thing means that if an insect decides to attack it will not think about the situation anymore, and that thing causes death if it attacks against the superior predator. If a human sees a cave bear human will go to a weapon before the hunter even thinks of attacking against bear. The neural spiral gives the hunter deliberation, and that ability is the thing that can save the hunter's life. 

Researchers used the human and other specie's brains as a model for high-power supercomputers. The human brain works like a computer. And that means it can give a model for next-generation systems. 

The thing is that researchers can model the neural spiral from the human brain into computers and morph networks. The AI-based morphing network means that the system can, as an example, forget things. The AI can have values that if the system doesn't use some database in a certain time the system removes those files. 

If we think about the mark of the recycling center, we can think that arrows are the sequences or pulses when data travels between computers. And at the end of every pulse is the computer. The system drives data in the direction where arrows show. And every time the data travels through the computer, that system analyzes the data that is handled by a computer. That is behind that ring. 

Image: Recycle mark can used as a model for spiral computing structure. Every arrow symbolizes the pulse where information travels between computers. And then after each pulse, the information travels through the computer that processes it. The number of processing sequences depends on how many times information travels in that circle. 

So the system can send the data to travel around this spiral or ring, and in every pulse, the data system can breed the information. That kind of system can be the ultimate tool for AI to analyze data. The type of those computers is not important. And they could be regular binary computers, DNA-based computers that can drive billions of programs at one time or they can be quantum computers. 

The AI-based kernel can make computers more powerful than ever before. And carbon nanotubes can make lightweight quantum computers possible. Every layer in the carbon nanotube is one state of qubit. So the four-layer carbon nanotube can act as a qubit where is one layer for zero, and three layers are for states 1,2, and 3. In the image is a layer nanotube, that could have qubit states 0,1 and 2. 

Maybe those lightweight systems are not as powerful as some superquantum computers. But they are more powerful than modern binary PCs.  And nobody expects that laptops can make the same things as supercomputers. 

The AI-based kernel can improve the system's power in every computer type. The binary computer can use different wires for transmitting one and zero. In that model, electricity that travels in wire one gives value one. And the electricity that travels in the wire two gives a value of zero. That thing makes the binary computer faster than ever before. And AI-based kernels can make this kind of system possible. 

By using fullerene nanotubes is possible to transmit information. In the form of qubits. In that model, each layer in a multi-layer nanotube is a certain state of the qubit. The quantum system can transfer data to those multi-layer carbon nanotubes. And that makes some kind of lightweight quantum computer possible. 

If there are four layers in the nanotube, that thing means that there is one zero layer and three states in qubits. This kind of system might not seem very impressive. But we can say that this kind of system's calculation power is enough for many simulations. 

The fact is that. The Internet allows to use of high-power quantum computers over the net by using laptops or even mobile telephones. That means the high-power quantum computers can be far away from their users. 

So lightweight quantum computers are not as powerful as super-powerful quantum computers that are in data centers. We can say that we don't even think that some laptops or home PCs have the same calculation power as some supercomputers have. However, the internet allows the users of the laptops can use the abilities of supercomputers.


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