Researchers can use magnetic monopoles as fundamental ion technology and ultimate stealth solutions.
Magnetic monopoles could offer the fuel for futuristic ion engines.
Magnetic monopoles are very short-living. When a magnetic field that pushes electrons or protons together will be turned off the magnetic forces separate those protons or electrons. The idea to use magnetic monopoles as the tool for giving thrust for the ion engines comes from that thing. The idea is that the system packs a magnetic monopole like a proton ball.
And then the system drives that monopole in the rocket's reaction chamber. Then the electromagnetic repel pushes those particles out of the form, and those protons or electrons give thrust to the rocket. In that case, the explosion of a nuclear pellet or fusion material is replaced by using a magnetic monopole. The power of those systems might not be as high as a fusion engine, but those magnetic monopoles that split into pieces will give thrust to spacecraft or aircraft.
In some visions, the ball-shaped lighter-than-air vehicle will use the magnetic monopolar shell to transfer ions behind it. The idea is that the system sprays ions to the front of the craft. And then those ions impact with other ions that come from the back. That thing causes the plasma pulse that can push the craft forward.
It's possible that in graphene net are protons or electrons. The electron layer could be anchored over that proton layer. And then those electrons form the magnetic monopole around that craft.
There is a possibility that some so-called UFOs are ball-shaped aerial vehicles that use plasma or pulsed plasma engines. The system would be the mylar-ball-airship, where is the whisk-looking structure inside it. The whisk-looking structure is the thing that transfers ions in the wanted direction. That happens by conducting electricity into the wanted wheel of that whisk. The system works like a giant Earth when it creates the plasma pulse. The plasma travels through the N and S-poles and then those anion and ion flows will impact behind that ball forming the thrust.
The plasma pulses can also make aircraft invisible to radars. Also, plasma pulses can be used as plasmoid weapons. In those systems, the ion or anion cloud will shoot ahead incoming target.
The high-energy particles cause problems with satellites. And that makes plasmoid or plasma-ion weapons dangerous. If an attacker loads an object, like a satellite using N-pole electricity. That makes it pull electrons or high-energy killer electrons into its shell.
Those killer electrons are quite the usual thing in Van Allen belts. When electrons travel around the Earth they will get energy from the Sun and cosmic radiation as well as from plasma that Earth is trapped in those Van Allen plasma belts.
"A new study reveals the escalating threat of “killer electrons” during geomagnetic storms, urging for fortified satellite infrastructure to mitigate potential space weather damages. This research serves as a benchmark for preparing and safeguarding the expanding space sector, which significantly influences a myriad of industries and global communications." (’s Silent Threat: Scientists Shed New Light on “Killer Electrons”)
Iron, stealth, and magnetic monopoles are an interesting combination.
Then, that target will loaded with a magnetic field with opposite polarity. If the target travels through particle clouds with N-polarity, and the target itself has S-polarity. That causes a situation where those N-polarity particles are impacting the craft. That particle flow can destroy the target if the impacting particles have a very high energy level. And that thing makes so-called killer electrons devastating.
ELF radiowaves are pushing those high-energy electrons away from the satellite. But the same thing pulls killer protons, or extremely high energy protons to the satellite. The negative electromagnetic fields can pull anti-electrons or positrons against targets. And that makes protection against those high-energy particles very hard.
There is the possibility to turn things like iron atoms in one direction by using extremely powerful magnetic fields. That thing means that if in the middle of an aircraft or spacecraft is a high-power magnet that thing can turn N- or S-poles in the same direction. And that thing makes it possible to cover the entire layer with only N- (or S) poles. That thing forms the magnetic monopole layer that aims ions and radio waves in one direction. And that kind of monopolar layer makes the new types of stealth possible.
Even if the magnets cannot turn atoms in iron crystals in one direction, their 2D graphene can make this thing possible. In that model, the system will put iron atoms into the holes in 2D graphene. And then magnets will turn that thing in one direction. That allows the system to create a layer, where there is only an S- or N pole. The monopolar magnetic layer can make ultimate stealth possible.
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