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Showing posts from September, 2023

The BAE's solar power military drone: Called the Phasa-35 can replace geostationary satellites.

    The BAE's solar power military drone: Called the Phasa-35 can replace geostationary satellites.  Phasa-35-drone is one of the HASPs or (High-Altitude Pseudo Satellites). Most of those drones are solar-powered aircraft that use small electric engines. Those high-flying pseudo-satellites can replace orbital satellites at least in AWAC (Aiborne Warning and Control) and airborne observation systems. The typical HASP is a system that uses solar power in the daytime. And night time the system uses batteries.  The high-flying solar-powered aircraft might look slow. But that kind of aircraft can control areas and make ELINT and other kinds of missions like in civil and military sectors. Those high-flying aircraft can use low-observable technology like stealth materials and intelligent, AI-based jammer systems. They can equipped with lidars, radars, and laser pointers that can point targets from the ground. The high-flying solar power aircraft can offer radar- and radio communication ov

The new types of engines use cold atoms to make electricity.

 The new types of engines use cold atoms to make electricity.  The new piston engine creates energy from ultra-cold atoms. The idea is that those ultra-cold atoms will be injected into the chamber. There the explosion of the ultra-cold atoms moves the piston.  The new type of engine creates energy from ultra-cold atoms. The engine benefits energy flow between objects in different energy levels. The energy always flows from a higher energy level to a lower energy level.  The first Stirling engines used hot air. The design of that engine is from the 19th century. Then the steam and combustion engines replaced that system. The Stirling engines can use solar power for making needed thermodifference. And that thing makes them promising tools for green engineering.  But basically, engineers can make the same eff by using a room temperature system. And on the other side will be a box, filled with a block of extremely ice. In that engine the air flow is important. And the thing that makes this

A liquid computer based on DNA can be one of the most promising tools for computing.

 A liquid computer based on DNA can be one of the most promising tools for computing.  The multitask means the ability to drive multiple programs at the same time. And if the DNA-based computer can drive 10 billion programs at the same time it can operate multiple variables at the same time. Multitasking processors make control of large drone swarms and other large-size systems effective. If multitasking processors control drone swarms they can reserve one room for each drone.  DNA-based computers are one of the solutions that can run complicated AI software. One of the biggest problems with AI and compact robots is that the complicated AI-based software that controls robots requires powerful computers. Powerful computers require lots of power. The power source is hard to fit into the compact robot's body. The quantum computers that can theoretically be the atom size can be the answer, but the problem is how to make those atom-size quantum computers operate with robot bodies.  &quo

Dark energy is one of the biggest mysteries in the universe.

    Dark energy is one of the biggest mysteries in the universe.  Dark energy is roughly 68% of the universe. The source of dark energy is unknown. Some researchers believe that black holes are the source of that unknown wave movement that rips the universe into pieces. The idea of this theory is that the universe is full of black holes. Some of them are smaller than atoms. Every black hole is the tube or tunnel between the third and fourth dimensions.  The dark energy would be energy, that falls from the fourth dimension into the third dimension (or dimension where we live) through black holes. When material falls in a black hole, it interacts with energy that falls from the fourth dimension or the energy level that is so high, that material cannot interact with so high-energy material.  Black holes can cause a situation where the energy level in a material rises so high that it loses its ability to interact with other particles. If we look at image 2, the droplet that is separated fr

Does the AI take jobs from programmers?

     Does the AI take jobs from programmers?  Before we start to discuss topics: Will the AI take jobs from programmers? We must realize that the AI will not do any work for humans. Even if AI is an excellent tool for programming the human operators must check the code.  Things like Chat GPT and Bing could be excellent programming tools but their limits are this. They need a very complicated and precise description of what the user wants. And that is quite hard to make without knowledge of programming. Without precise and clear orders the AI cannot create the code from public databases.  So again: Does the AI take jobs from programmers?  The answer is yes and no. If the AI makes the computer programs, it requires very accurate orders. And people who give orders for the AI must understand something about programming. When we think about public AIs like Bing and Chat GPT they can make effective complicated code structures.  Those code structures are easy to modify from the trunk where th

Could the mysterious RNA circles produced in Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases be the key to those symptoms?

 Could the mysterious RNA circles produced in Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases be the key to those symptoms?  The RNA circle acts like a computer program's loop when it travels through a cell organ without the ability to separate itself from that organ. The cell organ continues that process until the RNA circle is removed from that cell organ. And if that RNA circle does not remove its touch, it damages the cell organ.  The cell uses RNA molecules to control it's organs. When RNA circle travels through a cell organelle or cell organ it controls the actions of that thing. If a circle-looking RNA molecule travels through a cell organ without the ability to separate itself it keeps the cell organ busy. When a circle-looking RNA molecule travels through cell organs it acts like a computer program's loop. That RNA circle is the thing that keeps the cell organ busy, and it doesn't have time to do anything else.  "Researchers have identified over 11,000 circRN

MIT introduces pathfinder technology in underwater communication.

 MIT introduces pathfinder technology in underwater communication.  Acoustic communication that uses coherent sound waves is not a new thing. Submarines have used that technology for years. The idea is that, if the system communicates with coherent acoustic beams, outside observers cannot hear that sound. Also, coherent, mono-frequent systems can communicate through longer distances, if researchers can find the frequency where there are no other disturbing sound effects. Those silent frequencies exist in acoustics as well they exist in electromagnetism.  There are many versions of acoustic communication systems. Some of them use chemical batteries, and some others use systems that deliver electricity when they react with sodium that is in seawater. In some versions, the system uses a vertical tube. When water travels through that tube it rotates dynamo. The  MIT system uses piezo-electric crystals that deliver energy when pressure impulses hit them.  "MIT’s breakthrough underwater

The WLAN can turn to radar that sees through walls.

The WLAN can turn to radar that sees through walls.  There are two versions of radars. The regular radars that radio pulses reflect from surfaces. And that thing makes radar possible to see targets through the clouds and fog. That is regular scanning radar. Another version of radars is the "X-ray radar". The "X-ray radar" uses radio waves similar way as X-ray systems use X-rays. The radio transmitter can be on another side of the house.  Then the system transmits radio waves that travel through the house. The receiver is on the opposite side of the target. So this kind of thing can be the radio-frequency X-ray machine. This kind of system works with extremely high accuracy. If we think about texts on paper. The reason why that radar system can read it is that ink is a different material than paper.  The system uses the differences in thickness of ink and paper. The same system can read files from the computer's screen. The reason for that is that the energy leve

The SLAC National Acceleration Laboratory created the most powerful X-ray laser.

 The SLAC National Acceleration Laboratory created the most powerful X-ray laser.  Researchers are developing X-ray lasers because they offer new abilities for information, weapons, and material research. In communication tools X-ray lasers can use technology where the system sends highly accurate X-ray impulses to the two receivers. When the X-ray beam hits receiver A it gives a value of 1 (one). And when the X-ray beam hits receiver B the value could be zero (0).  That kind of system requires AI-based kernels. But X-ray systems can communicate through walls. And that radiation is very hard to capture. So X-ray lasers provide a new and secure communication tool and they also can be used in photonic computing. The problem is that there are no mirrors that can reflect X-rays, and that makes X-ray lasers hard to develop.  "The newly upgraded Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) X-ray free-electron laser (XFEL) at the Department of Energy’s SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory successf

Researchers created the ability to mass-produce nanomaterial called "MXene".

 Researchers created the ability to mass-produce nanomaterial called "MXene".  The nanomaterial "MXene" is the material that turns harder when somebody or something presses it. The "MXene" is one of the examples of 2D "molecular structures". When somebody talks about the 2D nanomaterial, normally people talk about the graphene, an atom layer of carbon.  The "molecular 2D" structures mean that the material is one layer of molecules like lipids. Those lipide molecules are forming soap, and sometimes those lipids are used as tweezers in nanotechnology. But if engineers will cover the entire layer using one lipide layer that material will get new abilities. The thing that makes the nanomaterial interesting is its form. When somebody tries to push one layer-lipids that are in the same way together the lipide's "feet" are pushing against each other.  "KIST researchers developed a method to predict molecule distribution on M

Dark matter and gravitons are the biggest mysteries in the universe.

    Dark matter and gravitons are the biggest mysteries in the universe.  Could an extremely small primordial black hole that is smaller than gluon be the source of gravitational radiation and gravitational waves?  If a graviton is an extremely small primordial black hole. That explains dark energy. The atom-size or smaller black holes can be stable. If they get enough energy. Those small black holes interact similar way as the larger black holes. And there are energy beams also in those small black hole's poles. The energy that leaves those poles could be the thing called dark energy.  If those small black holes are between quarks and gluons they could send radiation into both particles. The pushing radiation that comes out from primordial black holes would impact into quark and gluon. There those particles will take that energy into their quantum field.  When those quarks and gluons send radiation that they get from that primordial black hole back there is forming a channel where

DNA-based computing is a promising tool for high-power data systems.

 DNA-based computing is a promising tool for high-power data systems.  DNA and biochemistry with molecular biology are emerging and promising tools for high-power computing. The DNA-based computers can use the biochemical core along with DNA. And then, that system can communicate with regular microelectronics. The system can run over 100 billion programs, and that makes the system an interesting multi-tasker. The DNA molecules can act as the programs for next-generation AI-based microchip-kernel applications. Chemical DNA computing uses nanotechnical systems to make the DNA that acts as the perforated tape in that system. In those models, the DNA transfers information between processors. In that model, DNA replaces electric wires in components as data transporter. But it requires fast-operating nanotechnology.  The most futuristic visions of DNA-based computers are computers that use fast-operating nanotechnology. In that model, the system creates the synthetic DNA molecules by using n

Micro LEDs and neutrinos are new tools for next-generation optical computing.

    Micro LEDs and neutrinos are new tools for next-generation optical computing.  Optical computing is one of the most promising tools for creating new and powerful computers. Similar theories that researchers made for regular computers can be used in optical computers. The problem is how to transform photons into electric information. In some models, information travels between switches and photon transistors and gates in photon form.  At the point where information travels to a switch or router a photovoltaic cell turns it into the electric form. And the other side the miniature LED turns it back into the photonic form. Or the router can replaced by using miniature mirrors. That increases the photonic volume in the data processing.  "Researchers have highlighted the potential of on-chip nanophotonic systems as a solution to the challenges presented by traditional electrical networks. These systems utilize light for data transmission, offering increased bandwidth and speed"

The next step in generative AI is interactive generative AI.

The next step in generative AI is interactive generative AI. The interactive AI means that the person just talks to AI and then AI follows the orders. The ability to use the natural language makes it easier to communicate with robots. The human operators can give instructions to robots on what they should do next.  The interactive AI-based translator makes it possible. People can use their languages in communication whenever they want. The translation program can installed on cell phones. And then people can use it like any other social media program. The communication could happen through central computers where the server program translates words to the target language.  Or the system can use the morphing network or cloud-based architecture where a cloud of cell phones shares their calculation capacity. Interactive AI can also be a powerful tool for programming and any other things like the R&D process of physical tools.  The interactive AI can give instructions to programmers. O

The neural spiral in our brains can mean very much to the human species.

 The neural spiral in our brains can mean very much to the human species. And researchers can use the human brain as the model for AI-based solutions that are better than ever before.  The neural spiral in the human brain is an impressive thing. It transmits information around our brain. And that thing is suspected behind the consequence. The thing in the neural spiral is that it gives brains the ability to analyze situations better.  And that neural spiral gives us the thing called patience. That neural spiral makes our neural system better than insects. In insects neural system signals travel in one direction and that thing gives them an effective ability to handle information.  But that thing means that if an insect decides to attack it will not think about the situation anymore, and that thing causes death if it attacks against the superior predator. If a human sees a cave bear human will go to a weapon before the hunter even thinks of attacking against bear. The neural spiral give

Radio transmission is the weak point of modern military drones.

 Radio transmission is the weak point of modern military drones.  The new British military jet-propelled "Hydra 400"quadcopter is an interesting design.  The new jet-propelled drone is an interesting design. The jet-propelled quadcopter can fly fast. And it can raise more cargo from the ground than electric engine drones. There is a possibility that these kinds of quadcopters can used as "quad autogyros".  In those designs, the quadcopters use their quad rotors for lift-off and landing. During a long-distance flight. The drone can use free-rotation propellers and a jet engine. And that thing makes those drones fast.  Those drones can used as kamikaze drones. Or they can launch missiles like Javelins if they are connected to them. The kamikaze quadcopters are interesting tools because they can observe the area. And if there are no targets those drones can return to base.  But if there are some kind of targets the drone can make it's surveillance mission and then

Chinese researchers manipulated miniature robots with laser rays.

 Chinese researchers manipulated miniature robots with laser rays.  Manipulating miniature robots with lasers can lead the road to next-generation nanotechnology. The system can manipulate nanostructures by benefiting the different material's ability to absorb different wavelengths. In another version, the feet and arms of the nanorobot are made by using different materials. And in that case, different materials can move by using lasers with different wavelengths.  The system can benefit the protein and temperature interaction that affects the length of protein fibers.  When a laser ray hits material it raises its temperature and makes it possible to manipulate the bonds. So if the left leg of the robot absorbs blue laser light stronger than the right leg, that causes a situation in which the laser raises the left leg's temperature. That thing causes a situation. Where the left leg moves faster than the right leg.  "Researchers develop tiny "dancing" robots."

Beyond Moore's law: how to make more powerful computers.

 Beyond Moore's law: how to make more powerful computers.  The main problem is how to keep the temperature in the computer system low.  Moore's law means that the number of transistors in microprocessors grows exponentially in time units. Or otherwise saying the number of transistors will double every year. Moore's law is not reality anymore. The reason for that is when the size of microprocessors and transistors is getting smaller, quantum phenomena like electromagnetic whirls cause problems. The resistance raises temperature which causes oscillation in wires. And that oscillation is the thing that disturbs high-power data transmission.  The reason why the researchers wanted to keep the size of microchips small is that long wires cause temperature problems and the electromagnetic turbulence and outside electromagnetic effects are causing more problems for microchips than short wires. And that's why a small microchip is less vulnerable to outcoming radio interference th

The 2D materials give the possibility to create new lightweight and stronger-than-diamond materials.

  The 2D materials give the possibility to create new lightweight and stronger-than-diamond materials.   The 2D materials are the next-generation products. That allows researchers to create strong and lightweight structures. The problem with 2D materials like graphene is that they lose their abilities if they cannot keep their 2D structures. Another problem is how to produce a large mass of graphene. Graphene itself is a material that makes it possible to create materials stronger than diamond.  Researchers can use graphene as boxes, which walls are created by using graphene. The fullerene nanotubes can form the frame inside the graphene box. Or the graphene boxes can connect by using those nanotubes.  When graphene is connected with another carbon's allotropic form called ANDR (Aggregated diamond nanorod) that thing can create a structure that resists vertical strikes better than diamonds.  The ANDR nanorods can be put as frames in those graphene boxes to give extra strength to th

The new kamikaze quadcopter could be a game-changer. But it can also cause risk for security.

   The new kamikaze quadcopter could be a game-changer. But it can also cause risk for security.  The new large-size anti-tank quadcopter is a tool whose abilities have not been realized yet. Aircraft or satellites can drop those kamikaze quadcopters into some operational area. And if the target for those systems is the silo-based ICBM systems. The quadcopter can wait for the silo's hatch to be open. Then those quadcopters will fly over the ICBM and detonate themselves just when the missile is firing. Anti-tank quadcopters can make holes in the submarine's hulls.  Also, agents can carry those kamikaze quadcopters near airfields or other military bases. Then those drones will fly into the ammunition dumps or they can cause damage to radar systems or electric supply, destroy aircraft, or detonate ammunition dumps.  "Rotem Alpha anti-tank drone at DSEI 2023 in London Image: DAVID HAMBLING" (, Super-Smart Kamikaze Quadcopter ‘Bringing Anti-Tank Domin

Photon-neutrino interactions open new views to those mysterious particles.

   Photon-neutrino interactions open new views to those mysterious particles.  In some visions, the neutrino is very close to hypothetical WIMP (Weakly interacting massive particle) which are dark matter particles. There could be two ways how WIMP can be massive. One is that a single WIMP can have a higher energy level than visible material. And the second is that there are lots of WIMPs that are massive in entirety.  So the WIMP makes interaction between visible material as a group. In some models, there are two types of WIMPs. The high-energy WIMPs form the hot dark matter. And low-energy WIMPs could be particles of the cold dark matter. And in visible material. The energy level is between those hot and cold WIMPs or hot and cold dark matter.  Normally, think that the universe has three main parts. Those parts are dark energy, dark matter, and visible material. In some models, there is hot and cold dark matter. And visible material is between those dark matter types. The thing, that

The cosmic structure growth is suppressed, and nobody knows why.

    The cosmic structure growth is suppressed, and nobody knows why. The question is about the effects of dark matter and dark energy. There is a theory that there are two dark matter types. Hot dark matter is a material. Whose energy level is higher than visible material. Cold dark matter is material whose energy level is lower than visible material.  Which way does energy travel? In this image, we can think that hot dark matter is the thing that is marked "dark matter". When that hypothetical material's energy level decreases. It turns into visible materials or atoms. Finally, it turns into cold dark matter and when those particles collapse into a 2D form they will make a short-term pothole that fills, and when quantum fields impact that pothole. They send energy impulses, that we see as dark energy.  So energy travels from hot dark matter through visible matter into cold dark matter. The cold dark matter would be material that has a 2-dimensional structure. And that ma